
Stranger Danger

"Sakuran-chi! Good to see you! But shouldn't you be in class?" A cheerful, warm voice called out just as Yuuto disappeared from sight.

Startled, Sakura quickly turned around, her gaze landing on Shiyon. "A-ahh, Shiyon-san! I was... uh... just on my way to the bathroom, and I thought I'd say hi!" she stammered, caught off guard.

Shiyon's smile widened slightly, a hint of slyness in his expression. "Oh, stopping by to say hi..."

He paused, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Was it to me, or... someone else? Sakurai just left the classroom, so it couldn't have been him..."

As Shiyon observed her, Sakura's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red. She glanced down, her posture slightly hunched, clearly flustered.

Leaning in closer, his eyes alight with the thrill of potential gossip, Shiyon pressed on, "...Or could it be?"

"T-that's...!!" Sakura fumbled for words, her eyes fixed on the floor. "S-sakurai-senpai just happened to walk out when I was passing by, that's all!" she blurted out, trying to deflect the insinuation.

Shiyon's playful tone took a turn as he sensed Sakura's heightened discomfort. "Sakurai... Senpai, huh? Not just 'anime pillow' or Sakurai? You're awfully formal about someone who's not exactly Mr. Popular here. Maybe I should share this fun fact with the others..."

Sakura's complexion turned ashen in an instant. "P-please, Shiyon-san, don't tell anyone... I'll d-do... what... you ask, just... please," she implored, her eyes reflecting sheer panic. Her previously nervous demeanor froze, her body rigid with terror, as if the world around her had suddenly constricted.

In that moment, Shiyon's expression shifted subtly. His eyes, once dancing with mischief, now held a flicker of something else – a silent, reflective pause. He sighed, "Sakuran-chi, I was just teasing. There's nothing wrong with being polite to your seniors, wherever their popularity score stands. It might not be my personal preference, but it's a sign of a well-behaved person," he said, his voice softer, the playfulness replaced with a gentler tone. Sakura's face slowly regained its natural hue as her breath steadied. She lifted her gaze to Shiyon, a sense of normalcy returning to her expression.

"Also, don't be so quick to give in, Sakuran-chi! There are people out there who might take advantage of that," Shiyon warned her, his tone maintaining its usual cheerfulness but with an underlying hint of seriousness. He wagged a finger in front of her, emphasizing his point.

Sakura cast her gaze downward, a hint of shame coloring her features. She nodded in understanding. "Alright... Sorry for bothering you. I'll be going now," she said quietly with a bow, starting to turn away to leave.

"Since you're already here, why not join us? I've got something important to announce, and the more ears, the better!" Shiyon said with a casual air. Sakura paused, then turned back. "An... announcement?"

Together, they entered the classroom.

"Hey everyone! Just to let you know, Sakurai has safely made it to the infirmary," Shiyon announced.

The news was met with a collective indifference. 'As long as Shiyon-kun is happy...' the students thought, their faces showing a mix of disinterest and resignation.

Then, Sakura appeared from behind Shiyon.

"And I found this one wandering around. Since our lesson is almost over, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have her here. That's okay, right, teacher?" Shiyon asked, his tone lighthearted.

The teacher nodded. "Given Ms. Takagi's familiarity with everyone and her frequent visits, she's practically one of us. Your being a second year doesn't matter. But what about your class, Ms. Takagi?"

"Oh, our homeroom teacher is out sick today, so we have a self-study period. I thought I'd stop by here," Sakura explained with a casual shrug.

"Ahh, Sakura-chan! Did you come here because you heard Shiyon-san was visiting?" one of the girls in the class eagerly asked, unable to hide her curiosity. Sakura walked over to her friends, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Well, I mean—"

"Hey, Sakura!! Unfair!" A chorus of female voices echoed from outside the classroom, right behind Shiyon.

"We also wanted to see Shiyon-san!"

"Nobody stopped you... Come on...!" Sakura replied, her voice laced with playful sarcasm, as Shiyon chuckled. The crowd from Sakura's classroom, a mix of girls and boys, swelled, all drawn by the commotion.

The teacher, a hand on his face in mild exasperation, sighed, "Ms. Takagi... It seems you've drawn quite the crowd... Very well. Considering this is a joyous occasion, all of you, come inside!" He waved them in with a resigned smirk, signaling the group outside to enter.

"You're making me blush, teacher!" Shiyon exclaimed with a playful tone, scratching his head in a mock-embarrassed gesture. This charming display wasn't lost on the students, especially the girls, who watched from a distance, their admiration evident in their giggles and dreamy expressions.

"That girl's been coming here quite a lot, huh..." Riko mused, her head resting on her hand, elbow propped on the desk.

"Well, she does have friends here. Plus, isn't she part of your student council?" Shun pointed out, his tone matter-of-fact.

"I know, but... She's been showing up for the past five months or so. It's strange; I don't remember her being this close to anyone in this class, especially more than her own classmates," Riko observed thoughtfully.

"Five months... Oh. You mean since that incident?" Shun connected the dots, his voice dropping slightly.

"... Yeah."

"Maybe she just needed a change of scenery. You know, to meet new people who aren't tied to her past or her ex?"

"I guess so. Going through something like that can really change a person, I suppose." Riko sighed, a hint of understanding in her voice.

"Well, now! Attention, please!" Shiyon's voice rang out, commanding the room. The chatter ceased instantly, replaced by a hushed silence. All eyes, filled with admiration and curiosity, turned to Shiyon.

"First of all, thank you for such a warm welcome. It's great to see everyone so friendly. With the sports festival around the corner, I'm here to assist with preparations related to The Culture Club. I've already gotten permission to join the club after speaking with Sato-chi yesterday." As Shiyon mentioned Sato, the students' gazes shifted to him. He acknowledged them with a nod and a smile.

"Whoa, we have two celebrities in the same room!" one student exclaimed in awe.

"It's like a dream come true..." a group of girls whispered among themselves, their excitement barely contained.

"But I didn't come two weeks earlier just for that..." He continued.


The girls' bathroom was eerily quiet. Everyone was either in class or gathered around to hear Shiyon speak. Everyone, that is, except for two.

"Ugh... What... What's happening to me... I feel... so hot..." Kiriko muttered to herself as she stumbled into the girls' bathroom, her steps unsteady. She had told her teacher that she was having period cramps, a quick excuse that got her excused from class. Her face was flushed, and she struggled to maintain her balance, the world around her spinning slightly.

Struggling to maintain her composure, Kiriko made her way to the sink and peered into the mirror. The reflection staring back at her only made her dizziness intensify.

Her cheeks were markedly flushed, her breaths coming out in heavy, labored gasps. Sweat beaded on her forehead, a clear sign of her discomfort. But what caught her off guard the most was an unusual tingling sensation coursing through her body, particularly in her lower regions.

"Haah... Haaah... W-what's happening to me... Hnn... I feel... Haah..." Kiriko panted, finding it increasingly difficult to control the wave of sensations overwhelming her.

"I need... to sit down.." Her voice was barely a whisper as she left the sink. She staggered into a stall, too weak to even lock the door behind her. Collapsing onto the toilet seat, she finally allowed her muscles to relax in a desperate bid to calm the storm raging within her.

Breathing heavily, Kiriko hesitated. 'Maybe... if I just... masturbate... it'll go away? No one's going to come in here, so...' She tentatively placed her palm on her crotch, feeling an unfamiliar wetness.

'I'll just... imagine it's Yukito... It'll be over quickly...' she thought to herself, starting to rub the area, her mind conjuring images of an intimate moment with her boyfriend.

However, before she could fully lose herself in her fantasy, the door to the stall creaked open, startling her.

A male student stood at the entrance...

... And it was not her boyfriend.

"Oh? This isn't the guys' bathroom..." he announced, and his clothes disheveled. A lecherous expression played across his face as he stepped into the stall.

"W-what!? Mahito, what are you doing here?! Go away!" Kiriko exclaimed, her voice a mix of shock and confusion. She swiftly moved her hand back to her side, her eyes wide as she looked up at the intruder.

"Kiriko-chan, are you okay? You seem a bit stressed..." he said, his tone casual, almost mocking, as he eyed her with an unsettling interest.

His black hair was closely shaved, giving him a sharp look, and his clothes were unkempt and disordered. As he entered, his face bore a lecherous expression as his eyes wandered to Kiriko's wet crotch area. Instead of pulling back per her request, he drew nearer. She instinctively drew herself backward.

"Man, you look like such a mess... What kind of irresponsible boyfriend leaves you in a state like this? But don't worry, I'll make you feel good," he taunted with a lecherous leer, licking his lips hungrily. His eyes shone with a predatory glint, as if he had just located his prey.

"W-wait... Stay back!" Kiriko stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, as she watched him draw closer, locking the stall door behind him. He stepped in between her legs as she sat on the toilet, trapped.

'W-what's happening to me... I can't even shout... Yukito...!!' her mind screamed in panic.

"But you seem to be enjoying yourself. Was the orange juice I handed out for free really that good?" he teased with a hint of a sinister tone, his words dripping with malicious intent.

His mention of the orange juice jolted her memory. '..!!' Her face, previously contorted with confusion and fear, now relaxed in a haunting contrast to the turmoil raging within her. Her body, betraying her, began responding to her carnal desires, her nipples hardening despite her inner resistance.


Just as I was about to share my first kiss with Yukito, he emerged from behind us.

"Our club is giving out free samples of our new drink! It's orange juice with a special ingredient! Kiriko-chan, Yukito, want to try?" Mahito interrupted us with a cheerful smile, holding out a cup of the beverage on a plastic plate. Yukito and I quickly pulled apart in the school hallway.

"N-nah, I'm good..." Yukito mumbled, turning towards the wall.

"I'll take a sip, then!" I said, reaching for the cup and taking a drink.

After that, Yukito and I headed to our morning classes, our kiss left unfinished.


"Please... please... go away... please... don't do... Hnnn... this..." Kiriko begged, her voice trembling with weakness. She struggled to control her limbs, fighting the urge to succumb to the sensations of longing and pleasure.

"Hahaha, virgins are so hilarious... A virgin's pussy feels the best... You'll enjoy this, don't worry," he taunted, his voice filled with malice. He bent down, his face drawing dangerously close to hers, his lips just an inch from her own.

"N-no...!" Kiriko whimpered softly, her voice barely audible as her lips uncontrollably shape to match his as he goes for a kiss.

'I... I don't want this... No... Why isn't my body responding...? Why does it feel like I want this... No... Yukito...!'

Suddenly, there was the sound of a deep breath taken from behind the door, followed swiftly by a forceful kick. The door burst open with such intensity that the plastic lock shattered, and the door slammed into Mahito's back with great force.

"oH wAiT, tHiS iSn'T tHe GuY's BaThRoOm?¡" a voice shouted, both audibly and loudly. The impact pushed Mahito forward, causing his face to slam against the wall.

"E...Eh..?" Kiriko's weak voice barely rose above a whisper as she tried to focus her blurry vision on the figure standing behind Mahito. All she could discern was his really short hair.

"Oh wow. Oh WOW. There are people here, it seems. I just came in for a quiet piss and here we are," the newcomer feigned surprise and ignorance.

'W-...What... Why is he saying that? Is he trying to pretend nothing happened? W-who is he...' Kiriko's thoughts raced as the newcomer, Yuuto, looked up, whistling nonchalantly, as if nothing was amiss. The shock seemed to have brought her a bit back to her senses.

"W-...What.. The... Who's the fucker that dares..." Mahito mumbled, his voice laced with pain and confusion as he slowly turned around, his blood slightly staining the wall.

"Tsk." Yuuto clicked his tongue, his annoyance clear on his face. He quickly balled his hands into fists and slammed them onto the back of Mahito's head before he had a chance to fully turn around. A loud thud echoed in the small space, and Kiriko jumped, startled by the sudden violence. Mahito's body collapsed, his head dropping face-first into the trash basket next to the stall, his body sprawling out on the ground. Yuuto stared at him for a few seconds, ensuring he was unconscious, then gave a few kicks to his side for good measure.

He then slowly raised his eyes to meet Kiriko's, who was still seated on the toilet, her expression a mix of shock and confusion.

"Oh nooo... I fell. Lucky for me, he was there to break my fall..." Yuuto blurted out sarcastically.

Kiriko's expression turned resigned as adrenaline still coursed through her body.

"R-right..." she uttered, her voice barely audible, trailing off into the tense air.

Yuuto glanced casually at Mahito, whose face was buried in the trash.

"Looks like the trash is full. I'll take it out." With ease, he lifted Mahito's limp body and hoisted it over his shoulder. He started to turn towards the door.

"W-wait—" Kiriko called out weakly, but Yuuto cut her off.

"I'll make sure this piece of trash never comes back to school. But since I'm in the girls' bathroom, I could get in trouble. So, keep quiet about who took out the trash. Or I'll take you out as well, fucker. Understood?"

Kiriko, overwhelmed and without time to process everything, nodded quickly as Yuuto turned his head towards her.

Satisfied with her response, Yuuto turned back and walked out of the bathroom, carrying Mahito's unconscious body.

'Damn it all. This is the second blunder I've made handling things at school. And all because of that stupid arm wrestle. But at least everyone's in the classroom, and I've got footage of this scumbag,' Yuuto thought to himself as he discreetly exited the school through the back, managing to avoid detection.

He made his way to the nearby forest, carrying the unconscious Mahito. Once hidden among the trees, he searched Mahito and discovered a small bag filled with powder.

'Very interesting. And on the same day organ harvester joined? I'll get to the bottom of this before you could pull whatever you had in mind, Shiyon Michaels.' he mused, examining the bag closely.

Meanwhile, Yukito was dashing through the school halls, his phone clutched in his hand. It displayed a message from an anonymous sender: "Your girlfriend needs help. Come to the girls' bathroom immediately."

Bursting through the bathroom door, he called out urgently, "Kiriko!? Are you here!?" His search led him to an open stall, where he found Kiriko looking exhausted, her breaths heavy and her cheeks flushed with a red hue.

"K-Kiriko! What happened—" He approached her quickly, concern etched on his face as he caressed her cheeks, trying to understand the situation. But before he could process anything, she wrapped her legs around him.

"Y-Yukito...<3" she murmured softly.< p>

"K-Kiriko..?! What are you doing...?" he stammered, taken aback. Her grip was surprisingly strong; he couldn't break free. Suddenly, he found himself pulled down, lying on top of her.

"M-Mess me up... Now~... I can't take it anymore~..." she whispered seductively into his ear.

And then they fucked. The end.

[ -Of the chapter ;) ]

I thought that it's been a while since the last Anti-NTR, so why not use it as a plot device?

Hazy_0832creators' thoughts
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