
Anti: La’Cron Williams

Two brothers are lost in the woods, trying to find their way back home when they stumble across four mysterious, glowing gems. The brothers take them home and share them with their two closest friends. Eventually, the boys gain superpowers! They have so much fun discovering their new powers and using them on each other, however, fun turns into trouble when a man searching for his gems discovers the boys had taken them. The man now wants his gems back in his possession and is willing to do anything in his power to get them back! The boys and their powers are now in danger, and they now have to come together as one and use their powers, strength and skills to protect themselves, keep their powers, and possibly defeat a future enemy. Can you predict the outcome of this future battle?

lwffilmz · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Heavy breathing began to occur as the woods grew darker by the second. It came from a man that was hiding behind a tree with a handful of colored gems. He continued to watch his back from other men that were after him, trying to take back what was theirs. Minutes later, one of the men that were after the man spotted him.

"This way!" He shouted, getting the other men's attention. Soon after being spotted, the man runs for his life with the colored gems. His minions were waiting in their vehicle when he ran into them a few minutes later. His minion's hearts race as they begin to wonder what was happening.

"What's going on, sir?" One of his minions asks.

"Just stay in the car while I hide these gems, we'll come back to them later," The man replies. Seconds later, he buries the gems deep into the ground, hiding them from the other men. Once he finishes burying the gems, he gets into the car.

"What's happening?" His other minion asks.

"Doesn't matter, just drive!" The man says. In an instant, one of his minions steps on the gas, and they vanish from the woods. The men that were after the man finally catch up, noticing that the man and his minions escaped.

"This isn't over!" One of the men shouts into the darkness. In a few moments, they turn back, leaving from where they came. Meanwhile, the gems remained in the ground, waiting to be found.