
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

DarkLord01 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Earth: King Fritz

"You are nought but wretched creatures," the King's voice reverberated through the air, a cutting blade of disdain. His piercing gaze pierced through the deepest layers of his army, instilling shame in their hearts as they knelt before him. Before they stood Zar, his figure commanding, his cloak billowing in the ocean breeze, a stark contrast to the collective shame that hung heavy in the air.

In the aftermath of the battle, Ymir lay unconscious before them, a formidable force that had unleashed chaos upon the King's army. Yet, despite the havoc she had wrought, the King's anger remained veiled, overshadowed by a sense of weakness that gripped his very being. This was the essence of King Fritz—the embodiment of a ruler torn between the failures of his soldiers and the burden of his own vulnerability.

As his subjects cowered before him, their heads bowed low in remorse, the King's words cut through their ranks like a merciless blade. His voice carried the weight of disappointment and a subtle undercurrent of sorrow. Each word dripped with disdain, searing into the collective conscience of his army.

"You disappoint me, Zar. To subject a mere child to such treatment... I expected better from you."

"Having a heart seems to be beyond your capabilities, Zar. You possess many gifts, but the presence of that organ is sorely absent."

A twisted smile adorned the King's face, as his words echoed with their usual enigmatic connotation, leaving behind a puzzle for those who dared to decipher their true meaning.

Zar, standing resolute amidst the sea of shame, met the King's glare with unyielding determination. His presence exuded an aura of unwavering loyalty and unwavering resolve. The billowing of his cloak served as a visual testament to the strength of his spirit, undeterred by the overwhelming sense of defeat that hung in the air.

But did he win today or his whole persona was diluted by one creature of immense power, he was also not normal. He was also somebody who possessed darkness.

And there, before them, lay Ymir, her once ferocious form now reduced to unconsciousness. The devastation she had unleashed upon the King's forces was undeniable, leaving scars etched upon the battlefield and deep within the hearts of those who had faced her wrath. Yet, in the face of this calamity, the King's ire seemed muted, overshadowed by a profound understanding of the frailty of his army.

King Fritz, despite his anger and disappointment, saw beyond the immediate battlefield. He recognized the weaknesses that plagued his soldiers and understood the burden he bore as their leader. His gaze, though laden with disappointment, also held a flicker of compassion, an acknowledgement of the collective struggle that had led them to this moment.

The wind carried the weight of unspoken words, whispers of regret and determination mingling in the salty air. It was a pivotal moment—a juncture where the King's steadfast gaze met Zar's unwavering resolve, each silently acknowledging the path that lay before them. In the wake of destruction, they would rise, their collective strength forged anew, their weaknesses acknowledged, and their resolve strengthened.

"So, what you will do now?",

"Will heaven accept you or will hell be on your command, tell me what will happen to you all ?"

He needs to rebuild, to fortify, and learn from the scars left by their encounter with Ymir.

"And what have you earned?" King asks Zar. "Not a day of sulking. Not a day of self-flagellation. Of all the lancers, you are second. Second! to some creature, why not take pride in that?"

"Not now, Zar."

"Come now," he continues. "It's not the victory that makes a man. It's his defeat. Do you think our ancestors never lost? You thought you will never lose but did you lose...

You don't need to huff and puff about this and make yourself one of those Greek clichés. Drop the hubris. It was just a game."

"You think I give a shit about that girl?" I wheel on him. "People are dead."

"They chose lives of service to the fleet. They knew the danger and died for a cause."

"What cause?"

"To keep our us strong."

He stares at him. My dear friend, "Could my friend, my kind friend, be so blind? What choice did these people have? They were conscripted.", "You don't understand a thing, do you?" he asked Zar.

Zar gazed towards the king in a way that he doesn't understand anything, his body was tired but his sight focused on the girl.


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