
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

DarkLord01 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Earth: Felan

Felan and every villager have been forcibly brought in front of the king, chained and injured villagers being dragged like cattle by the soldiers. The villagers look around in fear and confusion, wondering what fate awaits them at the hands of the ruthless monarch. The king seems to revel in their fear, relishing the power he holds over them.

Felan's calloused hands gripped tightly onto his daughter's frail and bony fingers, her weight barely making a dent in his arms. She looked up at him with tired eyes, her cheeks sunken and hollow, her skin a sickly shade of pale. Each step they took felt like wading through a sea of quicksand, the weight of the sand dragging at their legs, making it feel like they were being pulled down into the earth. The iron chains that bound their ankles dug into their flesh, rubbing against their wounds and inflicting new ones.

Felan's daughter whimpered with each step, her voice barely audible above the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Felan's heart ached with each sound, his mind replaying the memories of happier times. But those memories felt like they belonged to another world, another lifetime, one that had been cruelly taken away from them.

The villagers were not allowed to look up at the king. But even without seeing him, they could feel his presence looming over them, like a dark cloud. And then they heard his cold voice, commanding them to stop.

As they halted, the king sat on his throne with a smirk on his face. His eyes scanned over the villagers, taking in their misery with a sadistic pleasure. The sight of the chained and injured villagers seemed to amuse him.

Felan's daughter stumbled, her body too weak to keep going. Felan knelt down beside her, cradling her in his arms. Her breathing was shallow, her body limp, and Felan knew that he was about to lose her. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the sweat and sand that covered his skin.

The king watched on from his throne, a smirk on his face, his eyes cold and unfeeling. The pain and suffering of his subjects meant nothing to him, only their obedience and submission. Felan looked up at the king, his eyes filled with a hatred that burned like fire. He knew that he had to be strong, for his daughter's sake. But in that moment, all he could feel was an overwhelming sense of darkness and despair.

As the villagers stood before the king, the smirk on his face grew wider as he looked down on them with contempt. He saw them as nothing more than pawns in his game, to be manipulated and controlled at his will.

In his mind, he already had a plan to break their spirits and crush their wills. He would turn them against each other, stirring up old grudges and creating new ones. He would pit them against each other until they were nothing but puppets, dancing to his tune.

With a wave of his hand, the king signaled for his soldiers to begin the first stage of his plan. They moved forward, dragging the villagers apart from each other and chaining them to posts in the sand.

Felan watched in horror as his daughter was taken from him and chained to a post far away from where he stood. He knew that this was just the beginning of the king's twisted game, and that things were only going to get worse. The weight of the sand on his legs and the tightness of the chains around his wrists and ankles made it difficult for him to move, but he knew that he had to stay strong for his daughter and his fellow villagers.

The king's voice boomed across the shore as he glared down upon the villagers with disdain. "You have been stealing from my people. After all the mercy I have shown you, providing you with food and work, this is how you repay me? You dare take from my soldiers' plates? You dare steal animals meant for my people and feed them to your own?"

His eyes bore into theirs with cold, unyielding authority, his voice laced with cruelty and malice. "I will not tolerate such insolence. You will pay for your crimes, and I will make sure that each and every one of you suffers the consequences. You will know the full extent of my power and feel the weight of my wrath. Do not think for a moment that you can challenge me. You are nothing but worms beneath my feet, and I will crush you if you dare to defy me."

The villagers could only hang their heads in shame and fear, too cowed by the king's ruthless authority to utter a word of protest. They knew all too well the price of disobedience in this kingdom, and the king had just reminded them of it with painful clarity.

"Until you give me the person who has done this," the king continued, "you will all suffer. You will not receive food, water, or shelter until the guilty one is handed over. And if you do not comply, I will make sure that each and every one of you suffers a fate worse than death."

The villagers quivered with fear, knowing that the king was capable of carrying out his cruel promises. They had no choice but to obey, to turn on one of their own and sacrifice them for the sake of the others. It was a harsh and brutal reality, but one they had come to accept under the rule of the king.

As the crowd stood there, a heavy silence loomed over them. They knew what was coming, but they prayed that someone else would be named. Suddenly, a finger pointed towards Ymir, who was standing on the edge of the group, her face pale and lifeless. The words echoed through the crowd like a death knell. "She and her father did it."

Tears welled up in Ymir's eyes as she realized what was happening. She looked around, pleading with the villagers for help, but all she saw were averted gazes and downcast eyes. They had already made up their minds. The king's cruel laughter echoed through the clearing, drowning out the sobs of the accused. The villagers knew what they had to do, but the cost was too great for one so innocent.

The king's laugh echoed in the silence that followed the accusation. His eyes glinted with a cruel pleasure, relishing the power he held over the trembling villagers. "So, you knew and none of you said anything?" he spat, his voice cold and cutting.

The villagers remained silent, their eyes downcast in shame and fear. The king's gaze swept over them, lingering on each one as he searched for any sign of rebellion. None dared to meet his eyes, all too aware of the consequences of defying his authority.

Then, a finger pointed towards Ymir, who stood apart from the others like a ghost. The accusatory voice rang out, "She and her father did it." The villagers all turned to look at her, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and anger.

The king's grin widened at the sight. "Ah, so there is a culprit among you after all," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Bring her to me." His soldiers moved forward, their weapons at the ready, and dragged Ymir forward towards the throne.

As she was pushed to her knees before him, the king leaned forward, his face twisted in a sadistic smile. "You will pay for your crimes," he said, his voice low and menacing. "And your punishment will serve as a warning to all those who dare to cross me."

The villagers looked on in horror as the king's soldiers began to carry out his cruel and brutal commands. And they knew then, that they had made a grave mistake in sacrificing one of their own to appease the tyrant's wrath.

Feland's eyes were filled with tears as he watched in horror as his daughter was accused of the theft. He tried to break free from the grasp of the soldiers, screaming and shouting in agony, pleading to them to spare his child. His voice was hoarse and broken, his heart shattered into a million pieces as he saw his little girl standing alone, accused and guilty in the eyes of the king and his men. Feland's legs were trembling, and he tried to drag himself towards his daughter, hoping to hold her in his arms and protect her from this unjust punishment.


In a moment of pure desperation, Felan broke free from their grasp and sprinted towards his daughter. His legs burned with exertion and his breath came in ragged gasps as he fought against the sand's unforgiving weight. But he could not bear the thought of losing his precious girl.

With tears streaming down his face, he finally reached her and gathered her emaciated form into his arms. The soldiers rushed towards him, brandishing their swords, but Felan paid them no heed. All that mattered was his daughter, her life hanging by a thread.

Feland's heart was pounding in his chest as he embraced his daughter, feeling her small body tremble in his arms. The desperation to protect her consumed him, making his hands shake and his breaths shallow. Every moment felt like an eternity as he clung to her, the weight of the soldiers chasing them bearing down on him like a heavy burden. He knew that they couldn't afford to waste any more time, that their lives depended on their speed. With a fierce determination, he held his daughter tighter and ran towards the nearest horse, praying that they would make it out alive.

His heart raced as he could hear the soldiers' footsteps getting closer. He could feel the heat of their breaths on his neck as they closed in on him.

With one final push, he reached the horse and lifted Ymir onto it. Feland quickly mounted the horse and urged it to run as fast as it could. As the horse galloped away, he turned his head to see the soldiers standing behind, their swords raised, but it was too late.

Without a second thought, he leapt onto the horse's back and kicked it into motion. The horse's breathing was heavy and ragged as they raced through the camps, jumping fences and stones in their desperate bid for freedom.

Feland could feel his daughter's body pressed against his back, her sobs mingling with the sound of the horse's hooves pounding against the ground. He knew that they had to keep moving, that they couldn't stop until they reached the safety of the mountains. The soldiers were closing in on them, their shouts and curses ringing in Feland's ears.

But he refused to let them catch them. He urged the horse forward, his heart racing with fear and adrenaline. As they approached the foothills of the mountain, he could feel the tension in the horse's body as it strained to keep up the pace. But Feland would not be deterred. With a final burst of strength, they eloped the mountains, and Feland collapsed to the ground, his daughter still clutched tightly in his arms.

He was again infront of the same temple like their destiny was inter twined liked they ...

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