
First day in school

It was their first day in the school. They went to school when Linda met Mr Lost. Mr Lost was a educated but rude principal. He wore a black ugly coat and a big cap which was bigger than his head.

''Who are you young girl?'' asked Mr Lost.

''I am a new student sir. Who are you?'' asked Linda

''I am the pricipal of the school.'' said Mr Lost

''Hello! sir.'' said Linda

Mr Lost's room was very big. He had 3 tables in his room and his secratary Mr Dush. Mr Dush was a poor and old man who had nothing to lose in his life. 35 years ago, when he was playing with his daughter Katie Dush she got into an accident and died. His wife died when his daughter was 3 years ago.

''You can go to your class dear.'' said Mr Lost to Linda.

Linda went to her class and introduced her. She made two new friends Nat Band and Amber Lost. Amber was the daughter of Mr Lost. She was a disciplined and wise girl. And their class teacher Miss Lash. Miss Lash was a good teacher. She was a daughter of a big businessman Mr Lash. He had a big metal factory in Texas.

''Everyone introduce yourself'' said Miss Lash.

Everyone introduced themselves and she started the class. She taught basic mathematics and she was shocked by Linda and Landon's talent. They answered all questions right and also invited Miss Lash for a tea in their home. The bell rang and everyone went for their lunch. Linda and Miss Lash had a nice conversation during lunch. At night, Miss Lash came to D'souza's home for a tea. Miss Mand was also there.

''Today I asked some questions to your children and they two were brilliant. How do they had a knowledge of everything in this small age Mrs Rodriguez?'' asked Miss Lash.

''This is all because of my neighbour Miss Mand. She gave them knowledge of everything when they were small.'' said Mrs Rodriguez.

Because Miss Mand was also there they became friends and started conversation.

''Are you Miss Mand?'' asked Miss Lash.

''Yes.'' said Miss Mand

After talking for more 2 hours Miss Lash left for her home.