
Alucard's first day on Earth

Alucard was then sent to Earth for the sake of his father's evil plan, living in a simple apartment in New York. Lucifer insisted that he had to live in a simple apartment just because they had to project the image and stereotype of Jesus being a materialistically detached person, thus lucifer searched for one the most deprived and poor apartment. Lucifer gave his son a warm embrace and said: " Here we are son, from now on you are going to be living here, in New York. Oh you don't know how much I envy you." He paused then took a solemn tone of voice and spoke in deep jazzy voice: "start spreading the news, I'm leaving today. I want to be a part of it, NeW yOrK nEw YoOoORk!!!" He sang the last 4 syllables totally off key, making Alucard block his ears and wince in annoyance. Alucard spoke: "Dad stop it. Don't start with this again, It's so embarrasing, everyone's looking at us. Your singing is horrible, it makes me want to chop my ears off!!!"

Lucifer's joyful expression changed into a sad pout as he exclaimed:" But...but...I picked this apartment in New York just so I could sing this song to you as a farewell gift. what did I do to deserve such an ungrateful child!?" Lucifer held his hand against his forehead, let out the most dramatic sigh ever and stumbled on his black, leather heels, as if he was about to faint due to the "horrendous" and "revolting" comment made by his son concerning his "singing" .

Alucard merely sighed and shook his head at his father's ostentatious, actressy, histrionic, or whatever vocabulary one could use to describe Lucifer's melodramatic outburst. Lucifer opened the car door and got inside his hot pink Lamborghini. He put on his cat eye sunglasses and stated:" Alu, you can go ahead and rest in your apartment, Death will come shortly, I asked him to pay you a visit." To which Alucard replied :" Oh I heard he got a brand new car, a bright, velvety red mustang I think"

Lucifer said back: " yeah who does think he is? he's like more than 2000 years old but he be acting like a 250 years old guy. why does he act like he's fricking 250 years old?! what a show off!" "Dad, stop gossiping about your friend, how old are you? and what's with the Lamborghini, haven't you just bought a Bugatti last week. Alucard replied as his father responded:" Yes but I got bored of it, listen, I gotta go. I've bought a white shirt at Gucci yesterday and I have to return it :( .Turns out that it is not tight enough, just like my girlfriend's a...." Alucard cut him off before he could finish the phrase: "OK dad i get it. you may leave!" Lucifer fastened his belt, started the car engine and stated: " Bye, see you soon. Take care and tell Death i said hi.

Lucifer drove off in his hot pink Lamborghini while yelling at the top of his lungs: " ENJOY YOUR CRAPPY APARTMENT " while keeping an eye on Alucard via his rear view mirror. He was about to crash into some pedestrian but luckily he got a hold of himself just in time. Alucard strolled over to his new apartment, opened the creaky, dusty door. Upon seeing this execrable apartment, he had a disgusted look on his face. He let out a desperate sigh and propped himself on the couch, making a cloud of dust rise up as he coughed repeatedly.

Lucifer chose this flat just to make it more difficult for his son to adapt to the new modern world in a crappy apartment , where he had trouble sleeping due to noise coming from the neighbours banging ;) , due to leaky water taps and also due to the not well screwed windows banging at the slight impact of the wind. Fortunately, our dear protagonist , Alucard got used to his new life in a matter of 3 days. Trying to proclaim himself as Jesus was a tiring job so when he gets home he is so tired that he just tosses himself on the bed and fall into a deep slumber that not even the neighbours' shenanigans could snap him out of it and none of these noises could affect him.

He attempted to start a social media page to make everyone believe he was Jesus, but soon realised social media was not his cup of wine when he noticed that he couldn't even take a single photo properly. He sure looked like Jesus but dumb people , mostly teenagers would assume that Alucard is just a dumb cosplay of Jesus Christ, so they usually just stop by him to take a selfie and leave.

Narrator: Hi, thank you for reading :-). see you on the chapter ;-) .