
Apex Predator / Part 1

Nathan is a young man who lives in a world where magic disappeared a century ago. All kinds of creatures are a danger to humans, and among them, dinosaurs and dragons are the most prevalent. However, they do not stop humankind from being a danger to themselves. One day, when returning to his village, he found out it was attacked by an enemy tribe and most people were killed or enslaved. He'll do everything to have revenge on his enemies, and find truths of this world that he could never imagine.

NunoReis · Fantasy
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20 Chs

High Up

Nathan's POV:

I climb on Captain Lafina's tame. It feels completely different than riding a Parasaur, it's like I can feel how dangerous this creature is just by touching it...

"Grab on to something, if you fall, you die." Captain Lafina says... I really don't think those words comfort me in any way..

I hold the Dimorphodon's saddle as hard as I can, I really don't wanna fall to my death.

"Alright then, are you ready?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Let's go then."

She gives a little kick to the side of the winged dinosaur, and it starts flying right away. It flaps his wings rapidly in order to gain altitude

"Wow, this really isn't how I expected it to feel." I say, amazed at the fact that I'm now high up in the air, on top of a bat-lion creature. Who would have thought.

The wind blows against my face as we go forward. It is kinda refreshing in a sense, but overwhelming at the same time, making it a bit difficult to breathe. The fear of falling doesn't help much, but I'd say it is worth the view. I can see so far from here, since we're going back south, the giant lake my Parasaur ran to is now to my right, and I can see the land on the other side. Honestly, this could be mistaken by the sea if I wasn't so high above. Behind me, the True Ice Mountains still look as big as ever, and beyond them, I can now see the snowy land of the Dark Clouds tribe. I wonder if we'll attack their territory back one day, it should prove to be a difficult task since our people and tames isn't used to the cold.

"Are you enjoying the ride?" Captain Lafina asks. I can't hear her properly because of the wind, but I manage to understand what she says.

"I am, thank you for bringing me with you. What exactly happened though? Captain Zlodey said something came up."

"Indeed. I'm not sure if you're aware but, there has been another tribe to the south helping us since the end of the last war. In fact, they helped us win."

I see... It makes sense. The Warriors were being completely annihilated, and somehow managed to push back even a Dragon? It is possible if another tribe was involved.

"And that tribe is also attacking us now or something?" I ask.

"On the contrary. They now want to ally with us, which is strange, since they never really bothered about a former alliance and simply helped us as friends. I believe something must have happened."

"What does that have to do with me though? Why such urgency to bring me back to base?"

"You know who Endwalker is right?"

"No, I simply got a message from my village's blacksmith and mentor to ask for the Endwalker's diary, I never heard of him before."

"That blacksmith, Jason, is the Endwalker. And if he wants you to read is diary, then the time as come for this world to be waged in war again."

"Because of a diary? I don't think I follow..." Why would Jason's diary be so important, and what is that tribe she is talking about.. there's so much happening at once.

"Your Captain will properly explain you everything once he returns to base as well, he shouldn't take to long."

Captain Zlodey did stay at the tents near the enemies outpost talking to that guy on the weird giant cat. I wonder if he is from that tribe Lafina talked about.

"May I know the tribe's name?" I asked, curious.


Katherine's POV:

It's been a few minutes since Nathan left with one of the Warrior's Captains. The Captain from his division although, stayed here and is still talking to whoever that is. I wonder if there is anything bad happening. Allen is still sleeping, he must have been really tired from running yesterday... and Nick, I guess I'll bury him near my husband's grave, it is my fault this kid died after all. If we had waited inside the carriage like everyone else, he would still be alive...

Nathan's Captain finishes his conversation with the unknown man, and heads towards me.

"Hey again. Glad you returned safely."

"Thank you for helping us back there."

"If only I was a bit faster..." He says while looking at Nick's body.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault, I should have stayed in the carriage."~

Silence reigns for a couple seconds, before Captain Zlodey breaks it:

"You're Nathan's mother right? Your son has proven to be quite the fighter, I'm sure he'll be just fine in the battles to come."

"Battles to come? Do you plan on going north and attacking the Dark Clouds?" I asked, confused.

"We're getting some help soon enough from another tribe. If you know the man named Jason, I'm sure you know who they are as well."


"That's right."

So that's why he came to talk to me. He probably wants information about my dead husband and Jason, since apparently both of them knew the Starfall's tribe leader.

"In case you're wondering, I do not know anything about them. All I ever heard is that Jason went to the end of the world and right after that, the Starfall tribe was formed. My husband didn't tell me much either, since he died to the Dragon fifteen years ago."

"I see. Do you know where Jason is? If Starfall is coming to form a proper alliance, then they either want to help us defeat the Dark Clouds entirely, or they are the ones who need help this time. And to make sure we help them, they'll form an official alliance with us. I highly doubt it is the first option, since they had more than a decade to do so. Endwalker, Jason, should be of use now, he probably knows what's happening."

"He's missing." I said and paused for a couple seconds, before continuing: "Apparently his body wasn't found, so I'm sure he's not dead. But a secretive man such as him certainly does not want to get a lot of attention, and is probably hiding somewhere."

Captain Zlodey makes a disappointed face. It seems he really wanted to have Jason here now.

"Alright then, thanks for everything. There is a new town being built near the Warriors base for those who got their places destroyed, you'll be taken there soon enough."

He leaves the tent and gets on his mount, flying off rapidly in the base's direction.

I wonder what will happen next...

Nathan's POV:

After around an hour flying, we finally get back to base.

"So, what did you think?" Captain Lafina asks with a smile on her face, knowing I was both amazed and scared.

"Well... could have been worse I guess, but I get why you enjoy it so much."

"I'll be on my way now, you should rest for a bit."

"I will. Thanks for the ride!"

Captain Lafina flies off once again.

I should check up on the others now, they are probably in the inn.