
Apocalypse - I Can See Through Everything

Henry woke up to find himself in a post-apocalyptic world! Survival became the common goal for everyone! But Henry was different from ordinary people; he could see hints that others couldn't. Henry could see hidden information: [It seems this boss has a wound on its back, attacking there could cause triple damage!] [Something might be buried under that big tree ahead? Digging it up could reveal a surprise!] [This lake seems extraordinary, fishing here might yield a surprise!] [This dungeon appears to have a hidden level with even more powerful monsters inside.] While everyone else cautiously explored this unknown world, Henry was already dominating the apocalypse, defeating the world's master, and ascending to the throne.

moon_dream · Sci-fi
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90 Chs

Hell's Reaper

"Are you there?" Henry sent a message to Clarissa.

"I'm here~ Hehe, good morning, Henry~" "Why are you contacting me during the day today? Don't you need to go out and gather supplies?" Clarissa had set Henry's messages to alert her, as she usually went to bed later than Henry due to her trading activities. This time, she was awakened from sleep by the notification sound.

Seeing that it was a message from Henry, she immediately perked up and replied, "Yeah, today I'm going to Sun University to gather supplies and also to question those few people." "So... it might get a bit noisy around your area during the day!"

"No matter what sounds you hear, don't leave the security room, okay?"

"If there's an emergency, you can message me privately, I'll turn on your chat notifications in a bit," Henry instructed.

"Mm-hmm, got it, I'll listen obediently!"

"I definitely won't cause you any trouble!"

"You're planning to unlock a level 3 supply box, right?"

"Be very careful, there are tall zombies around there. If you need help distracting the zombies..."

"You can call on me, I can help draw their attention!" Clarissa reminded him earnestly.

"Got it," Henry replied simply, not elaborating further. If it were ordinary zombies that needed distracting, Clarissa would certainly be capable. But the area now was infested with mutated Type II and Type III zombies. Even survivors who had reached the limits of human physical capabilities would struggle to survive against these monsters.

Especially Clarissa, who had appeared ready to give up on life the first time she saw a mutated Type II zombie! The thought was nice, but this task was far beyond Clarissa's capabilities. Henry didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm, so he just gave a perfunctory reply and closed the chat window.

The off-road vehicle followed the route from yesterday, quickly reaching the street directly opposite Sun University. The zombies Henry had cleared from this street were now densely packed again, reminiscent of the crowd density on a commercial street during holidays. From a distance, several Crawlers could be seen scrambling through the horde.

A large group of zombies gathered at the entrance of the shopping mall where the level 2 supply box had been hidden. They were packed so tightly together, they formed a mound resembling a small hill. It was unclear what had happened.

"Let's get started, warm up first!" Henry parked the off-road vehicle by the roadside and stretched a bit before drawing his katana. Ever since acquiring the Energy Strike skill, the riot shield had seen less use, as the skill required activation from the palm, and holding a shield would compromise his power. Moreover, with the [Basic Energy Armor] now on, the riot shield could retire from the stage.

Henry leapt lightly, landing again on the top of the bus where he had previously fought the zombie horde. Using the armed mech's limited ammunition here would be a waste, and the narrow road, ending at the zombie nest at Sun University, was not suitable for repeatedly crushing them with the heavy truck. It was better to manually clear them first, as a warm-up.

With that thought, he pulled out his pistol and fired a shot at a distant Crawler.

"Cackle cackle cackle..."

The bullet hit the Crawler's thigh, but such a thick-skinned creature barely registered the damage. Instead, the loud gunshot echoed repeatedly among the buildings on the street, alerting the entire horde.

"Heh heh..."

"Ah...uh..." "Ao...roar..."

Almost simultaneously, all the zombies turned their heads towards Henry's direction, with some in the distance turning towards the source of the echo. Then, a terrifying chorus of howls erupted.

Zombies surged towards Henry like a tidal wave!

The distant zombies bizarrely ran towards the direction of the echo for a while. Then, realizing something was off, they joined the main horde, screaming as they charged forward. No wonder a zombie horde could form—zombies too exhibited a herd effect!

Henry chuckled self-deprecatingly, then swung his katana, cleanly beheading the first wave of zombies that surged up. It was effortless.



The zombies crashed against the bus like relentless waves, even creating a human flesh ramp around it with their stacked bodies. Subsequent zombies simply climbed up the slope to attack.

Henry, with ease and detachment, swung his katana, slicing through the approaching zombies, cutting them neatly in half. The bodies piled up on both sides of the bus, growing higher and higher. Zombies converged on Henry from all directions.

Suddenly, a dark shadow blocked the sky above Henry. A Crawler, tilting its head and displaying a sinister smile, looked down at Henry. Its sharp-clawed hands swooped down in an attempt to ambush.

An ambush? Is that all?

Henry counterattacked instead of defending. With a powerful thrust from his legs, he soared into the air. With his left hand, he grabbed the Crawler's left arm while his right hand, wielding the katana, sliced horizontally, cutting the spine in half.

At the same time, the Crawler's right claw reached Henry's chest. But just as the claw touched his shirt, the energy armor instantly enveloped Henry's entire body. The claw scraped against the armor, leaving only a white mark.

Following that, the Crawler fell dead. As Henry descended, he lifted his left hand, smashing the Crawler below into a pulp. Then, with a fierce stomp, he crushed the skull and snapped the spine of another zombie beneath his foot.

With that single stomp, he then leapt high again and came down with a heavy slash, fiercely pinning a third Crawler to the ground.

With the three Crawlers dealt with, only the ordinary zombies remained. Though numerous, their only weapons were their fingernails and teeth, which couldn't inflict any damage on the energy armor. This meant Henry could fight without worrying about getting hurt, making the battle much easier. Indeed, it was a completely one-sided fight.

Henry charged into the horde of zombies, and with just a casual punch, he could shatter a zombie's skull and send it flying three or four meters away. A kick with his right foot sent several zombies flying high, only to crash heavily back to the ground. Henry then quickly followed up with several slashes.

Countless zombies were sent flying like toys, slashed, and cut down. Wherever he went, blood flowed into rivers, and bodies littered the ground. Henry was like a death god from hell, reigning over the chaos.