
Anything but an Extra

"Anything but An Extra" dives into the life of David, an author underappreciated and criticized in his world, who is suddenly thrust into the universe of his own creation, "Redo of a Hero." But, in an ironic twist of fate, he doesn't become the mighty hero he wrote about, but an overlooked extra bearing his own name, belonging to a prestigious hero family. Suddenly in a world molded by his imagination, David finds himself grappling with the realities of the life he penned. He must navigate through this new life at the Elite Future academy, facing the trials and tribulations that he himself wrote, but this time through the eyes of a seemingly insignificant character. Equipped with his knowledge of the plot, David now holds the power to rewrite destiny, and redefine what it means to be an 'extra.' Can he leverage this unique position to alter the course of events, prevent the tragic betrayals, and change the fate of Enryu, the hero he lovingly created? I will be dual posting this story on Royalroad.com along with Webnovel until it gets contracted on either site.

IEatTurtles · Action
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapter 7: Adapting to Changes

David nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. After his father left, he turned his gaze towards Jupiter's retreating figure, curiosity bubbling within him. He activated his power to view Jupiter's status window.

The moment the holographic interface appeared, he was taken aback. Jupiter's status window was unlike anything he'd seen so far. It was filled with a series of titles, each one more impressive than the last. However, what truly shocked David was the abundance of question marks. It was as though his ability couldn't fully gauge the extent of his father's power.

"Is this...how strong a Hero can be?" he murmured to himself, a mix of awe and fear creeping into his heart.

Status Window


Name: Jupiter

Title: The Thunderbolt Hero, Protector of Fairhaven, The Demonbane

Level: ???

Strength: ???

Endurance: ???

Agility: ???

Intellect: ???

Super Power: Jupiters Red Lightning of Death (???)

Ability Description: ???

Skills: ???


Perhaps as David's own powers grew, he would be able to perceive and understand more about his father's formidable abilities. That thought sparked a small flame of determination in his heart. For now, the overwhelming gap in their powers served as a daunting challenge, but also a driving motivation for David. For the first time in his life, he truly yearned for strength, not just to stand beside the heroes he had created, but also to stand on equal footing with his own family.

As David left his father's office, his heart pounded with a newfound sense of determination. The glaring disparity in their powers, the unreadable status of his father, it was all too clear: he had a long, long way to go. Yet, he wasn't disheartened. If anything, it served as fuel for his drive.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. He managed to avoid any further confrontations with Lux, but his brother's hostile attitude continued to linger in his mind. David knew that their eventual showdown was inevitable. It was something he had to prepare for.

As night fell over the city of Fairhaven, David returned to his room in the luxurious floating villa. He looked out of the window, the stunning vista of the city sprawled out before him. The gleaming skyscrapers, bustling markets, and the ever-changing hue of the cityscape beneath the setting sun was breathtakingly beautiful.

But David wasn't admiring the view. His mind was elsewhere, occupied with the thoughts of Enryu's potential, his father's unreadable status, and Lux's looming threat.

Settling down at his desk, David activated his system. His gaze was steady, resolved. He was ready to face the challenge that awaited him.

"Time to get stronger," he muttered to himself, summoning up the status window for the first step of his journey.

At breakfast, the family members were curiously observant of him, probably wondering about his sudden display of power. Lux, however, was conspicuously absent. David was relieved; he didn't feel like facing his arrogant brother so early in the day.

Later, David was led to a state-of-the-art training facility located within the mansion. A vast expanse filled with advanced training equipment and simulation modules, it was a testament to the elite status of the Ramiels.

His father had explained that the facility would help him gain better control over his powers. Though skeptical, David had to admit that he was intrigued. If he wanted to survive in this world, he needed to master the use of his powers.

He spent hours experimenting with his newly acquired electric manipulation abilities, finding it harder to control than he'd initially thought. The power was raw and volatile, and David had to exert immense concentration to keep it in check.

After a few more hours of training, David had managed to get a rudimentary hold over the power. He could now, at the very least, summon it at will without it running rampant. Satisfied with his progress, he decided to end his training session for the day.

As he prepared to leave, his gaze fell on the Capacity Gauge. A device used to measure one's potential power. David was suddenly struck with an idea. Could he possibly tap into Enryu's potential by using his Author Authority?

It was a long shot, but if it worked, it would give David a significant advantage. But there was one catch - he had to be in close proximity to Enryu to see his status and possibly tap into his power.

Status Window


Name: David Jupiter

Title: Jupiter Heir

Level: 3

Strength: Superhuman (26)

Agility: Peak Human (15)

Intellect: High Human (10)

Super Power: Unawakened


- Author Authority (Ex.lvl1): Ability to view and interact with the world as the author of "Redo of a Hero". Can view character status and 'mantle' characters to be inspired by their Superpowers. Only one slot can be assigned at any given time.

[Inspired By Lux Jupiter]- Jupiters Lightning lv.1

Character Mantle Slots: 0


David scrutinized his updated status. His power was still unawakened, his stats had improved, and his level had increased. The progression system seemed to depend on individual growth and development rather than defeating enemies, which was different from traditional game-like systems he'd read about. Regardless, this tangible evidence of his growth was motivating.

After a moment of thought, David decided to hold onto his skill points. He had a feeling he might need them in the near future.

As David experimented with his powers, he attempted to mantle his father's 'Red Lightning of Death' ability. However, the attempt was met with a prompt in his mind, stating:

[Author Authority Level too low to mantle this ability].

The reality of his limited powers began to sink in. While he could glean the abilities of others, there were constraints he had yet to overcome.

Returning to his room, David found himself alone with his thoughts. The events of the day had been overwhelming, and he took a moment to reflect. His room, a mix of modern design and traditional elegance, was filled with a comforting silence.

He knew he had to prepare for the next day, unsure of the reactions he would receive in light of the day's events. David sighed, realizing the magnitude of his situation. He was living a life that wasn't originally his, yet the responsibility was. He needed to figure out the limitations and potentials of his abilities quickly to navigate his new life successfully.

David's eyes widened in realization.

David tried to mantle his father's ability again, his heart pounded as he saw the system's notification:

[Author Authority Level too low to mantle this ability].

He felt a pang of frustration, yet he also understood that he was just starting to scratch the surface of his abilities. There were still many unseen boundaries he had to uncover and cross.

As he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, his last thought was about Enryu. He saw the potential in him, and with his newfound abilities, he was sure he could help him reach it. But first, he needed to understand his powers better and learn to control them more effectively.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, David asked aloud,

"How do I improve my Author Authority ability?"

Silence filled the room. The system didn't provide an answer, leaving David to ponder in solitude. The ambiguity of the system was frustrating at times, but he understood it was part of his journey.

With a thoughtful frown etched onto his face, David mulled over his abilities. "Perhaps if I level up more, my Author Authority will naturally follow suit..." He decided to test his theory in the coming days. Laying down, he looked up at the ceiling, his mind filled with countless thoughts and strategies. And with that, he slowly drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever the next day would bring.

The following day, David arrived at school with a renewed sense of determination. His focus was singular — to rise from Zero Class. Being stuck there was stifling his growth, and he was ready to change that.

Despite the dubious glances from his classmates and the apparent disdain. David did not allow these to deter him. His goal was to begin catching up on all the subjects the previous David had neglected.

Ms. Agnes, one of the senior teachers and a renowned historian, raised an eyebrow at David's sudden active participation. "Mr. Jupiter," she began, her voice echoing through the silent classroom. "Can you tell us how many Captain Uniteds have been recorded in our history?"

David didn't hesitate, standing upright from his seat. "Captain United is a unique mantle, taken up by only one person at a time. Currently, there is no Captain United because the last one was killed by a villain known as Shadow."

A collective gasp filled the room, and Ms. Agnes' eyes widened. Not only was his answer correct, but the details he provided were more than what was expected.

"Shadow has the ability to teleport anywhere, anytime, and anyplace," David continued, his voice steady. "He used this power to target Captain United's family, using them as leverage to eventually eliminate him."

The room was silent for a moment before Ms. Agnes finally spoke, "Very well, Mr. Jupiter. That is indeed correct. It's nice to see you paying attention for a change." Despite her sharp words, there was an undeniable hint of approval in her tone.

Once the history class had ended, David made his way towards the combat training area. He spotted Enryu from afar, noticing the determined look on his face. With a sigh, David pulled up his system, eager to view Enryu's status.

Status Window


Name: Enryu

Title: Future Ruler, Regressor, Top of the world, Dimensional Terror

Level: 10

Strength: Superhuman (26)

Agility: Superhuman (22)

Intellect: Peak Human (19)

Super Power:

-Cryokinesis (Ice Manipulation)

-Adaptation - Any physical, mental, or environmental challenge encountered will incrementally enhance resilience and abilities.


David's eyes widened. The level of Enryu's physical abilities was even higher than he had initially thought. "This guy... is seriously a monster," David murmured under his breath, both awed and somewhat intimidated.