
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

DarkLord01 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Earth: Psions

they retorted back,



Ymir jumped to grab them, the place was raining stones, the debris started raining

Ymir grabbed one pillar from the standing wooden frame,

and then hit one with one.

With a thunderous stomp, Ymir lunged forward, her colossal weight shaking the ground beneath. Her colossal fists swung through the air, the sheer force generating gusts that scattered debris in all directions.

Ymir's grip tightened around a shattered pillar, torn from its wooden frame. With a primal roar, she swung it with bone-rattling force. The massive pillar cleaved through the air, sending shockwaves of destruction and raining debris all over.

The Psions deftly manoeuvred, evading Ymir's attacks with acrobatic finesse. Darting through the clouds of dust and rubble, they unleashed a barrage of bullet projectiles from their wrist-mounted blasters. The beams cut through the air, grazing Ymir's hardened skin, leaving trails of searing energy in their wake.

The Psions recovered swiftly, launching a counterassault. Ymir's ferocious roar reverberated through the city. Her fists crashed down, reducing buildings to rubble.

She jumped to grab one of the Psions, she missed her grip by inches.

This new force was not something they have anticipated.

The clash between Titan and Psion intensified, their battle echoing through the torn-out buildings and crumbling structures.

The atmosphere crackled with raw power and tension.

The soldiers retreated towards the buildings, hoping to gain a strategic advantage over the Psions. But the falling debris made it difficult to maneuver. They were forced to duck and weave, trying to avoid the falling bricks and beams.

One after another, the debris hit them, and the Psions quickly observed their escape. Two of them thrust towards them in straight, drastic trajectories. Ymir leapt towards them, her hands swinging through the air. With a thrust, she hit one of the soldiers, sending him flying like an insect.

The impact was cataclysmic. The Psion hurtled through the air like a broken puppet, colliding with a nearby structure before skidding along the ground.

His body lay motionless, life seemingly extinguished from his being. But then, against all odds, his legs twitched.

He removed his helmet, revealing bright red skin with black marks below, maybe painted using finger. His hair was bright golden, cut short.

A spray of blood escaped his lips, staining the ground beneath him, before he swiftly donned his helmet once more.

"Follow them!" a voice spoke inside the helmet.

The soldier thrusted again, this time with almost zero elevation to the ground. The other soldiers followed suit, and soon they were all in pursuit of the Psions.

The chase led through the streets of the city, with the soldiers and Psions darting in and out of buildings, dodging debris and gunfire.

The soldiers were gaining ground.

The soldier thrust again, this time with almost zero elevation to the ground.

Felan had positioned his soldiers in such a way that it would be easy for them to attack.

"Prepare the wires and ODM Gear," shouted Zar.

The soldiers positioned themselves on the windows and roof of the building, they have been trained especially for this manoeuvre attack. Their days in academy as scouts was meant to go through rigrous training to move around with ODM Gear.

The ODM Gear was a complex piece of equipment that allowed soldiers to move quickly and freely through the air. They were designed especially to counter individuals like Ymir, if she ever go berserk or any other emerge. Existence of one is a certainity for more.

As the Psions swiftly maneuvered into the narrow alley, their presence was sensed by the soldiers, the air crackled with anticipation. In a synchronized motion, the soldiers swiftly activated their ODM (Omni-Directional Mobility) gear, the mechanisms humming to life. With practiced precision, they shot out their wires, the metallic strands slicing through the air like glimmering serpents.

The wires anchored themselves onto nearby structures, the soldiers using them to propel themselves through the air with remarkable agility. They soared above the Psions, their movements were fluid and graceful, like dancers in a deadly ballet. The whirring of the ODM gear echoed through the alley, blending with the tense silence that enveloped the battlefield.

The soldiers swooped down towards the Psions, closing the distance with astonishing speed. Their blades gleamed in the dim light, poised to strike with lethal accuracy. Each soldier's gaze focused.

They launched themselves at the Psions, swinging their blades. The Psions dodged and weaved, firing their weapons. The air was filled with the sound of gunfire and the clash of steel.

Blades swung through the air.

Metal clashed against metal, the sharp sound reverberating through the alley as the soldiers' blades met the Psions' advanced technology. Sparks flew, momentarily illuminating the shadow strikes passage as the two forces collided.

Both of the Psions were fighting in a pattern, each single one of them covering the open spot, their advantage stays with the fact that they are in air and their's with the number. They movements were agile but the number of attacks was increasing with every second.

Zar's signal spurred Felan into action, his heart pounding with anticipation. A Psion ascended from below, shielding his comrade. In a gruesome display, he silenced a soldier with a fatal shot, his head exploding like a shattered melon.

Felan swiftly maneuvered towards a nearby building, the Psion retaliating with a powerful blast.

The structure came crumbling down below his feet, Felan lunged towards Psion. Their clash unfolded amidst the chaos of collapsing buildings, a testament to their unyielding determination.

Felan swung his sword, piercing through the Psion's joint. elan swung directly towards one of the Psions, his sword finding its mark as it pierced through the soldier's joint. The sensation of flesh yielding to the blade, tearing and rending, echoed through Felan's arm as his weapon cut through layers of metal.

Desperation loomed as the Psion brought his weapon dangerously close to Felan's face. Reacting swiftly, Felan attempted to alter his course, but the Psion relentlessly pursued him. Unhindered by a useless limb, the Psion manoeuvred effortlessly, drawing ever closer to Felan.

The Psion put the nozzle of his gun towards Felan's head, he was closing in with every moment. Just a few seconds more and there won't be a chance for him to live.

And then ...

With strike his head, came rolling down his body and landed on the ground. Zar crossed Felan who was still evading without knowing that his general had killed the man. He knew how close he was, and he still can feel his heart racing like a horse, he knew he would have been dead.

The lifeless body of the Psion spun aimlessly, colliding with surrounding buildings before crashing to the ground. Then, in a blaze of fiery destruction, his malfunctioning thruster unleashed a final blast, reducing his remains to ashes that scattered upon the wind.

A momentary calm settled over the battlefield, the soldiers catching their breath as they assessed the toll of the fight.

Amidst the calm, the remaining Psion stood defiant, suspended in the air with an unsettling stillness. The soldiers, who were alive but wary, sought cover and concealment, making themselves inconspicuous to his watchful gaze.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the battle continued to rage on, the fate of each combatant hanging precariously in the balance.


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