
Anthology of a Demi-Goddess

A book of free verse poetry that tells the stories of a girl that’s more than man.

Chloe_Grace_Winter · Teen
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7 Chs

Teaching a Dom

Teaching a dom

"Stop, look at me. You need to relax. This is your turf. This is Your moment. This is YOUR love. So relax, and try again..."

"You gave me chill bumps~"

"Now try to touch me. Skin to skin contact is important. Don't forget that you are dominant. There is no perfect way to dominate, so find your style and have confidence in it. There is no bad touch when there is love and consent."

"Slow down when you do that. You have to make me want it. This is all on your time. My world revolves around you, so you have all the time in the world."

"Don't be upset. This is very messy and it takes a lot of practice. Try to relax like I told you. Remember that I love you and we can always stop."

"That was perfect~ I have butterflies! Keep it up sweetie~"