
Anti-magic in Fairy tail

Hatsu was born with a disorder that caused him to be bedridden his whole life. However, after pushing through loss and life his way, he is given a chance for adventure after his death. (I do not own fairy tail or the characters beside the MC and OC's)

Joldered · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 (Edited)

(In a Hospital Room)

Hatsu: "Hmm, I think my time is almost up"

Laying in a hospital bed connected to medical machinery, we see a man who looks to be around 28 years old with two book that read "Fairy Tail" and "Black Clover" beside him The patient's name is, Hatsu Smith, a half American/half Japanese citizen that as born with a rare blood disorder.

When Hatsu was 8 years old, both his mother and father died from lightning striking the plane they were taking when coming back from Japan. His mother was an American social worker and his father was a Japanese manga artist.

The doctor that delivered Hatsu stated to his parents that he only had 3 weeks to live. However, due to a miracle and his parents researching and learning ways to help Hatsu, he grew up having a childhood, though hatsu never complained and was grateful for having such determined and caring parents. And while his childhood was living in a hospital, his parents made it so that he could still have some entertainment and an education, since both their professions' consisted of it.

The reason they were coming back from Japan was because they were looking for anyone or any technology that could help ease his disorder or get rid of it completely. When Hatsu learned of his parents death and why they went to Japan, he was beyond sad to not have his parents anymore. He was depressed for a whole week and cried, believing they died because of him. However, due to having time to think and some emotional support from a therapist the hospital provided, he got a little better, albeit still sad but who wouldn't be.

It was then time to read his parents will and inherit what they left for him. The inheritance consisted of three things. First was a sum of money from both of his parents. Second was a series of stories and textbooks that his mother read when learning to become a social worker. Third was a set of art supplies and writing utensils from his father and a free access to the mangas he helped draw and write. The will consisted of an emotional goodbye, words from both of them to aid him in moving in life without them, and how they were proud to be his parents and never felt that he was a burden but their son that they wanted to see grow.

When done reading their will, Hatsu once again cried for his parents death but vowed that he would live his life the way he and his parents would.

With his mothers books and stories on human emotion, his fathers art and writing supplies, and the experience of both him and his parents, Hatsu wrote stories and novels that he hoped would bring some people out of despair and put on smile on their face.

He learned throughout his life that people need love, care and support, not so much that they rely on it, but enough that it shows them different paths. He believes in this because without his parents helping him since he was born or the hospital staff comforting him when he was in despair, he would be a different person than he is today.

Hatsu wanted people who have if rough in their live but doesn't have anyone for anything that he can empathize what they are going through and that his stories and words are enough to bring some people out from the shadows. While he knows that he alone can't save everyone, he hopes and believes that the people he was able help with his writing will be able to the do the same for others, thus being able to help everyone. It sounds like a fantasy yes, but whats wrong with believing in a dream you have worked hard, until death do you part.

Now Hatsu is lying in his hospital bed in a pretty bad shape. He know that his time is almost up. However, he doesn't have any regret, he is grateful that he was able to live this long while working on his writings and he is happy that his stories have actually helped a good amount of people.

Hatsu: "If anything, I wish I could've gone out and see the world more. Heh, maybe even go on an adventure like the people of Fairy Tail."

His eyes start to feel heavy and the beeping from the machines seem to start slowing down.

Hatsu: "Mom, Dad, if I see you after this then we have a lot to catch up on."

The last beep from the heart monitor pass and Hatsu's eyes are soon closed, never to be open again.




At least not on this body.

(Hatsu POV)

My vision flutters for a bit before focusing in.

Hatsu: "Hmmm, well this is definitely new." 'Am I starting into space?'

After being confused for a few seconds, I make a 180 to see if space is surrounding me. But then a beautiful women with long white hair and gold eyes pops out of nowhere.

???: "Hello there!"


I am terribly startled by someone suddenly appearing in my vision even though I am supposed to be dead.

???: "Hahahahaha! I am sorry, I did not mean to startle you. Nice JoJo reference though."

Hatsu: 'She knows that reference?' "Um. Not to sound rude or rushed, but who are you and where am I?"

Tethys: *cough* "Yes that. For starters, my name is Tethys, a goddess. And for where you are, you are within my void that I have created to meet the souls that have piqued my interest so that I can give them a chance to join my familia and reincarnate into another world with three wishes, if you choose to accept it."

Hatsu: "....."

Tethys: "Do you not have any questions?"

Hatsu: "Hmmmm. Well actually, I am wondering if you know what happened to my parents after they died. Also since this sounds a bit like Danmachi, does that mean there are other member to your familia?"

Tethys: "First, I make it a rule to invite the close family of my new children to my own afterlife while informing them on what my familia is and which family member I am recruiting. Second, you do have one member that I recruited not too long ago, he reincarnated into the World of Remnant and has been doing pretty good so far."

I pause at the mention of my parents being here, or near me.

Hatsu: "Can I meet them here?"

Tethys: "Unfortunately no, but they did leave me a message to pass to you whenever you arrived here."

A white screen then pops up in front of me and shows what seems to be audio feed playing.

Audio Feed: "Hello sweetie, this is your mother speaking. First off, let me say that your father and I are so proud of you for what you've done in your life and that you were given this opportunity. We know that you probably have some conflicting emotion of being reborn again in relation to us, but we want to let you know that we are completely fine with it. We saw the life you lived and know that you always wanted to explore and go on adventures like the manage you loved to read. You deserve this chance and should take it full heartedly. We love you so much and know you will do good in whatever world you choose. Love you father and I." *beep-bop*

When the audio ends and the screen disappears, tears are seen streaming down my face. It has been so long since I last heard my mothers voice and to hear that both my parents are encouraging me to take this chance at living an adventurous life makes me sob a bit. I want to take this chance so badly, but the thought of leaving them behind made me feel conflicted, but them giving me their consent makes it a bit easier.

After, collecting myself after a quick cry session, I gather my thoughts and look back toward Tethys.

Hatsu: "Thank you so much for giving me this message and accepting my parents into your afterlife. And as for your opportunity, I accept."

Tethys: "Wonderful, your parents will be so happy to hear you agreed. Now, for the reincarnation bit, what world do you wish to go, and what are your three wishes?"

I immediately think of my two favorite anime.

Hatsu: "I would like to be reborn into the world of Fairy Tail. For my first wish, I want to be able to use anti-magic, meaning I will have all the capabilities Asta has in the manga. For my second wish, I want to be born with the superman syndrome with full control of my muscles. For my third wish, I would like to be born with a body that is able to adapt and resist most types of magic ."

I always admired Asta and his perseverance from Black Clover, and anti-magic is pretty awesome to begin with, especially in a magic based world like Fairy Tail. Also, since I won't be able to increase my strength or defense with magic power, superman syndrome and a resistant/adaptable body will definitely make up for it. Plus it seems like a pretty neat combination right?

Tethys: "Hmmm, very interesting combinations of wishes, all can be granted. I will add something extra as I got this idea from the last recruit and I will let you regain your memories when at a certain age as to skip the the horrors of being a fully aware baby."

I shiver at the thought and am really thankful for her thoughtfulness.

Tethys: "However, for the anti-magic, I will have to influence that world a bit as too make it possible. Now, since this is an original reincarnation, would you like to create your appearance?"

I nod and customization screen is now in front of me. I basically copy and paste Haru Glory from Raven Master, but I make my eyes emerald green and ash-gray.

Hatsu: "Oh and before I go, please tell my parents that I love them very mush and I can't wait to see them when I am done."

Tethys: "Of course, now have fun out there Hatsu, and beware. We may be gods but we are not completely omniscient, we do not control whatever happens in most worlds, so my influence might change or add some events. Is that clear?"

I nod in understanding and soon lose consciousness while being enveloped in darkness once again.




???: "Please take care of my son Aethis, I can only trust you with him."

I flutter my eyes open to see an injured women whom I can assume is my mother and...a devil?

To Be Continued.....

Not as long as the first chapter for my Jacques fanfic, but there was no need for a lot of background info on this charatcer, he has lived a full life. Anyway, I am really excited for thsi fanfic, have a good day and thank you for reading.

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