
Anything BUT Nothing

[Warning]** this contains matured content Nevada felt lost with the consequencys of all the bad choices she had made. In her life, Relationship, Occupation, even family bonds. But like the saying goes ,, Ignore what you can't fix ,, But no one warned her not to use that concept in relationships. Either ways it doesn't matter, since all that she cares is her needs, and not LOVE. But how will things turn out between her relationship with two potential CEOs that seems to have a close relationships, despite their differences. Will she be able to rip them Apart and get what she wants?

MiMmi · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs



Regrettably, I've been dragged away, like a status from my only escape, obviously against my wish. I really, don't know why I slapped him, I shouldn't have done that.

I just don't like him thinking of me as a bitch, that is screwed up. To top that, he even blamed me. I have no idea why I ran out like a scary cat. I should have left with my head held up high, to maintain my dirty pride, or I wouldn't be pulled like a child, just as now.

'' Let go of me already, you are bruising my arm. It's not like I can magically disappear.'' I stated clearly annoyed by his actions. He stopped and turned to face me. I felt dismayed by the red print I left on his handsome face. I should have known better, than to be impulsive. He cares a great deal of his appearance. I pushed those feelings aside, and masked my face with indifference. ''What? Are you also planing on restraining my freedom of speech .'' I blabbed.

I felt conscious of the way his gaze intensified, I'm pretty much sure that I look like a mess. He continued forward without saying a single word, which was strange, the Orion I knew was nothing like the person pulling me with no trace of emotions, he however loosened his hand, and soothed the area that was slightly red, that felt better.

I was expecting us to go inside, but he went through another pathway in opposite direction to the bar, that I earlier sprang out from, Or should I call it a lounge. I don't know what exactly it was call it. But it doesn't look like bar.

''Where are we going.'' He stopped at a door, which was made of steel, unlike the other doors, and unlocked it with a card. He dragged me in, before the door could shut, then we continued down two flights of stairs. I was out of breath, by the time we reached the floor. Who do hell builds 11 trends for a staircase, this is not an office or mall.

'' Where are you taking me to.'' I asked again. But not out of fear, but of curiosity. ''Just be quite'' he snapped.

It might be crazy that I didn't take my current condition seriously, because I was sure that he would never hurt me intentionally. He seems to be lost in thought, I wonder what he might be thinking. The pathway was not dim, but brightly lit by numerous candles, and the candleholders, that were attached to the wall, were made of bronze, but with different designs, this would definitely make an interesting blog. I was really intrigued, and would like to move nearer for close inspection, but this leech won't let go. I rolled my eyes, at the doodles on the wall, are we in the 19th century or what ?

I observed the paintings on the walls, which I couldn't make anything out of them. They weren't of humans or animals forms, but of Pattens, some were colourful, while some were just plain.

With nothing much to see, I focused on, which way he was leading me, I just don't understand the whole point. Recalling, that I have to go home tomorrow, as to attend family thanksgiving, that would take place next tomorrow, and with the whole thing happening right now.

'' ICH Hasse...Ahhhh!'' I yelled out my frustration with all my strength. At my prompt outburst, Orion swiftly turned and covered my mouth, as to silence me. My eyes sparkled in satisfaction, as my voice echoed loudly, certainly feeling proud at my deed. Orion just stared at me in awe, he was about to say something, but just shook his head and placed his index finger on my lips, indicating, that I should be quiet, before continuing.

I really, don't care, we have known each other for 6 years now, so he's used to my crazy nature. We continued in silence, while I look around, trying to determine, if we were underground or not. He suddenly stopped, and I turned to look at his line of view, and my mouth gaped open as I watched in horror at the staircase, that we would have to get through. I couldn't see the end of it, all I could see was, stairs arranged in circular form or more like a snake~like structure leading to god knows where. No way in this world for any reason will I ever climb up there. No longer in pretence, I swiftly peeled his hand off my arm, and went further at every conner and even backward, in hope to find an alternative.

But naa! I couldn't find what I was looking for, so the only choice I had, was to stand in front of him with the most serious expression that I could utter. ''Where is der Aufzug?'' I demanded with my hands on my hips. It took me every bit of strength I had left not to bounce on him and rip off that smug smile on his lips.

Sadly, I couldn't do anything, but to watch him ascending the stairs. But I won't give up, I need to put my intellectual reasoning to work. ''Judging by the previous stairs, There should be 11 treads in each flight, and probably, what we are about to climb are 6 or 7 staircases.'' I estimated, while looking up. '' You would agree, that you owe me an explanation. Or I won't go anywhere.'' I bargained, with a sly smile on my face and folded hands.

He stopped, looked over his back, and stared down at me. From the high position he was, it made me feel little.

If he thinks he can intimidate me, then he has something else coming. After a moment of staring contest. He smiled charmingly, and stated nonchalantly.

'You can stay here as long as you want,' and you don't need to worry about being alone, I'm quite sure that the cockroaches, and spiders residing here, wouldn't mind keeping you company at all. After all You're at their home, it would be their great pleasure, to make sure, that you're well welcomed.''

What does he take me for? ''Haa! haa! soo Funny, you would have to try harder than that, I won't climb up there, if there is no lift.'' I sneered. I was unfazed by his threat, his bookworm of a sister have scarred me for life with her weird experiments on every repulsive living things, that she could lay her hands on.

'' Did I forget to mention rats and lizards.'' Fear griped me, the moment I heard rats...lizards. He is just messing with me, I tried to assure myself.

But my breath hitched, as he continued up, leaving me hanging. '' You can blab all you want, I'm not that gullible, There is no way Gelid will accommodate such disgusting creatures around him.'' I scoffed, hoping that my theory was right. He completely turned to me this time, and stared at me in amusement. '' And who said that Gelid owns this place?'' I looked at him in confusion, as so many questions began piling up.

''Then..then where are we going?... Who the f**k are you leading me to?... Stop and answer my damn question ORION!!!''

I'm just this close to running crazy. He was already on the second flight. I climbed after him, but I couldn't catch up, so I increased my pace. I'm aware, that I had been figging ignorant, but that was because, I had assumed that he was taking me to Gelid, and it was why I played along.

I don't mind, that I sounded shameless and delusional, but what I do care right now is to get answers from this asshole of a friend, in fact I have no idea where or how to classify our relationship.

Beads of sweat were already forming on my foreheads, as I was on the third staircase, the instant it seems like I was closing up the distance between us, he increases his stride. This might sound so embarrassing, but I'm pretty much like a dog, being lured with a f**cking bone at this moment, uhhu!. My lungs were suffocating from lack of oxygen and the amount of carbon dioxide that were being produced by my poor organs. I ignored my protesting muscles, as I continued climbing up, visualizing how tight I would strangle his neck until his protruding eyes pops out, and I would take them home as my reward, Oh! I should probably also write a blog about my historical moment of victory, and what should be the befitting heading?..maybe ''The Blue Balls Of My Misery.'' I chuckled at my cynical thought. My imaginations did help me in a way, not that I was moving any faster, but at least a little strength to hang on to the handrail.

'' Please wait up. What have I done to deserve this?'' I whispered as loudly as I could, with the last bit of my energy. My legs bitterly gave way on the fourth staircase, I sat on the floor, paying for the oxygen debt, that I f**king owe my body.

JA! That's right I don't like owing anyone at all, of course Orion is an exemption. I owe him a lot of favours, that I can't even pay back. I just realized that I couldn't move any inch of my body, I felt numb all over, now that I'm not under the influence of adrenaline.

I stared upward, and realized, that It was two more flights to go. But..but! you know, that particular moment, that you are so close to your goal, just a little inch, but then it still feels like a thousand more steps to take, well I wouldn't blame my body for giving way. I still have 22 steps to cover (Two staircases/ flights of stairs).......( 1 flight of stair = 11/ 6 staircases = 66 steps) I just climbed 44 steps in a row, with all the physical stress and emotional stress. I felt so spent.

I could no longer resist the urge to lay flat on the steps, so I did. I could imagine lounge of lizards and plagues of rats swamping on my weak body and feeding on my soul. I whimpered at my own disturbing visions. I could only blink my eyes, to stay in touch with reality. My heart jumped, as Orion face appeared, he was gazing down at me, the urge to try and reach out and strangle him, left me even weaker. My damn prey has taken the nine hundred and ninety~nine steps, all I have to do now was to take that LAST step. But I couldn't even lift a finger, let alone carry out my ridiculous plans.

'' I can clearly see, that you enjoyed your punishment.''.........
