
Aphrodite’s Edict: The Ascension of a Monarch

In a war-torn kingdom called Thronos Aionios, Eirenaios, the reincarnated king, leads a rebellion against the tyrannical rule of Dion. Guided by the celestial wisdom of the goddess Aphrodite, Eirenaios unites the fractured kingdoms and empowers his soldiers with celestial energy. After a brutal war, Eirenaios defeats Dion, ushering in an era of peace and reconstruction.

Lil_Maxey · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Shackles of Fate

The searing sun beat down on my back, a merciless tyrant upon my already broken spirit. Sweat blurred my vision, turning the endless rows of toiling slaves into a shimmering mirage. My calloused hands, permanently etched with the grime of servitude, swung the heavy pickaxe in a monotonous rhythm. This was my life – a slave in the bowels of the once glorious kingdom of Thronos Aionios.

Memories, fragmented and shrouded in mist, flickered at the edges of my consciousness. A sprawling palace, laughter echoing through grand halls, the weight of a jeweled crown upon my head – remnants of a past life a cruel fate had snatched away. Here, in the stifling heat of the marble quarry, I was Eirenaios, no more than another faceless, expendable wretch.

A guttural roar shattered the oppressive silence. Leandros, Captain of the Hyperion Squad – the elite enforcers who lorded over us – stormed through the ranks of slaves, his face a mask of permanent annoyance. "Faster, maggots!" he bellowed, his voice dripping with disdain. "The royal deadline approaches, and by the Styx, I'll flay the skin off each of you if we fall short!"

A ripple of fear coursed through the slaves. Leandros was a sadist, notorious for his cruelty. We all bore the scars of his barbarity – welts crisscrossing our backs, missing teeth, the ever-present dull ache of injuries that never truly healed.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted at the quarry entrance. Guards bustled about, their voices raised in alarm. A hush fell over the slaves as Leandros, curiosity momentarily eclipsing his usual sadism, marched towards them.

"What is it?" he barked.

"Captain," stammered a guard, his voice trembling, "a… a celestial light fell from the sky. It landed just beyond the quarry walls."

Leandros scoffed. "Celestial light? Don't be a fool! Probably a stray bird or some such nonsense. Get back to your posts."

The guard, however, remained hesitant. "No, Captain, it's unlike anything I've ever seen. It… it pulsed with an otherworldly glow."

Intrigued, Leandros cursed under his breath. "Fine. Stay here and keep these vermin in line. I'll go take a look."

With a final glare at the slaves, Leandros disappeared into the quarry entrance, his curiosity seemingly overcoming his initial dismissal. A flicker of hope, faint yet stubborn, ignited in my chest. Could this be a sign? A miracle to break the shackles of our servitude?

The minutes stretched into an eternity. Then, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the silence. It was Leandros, his voice laced with a primal terror that sent shivers down my spine. Fear, cold and primal, gripped my heart. What horrors had he encountered beyond those walls?

Moments later, Leandros stumbled back into the quarry, his face ashen, eyes wide with a terror that transcended his usual cruelty. He babbled incoherently, his hand clutching at an invisible wound. Before anyone could react, a blinding light erupted from beyond the quarry walls. It pulsed with an ethereal beauty, bathing the entire quarry in a soft, otherworldly glow. The slaves, myself included, shielded our eyes, overwhelmed by the sudden brilliance.

When the light subsided, a figure stood at the entrance, bathed in a shimmering light. Her form was impossibly beautiful, draped in a gown of flowing white that defied gravity. Her hair, the color of spun moonlight, cascaded down her back, and her eyes, like pools of molten gold, held the wisdom of ages.

This was no mortal woman. This was a goddess.

A gasp escaped my lips. Around me, the other slaves fell to their knees, murmuring prayers and genuflecting in reverence.

The goddess, her voice a melody that resonated with the very core of my being, spoke. "Rise, children of Thronos. Your suffering has reached my ears, and I come bearing a message of hope."

My heart hammered in my chest. A goddess had descended upon this wretched place, and she spoke of hope. Could this be the answer to our silent pleas?

Aphrodite, the goddess of life, scanned the crowd of slaves. Her gaze met mine, and for a fleeting moment, a spark of recognition flickered in her golden eyes. It was a look that sent a jolt through me, a whisper of something forgotten stirring within.

But before I could dwell on this strange feeling, Aphrodite continued. "One among you is not who he seems. He carries the mark of a king, a soul burdened by the weight of a forgotten past."

Her words hung heavy in the air, her gaze lingering on me. A cold dread filled me. Was she speaking of me?

A ripple of confusion and murmurs spread through the slaves. How could a lowly quarry worker be anything more than just that? Yet, under Aphrodite's scrutiny, a flicker of doubt ignited within me. The fragmented memories, the strange sense of familiarity with the opulent descriptions from my blurry past...could they be more than just wishful thinking brought on by years of hardship?

As if sensing my turmoil, Aphrodite took a step closer, her presence radiating an ethereal warmth that momentarily pushed back the oppressive heat of the quarry. "Eirenaios," she spoke, her voice echoing directly in my mind, bypassing the din of confusion around us. "Do not fear. The memories may be buried, but the spark of your true self still burns within."

The name, whispered on the lips of a goddess, struck a chord deep within my soul. It resonated in the very core of my being, a forgotten melody that brought tears to my eyes. Eirenaios...it was a name that felt both foreign and strangely familiar at the same time.

Aphrodite's gaze softened. "The usurper, King Dion, has shrouded Thronos Aionios in darkness. Your rightful place is upon the throne, Eirenaios. But the path to reclaim your birthright will not be easy."

Panic surged through me. A king? Me? The thought of leading an entire kingdom felt like an absurd dream, a cruel joke played by a divine entity. How could a broken slave, with nothing but calloused hands and a shattered spirit, possibly hope to challenge a tyrannical king?

As if reading my fear, Aphrodite placed a hand on my shoulder. Her touch sent a wave of energy through me, invigorating and calming at the same time. "You are not alone, Eirenaios. The embers of your power still lie dormant, waiting to be rekindled. I will guide you, but the choice to embrace your destiny lies with you."

My gaze darted towards the other slaves, their faces filled with a mixture of awe, hope, and confusion. Were they witnesses to my potential destiny? Did they see their potential liberator in me?

Taking a deep breath, I met Aphrodite's gaze, a newfound determination hardening in my eyes. "I...I don't understand everything, but I won't let you down. If this is truly who I am, then I will fight. I will fight for myself, for those enslaved alongside me, and for the freedom of Thronos Aionios."

Aphrodite smiled, a radiant warmth spreading across her face. "Excellent, Eirenaios. The first ember of your fire has been ignited."

She extended her hand, the light emanating from her form intensifying. "Do you trust me?"

The question was simple, yet loaded with significance. Did I trust a goddess I'd just met? Did I trust the fragmented memories promising a life of royalty? But looking into Aphrodite's eyes, brimming with compassion and unwavering faith, a sense of certainty washed over me.

Without hesitation, I reached out and clasped her hand. A surge of energy coursed through me, banishing the weariness and fatigue that had plagued me for years. I felt stronger, more alive than I had ever felt in my entire life as a slave.

The golden light intensified, engulfing both of us in a blinding radiance. A gasp escaped my lips as the familiar sting of heat gave way to a sensation of weightlessness. When the light finally subsided, I found myself standing at the foot of a majestic mountain, its peak shrouded in swirling clouds.

Aphrodite stood beside me, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Welcome to Mount Olympos, Eirenaios. Your journey to reclaim your throne and fulfill your destiny begins now."

A shiver of excitement, tinged with apprehension, ran down my spine. I was a slave no more. I was Eirenaios, rightful heir to the throne of Thronos Aionios. And on the slopes of Mount Olympos, under the guidance of a goddess, I would begin my transformation into the king I was destined to be.