
Apex vs Apocalypse

A world where superheroes are the norm faces its gravest challenge yet: a sudden, devastating zombie outbreak. As these protectors confront hordes of the undead and unravel the sinister truth behind the apocalypse, they must redefine heroism in a city on the brink of collapse. Amidst chaos and despair, it's a race against time for survival, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance in this gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of hope

Daoist_Piousfire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Ava's Normal Morning

The morning sun filtered through the curtains of Ava Chen's modest bedroom, casting a warm glow over the small space she called her own. It was a typical Friday morning, and Ava was already awake, her mind running through the list of responsibilities awaiting her as the student president of Silvercrest Academy.

In the kitchen, Ava's mother was preparing breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and toasted bread filling the air. Her father was at the table, newspaper in hand, glasses perched on his nose. Despite their humble surroundings, there was an air of contentment that spoke volumes of the love and support within the family.

As Ava entered the kitchen, she used her telekinesis to float a slice of toast from the toaster to her plate, a casual display of her abilities. Her parents watched with a mixture of pride and amazement, a reaction Ava had grown accustomed to.

"Morning, Ava," her mother greeted her with a warm smile. "Big day today?"

"Every day's big at Silvercrest," Ava replied. "I'm going to be home late tonight. Student Council has a meeting after classes and I can't miss this one. We're planning out the Winter Formal."

Her father, always the encouraging figure, said, "You work harder for Student Council than most of the men that work at the factory. Just don't overwhelm yourself okay?."

Ava nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for her family. They might not have powers like her, but they had always been her greatest source of strength.

With a final goodbye, Ava stepped out of the house, ready to face the day.

The city was alive with the hustle and bustle of morning activity as Ava Chen stepped out of her family's modest apartment. The streets were a mosaic of people from all walks of life, some with abilities and others without, each going about their day. Ava loved this time of the morning; it was a moment when the world seemed full of possibilities.

As she walked, Ava occasionally used her telekinesis to navigate the crowded sidewalks. A gentle nudge here, a slight lift there – her powers allowed her to move with an almost balletic grace amidst the throng. She took care not to draw too much attention, though; in a city where superpowers were common, there was an unspoken rule of using them discreetly in public.

As Ava made her way through the bustling city streets, her attention was drawn to a small commotion at a fruit stand. A young boy, no more than eight years old, was standing on his tiptoes, reaching for an apple perched precariously atop the pile. His determination was evident, but so was his frustration. Ava paused, observing the scene with a mixture of amusement and empathy.

The boy, noticing Ava's gaze, gave her a sheepish grin before turning back to his task. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, his face scrunching up in concentration. Ava's eyes widened in realization – the boy was trying to use his powers to dislodge the apple. It was a bold attempt, but clearly, he was still mastering control over his abilities.

A gust of wind suddenly erupted from the boy's hand, stronger than he had intended. Apples tumbled from the stand, rolling in every direction, causing a mild chaos among the nearby pedestrians. The vendor, a burly man with a kind face, looked more amused than annoyed, but the boy's cheeks turned a bright shade of red in embarrassment.

Ava stepped forward, her heart going out to the young novice. With a gentle wave of her hand, she used her telekinesis to steady the fallen apples, floating them back onto the stand in an orderly fashion. The boy watched in awe, his earlier embarrassment fading into admiration.

"Thank you!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder.

Ava smiled and kneeled to his level. "It's okay, everyone's still learning," she said kindly. "Maybe try a gentler approach next time. Powers like yours need a soft touch, especially in crowded places."

The boy nodded eagerly, his earlier confidence returning. "I'll remember that. Thank you, Miss!"

Ava stood up, giving the vendor an apologetic look, which he waved off with a good-natured laugh. As she continued on her way to school, she couldn't help but reflect on the boy's attempt. It reminded her of her early days, learning to control her telekinesis, the countless hours of practice it took to master it.

Approaching the gates of Silvercrest Academy, Ava felt the familiar surge of pride and anticipation. The school's entrance was impressive, designed not just for aesthetic appeal but also for practicality in a world where students had extraordinary abilities.

The gates themselves were towering, made of a sleek, reinforced metal that shimmered slightly under the morning sun. They were adorned with the school's emblem, a phoenix rising from flames, symbolizing rebirth and the nurturing of potential. The walls surrounding the campus were equally imposing, built to withstand various superpowers, from super strength to elemental blasts. They were embedded with sensors and protective enchantments, ensuring the safety and privacy of the students within.

As Ava approached, the gates opened smoothly, recognizing her as a student. The guards stationed at the entrance nodded in recognition as she passed. These were no ordinary security personnel; each was equipped with special gear to handle potential threats, both normal and superpowered. Their uniforms were a blend of tactical armor and technology, with badges indicating their own unique abilities – a necessary addition in a school where the student body was anything but ordinary.

"Good morning, Ava," greeted Sergeant Hayes, a guard known for his enhanced reflexes and tactical expertise. His eyes, always observant, scanned the area even as he smiled at her.

"Morning, Sergeant Hayes," Ava replied with a respectful nod. "All quiet today?"

"Another peaceful morning at Silvercrest," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of humor. "But we're always ready, just in case."

Ava smiled, appreciating the dedication of the school's security team. They were a constant reminder that, despite the extraordinary nature of the students, safety was always a priority.

Ava's sense of pride swelled as she stepped onto the campus. Here, she wasn't just some girl from the poor suburbs… She was the student president, a leader among her peers. Here, she could use her powers willingly. The only rule was to not harm your fellow students. 

She nodded in greeting to Marcus, who could manipulate shadows, his form flickering mysteriously as he walked under the shade of the trees.

Near the fountain, she saw Sophia, a girl with the ability to communicate with animals. A small bird was perched on her shoulder, chirping animatedly as if sharing the latest gossip.

As she passed the sports field, she watched Jason, whose super speed made him a blur on the track. His laughter, a sound that somehow kept pace with his swift movements, was a familiar and comforting background noise on the campus.

Finally, Ava arrived at her homeroom, a spacious classroom with a unique desk for each student. She was almost embarrassed to admit that her desk was the most boring of the class. The room buzzed with the energy of her classmates, each engaged in their morning routines, which mostly included gossiping. Ava took her seat at the front of the class, her mind shifting to the responsibilities of the day.

The classroom was a microcosm of the academy's diversity. There was Elena, who could create intricate illusions, entertaining a group of students with a dazzling light show. In the corner, Leo, the quiet one, was practicing his control over fire, a flame dancing harmlessly on his palm.

Ava's thoughts were momentarily interrupted by the homeroom teacher, Mr. Jacobs, who had the ability to project his voice telepathically, ensuring he was heard clearly by every student, regardless of their location in the room.

"Alright everyone, please take your seats." Mr. Jacobs looked at all of them solemnly, but his mouth never moved as the voice rang in all the students' minds. "Remember that after the second period, you'll be heading directly to the assembly hall for the spirit rally."