

Kenji is trying to get make the Crocodile Alliance by telling all that. Because Kenji also might have to attack an emperor and Crocodile will be a very good alliance to him.

In the Marine HQ,

Doberman is now reading the report of the Saiyan pirates. Doberman can feel that these Saiyan pirates are growing into something terrifying. But he can report this to Sengoku because Sengoku is now busy. After all, in the new world, Kaido and Whitebeard are again at war so the forces of Marines are there to prevent the civilians from attack.

Doberman called his assistant and he tells him to prepare a ship for him as he will follow the Saiyan pirates by himself.

When Doberman thought about the Saiyan pirates, he immediately thought about his two dead subordinates and he becomes angry. Although these rear-admirals are many in the marines, if some of them can become the vice-admirals then they will become the pillar of the marines so Kenji killing them is the same as broking the future pillars of the marines.

"This time, I will capture these Saiyan pirates by myself and put them all in the Epel Down"

Now on the Saiyan ship, Kenji is lying on the deck. Kenji is thinking about changing the new ship because the Saiyan ship is now damaging that even Babara can't repair anymore.

Although the pirate's year of the Saiyan pirates is not that long, the battles they have fought are too many because Kenji needs to farm for AP. Some battles really did a lot of damage to the ship by cannons and other attacks.

Kenji is thinking of building the new ship at water 7. He is also thinking of getting a bigger ship and also new crew members.

The days on the ship are quite boring as he is always training except for the time sleeping and eating.

The spicy event when he is on the ship, Kenji is being teased by Nami, Nojiko, and Babara quite a lot of time. Although most of them are done by Nami and Nojiko.

5 days later, the Saiyan pirates reached the island. When they stopped the ship in the port, Kenji saw many pirates ships that are stopping in the port.

"Wow I have never seen this many pirates ships in the port," said Bob.

"If my guess is correct, this island is Jaya. This island is one of the islands that are full of pirates in Paradise. I also heard that there is a way to go to Skypiea island." said Kenji seriously.

His crew was also affected by the serious voice of Kenji. Hidari said, "Captain, there is a rumor that Skypiea island is no real and that is the lie of some liar."

"You guys shouldn't believe that kind of rumor from the incomplete people. These guys tell others about there is no Skypiea because they haven't reached there" said Kenji.

Kenji is speaking with his crew while walking toward the bar to get some drink. Then he heard

"Another newcomer who believes that there is the Skypiea island," said a pirate with a big belly.

"Ha ha ha, there are the pirates who believe in the fairy tale," said the pirate behind the man with a big belly.

"Captain, I think these guys are not the pirates but the group of kids comes to Jaya for a field trip," said the pirate.

"Captain, I think we should teach them some lessons into their head for their future," said the pirate.

"Yes, I also second that option, in front of our Captain, Bighead Brokily, they are just a group of children," said the pirate.

"As the reward of them reaching Jaya, you guys give them the free ticket to hell," said Brokily.

When the Saiyan pirates heard the voice of mocking from these guys, Migi is gritting his teeth in anger, Bob also has a very bad vibe and even the girls in the Saiyan pirates are thinking about how to teach them.

"Although I don't care about these guys' words, if you guys want to fight then there is only one end. That is death" said Kenji with a cold voice.

The Bighead pirates who heard the voice of Kenji intimidated for a few moments but the Captain Bighead Brokily laughed loudly.

"You look like a Captain of these kids. You shouldn't talk very big or you will choke with your word" said Brokily mockingly.

"Bob, Migi, Hidari you guys kill them all except that fool with Bighead," said Kenji.

"Roger that Captain," said Bob and the others.

The moment Kenji gave a commend, Bob and the others changed into half-human and half-Zoan forms after that they move towards the crew of Bighead pirates immediately.

The moment Bob and the others moved the ground beneath them cracked and they move into the Bighead pirates with full speed.

The Bighead pirates also saw that they become amazed. Especially Brokily, because when he saw Bob and the others changed into their half-human half-Zoan forms. He knew that he is screwed.

Even in Paradise, the devil fruits are still the things that every pirate desire, and when he saw that three people in front of him can use the power of devil fruits, he immediately commanded his crew "Go back to the ship, we have to get to our ship before they kill us".

However, Bob and the others moved toward the crew of Bighead with their best speed and after a while, the panic voice came from the crew of Bighead.

"How is this possible?" said a pirate.

"Everyone run from them" shouted a pirate.

"You, bastards, stop this instance," said Brokily.

Although Brokily shouted toward Bob and the others. But Bob and the others ignored what he said and continued to kill until the last one of the pirates from the Bighead pirates.

The surrounding people who are watching the good show also showed scared expressions and they are starting to scare the Saiyan pirates and feel sympathy for the Bighead pirates. This scene also reminded them that this sea is for the strong people and this sea is also the sea that devours the weak and it will not even spit out the bones.

Kenji walked slowly toward Brokily who is now standing alone and watching his dead crew. He still couldn't believe that because of his and his crew loose mouths, their entire crew has to disappear.

When Brokily is regretting his decision, he felt a pat on his shoulder and he saw Kenji who is smiling at him with a warm smile. And he heard "Welcome to Paradise and goodbye".

Then Brokily saw his body from top to bottom and his gaze ended at his feet.

Got 200 AP.

The surrounding people also become to disperse as they are fearing that they will also get killed because of these guys' bad moods.

Kenji also smile at Bob and the others and said "Although that fight can't be called a good fight. You guys finish it cleanly so good job".

"Bob and Hidari you two go and find the information that will support us to go to the Skypiea island. You have to tell me everything related to the way to go to the Skypiea island" said Kenji.

Others come with me to the Mock town. "Kenji, is it really necessary to kill all of them?" said Babara.

"Babara, if we are in a different town, I will only knock them out and be done with it but here in Jaya island, we can't show any weakness or others will think that we are pushovers," said Kenji.

Nami and Nojiko who wanted to talk also become silent and they follow Kenji silently.

They also knew that Kenji is really trustable and he is also a good Captain for them.

Nami and Nojiko who thought about that also look at the back of Kenji and both of them go to each of Kenji's arms and hug.

Kenji is also surprised by the moves of Nami and Nojiko. But after getting teased by them on the ship many times, he will blush because of them hugging his arms.

Migi who is looking at this scene feels like he ate dog food and his face turned sour without his control. He also began to miss the girls from the Nonohana. He promised himself that he will go there with Bob and Hidari after they got holidays.

In Mock town, there are many bars but almost all of them are more or less ruined by the fight of pirates but there is one bar that is not ruined. That bar is called "Protible". Although the pirates around don't know why this bar is not ruined, they knew one thing that the pirates who fight in this bar will not see the next sun.

Kenji and his crew walked toward the "Protible" without a second thought. Kenji also felt that "Protible" is acceptable as there are girls in his crew and he doesn't want his girls to drink in a dirty bar.

Kenji and the others entered and sat at one of the tables with five chairs around the table.

The thin waiter comes to the table of Kenji. Kenji and the others tell the waiter what they wanted and Kenji is about to talk about the plan after they reached the Skypiea island.

But Kenji looks at the waiter who takes their order and he becomes amazed because he felt a very strong vitality from the waiter's body.

Kenji feels suspicious so he looked around the bar and he saw all of the waiters and bartenders are very strong.

After saw that Kenji knew that they must be in the territory of some bigshots.

The waiter who takes the order of Kenji and the others go back into the kitchen and he gives a paper to the chef and puts another paper into the mailbox that wrote: "Advice for improvement".

In the mailbox, the paper dropped into the bottom of the mailbox but the bottom opened like a window. The paper disappeared to the bottom of the mailbox.

In the room, which is built-in underground, there are three people and in front of them, there is three den den mushi.

The man brought a paper that is dropped by the waiter to the three men and one of the men read the paper and he saw "The apes are here".

When the man saw that he immediately uses the den den mushi after he gives the paper to the next man.

The next man also gives the paper to the man beside him and he also uses the den den mushi to call.

The last man looked at the paper and he also uses the den den mushi to call.

After a while, in the room, there is only the sound of the three men who are responding to the voice from the other sides.

In the marine HQ, the man who wore an office uniform gets the den den mushi and he heard "The Saiyan pirates have arrived at the Jaya, sir".

"Roger, I will tell this news to the vice-admiral Doberman," said the officer.

After that, he immediately calls the Doberman about the news of the Saiyan pirates' arrival to Jaya.

In the room which is colored pink, purple, and green, a man with a yellow long shirt and a long tongue answered the den den mushi.

"What? Pero" said Perospero.

"Sir, the Saiyan pirates are at the Jaya," said the man.

"Good job and I will tell Mama about your contribution," said Perospero.

Perospero then called Tamago and tell him that the Saiyan pirates are seen at Jaya. He also tells him to give the invitation letter of the big mom's next tea party to Kenji.

In the Dressrosa, a den den mushi is ringing in the room of Trebol, and Trebol who came back from the meeting answered the call.

"Hello," said Trebol.

"Hello, sir, the Saiyan pirates are seen at Jaya island," said the man.

"Good job for reporting and I will not forget your good job," said Trebol.

Trebol then moved his body to Doflamingo who is having fun in his room. After he knew that Diamante is killed by Doflamingo, he becomes very easy to piss and he throws his anger out to the girls in his room every day with another form.

"So Kenji what is the plan when we reached Skypiea," said Nami excitedly.

In the crew, Nami is the most excited about going to the Skypiea after all she has promised her crew that she will draw the world's largest and most perfect map.

"We will have to do according to what nature gives us but I want to make a certain one to become my crewmate," said Kenji with a smile.

"Phuuu Captain, so you finally decided to get a new member. That really good news for me, Bob and Hidari" said Migi happily.

"You guys should have told me if you guys wanted a new member," said Kenji.

"But Bob told me that Captain is not interested in getting a new member," said Migi.

"Yes, I am not interested in getting new members because I don't see any people that caught my attention. If you guys have told me, I will buy a few slaves to do the work on the ship" said Kenji with a smile.

"Ahhhhh! That way is also available," said Migi.

"Actually I have already told Bob to add slaves to the ship if necessary," said Kenji.

"That old cat, he is really making me and my brother all the hard works on the ship," said Migi in anger.

"Don't be angry with Bob because I can see why he makes you guys do the jobs on the ship" said Kenji.

"What is the reason? Captain" said Migi.

"He must have wanted to only have the good relation on the crew and he is also teaching you guys the crucial ways of sailing the ship," said Kenji.

"Why is he teaching us like that?" said Migi.

"The reason is, you will know that in the future so please endure," said Kenji.

"Kenji, I have a question for you. Do you accept the slave system in this world?" said Nojiko.

From her question, Kenji can think that she has the injures of being treated like a slave, and her own village is also treated like slaves by Arlong pirates so she is really sensitive to the word "Slaves".

"For your question, I must tell that I am not really against or accept the slave system. What do you want to deny the slave system?" said Kenji jokingly.

"Yes actually I really wanted to deny the slave system," said Nojiko seriously.

When Kenji heard the word of Nojiko, he surprised because he didn't think that she will answer like that.

Kenji signed and after a while, he said "Although you cannot change the whole world from denying the slave system, you might be able to change a portion of the world".

"Can you tell me more clearly about that answer, Kenji?" said Nojiko.

"Actually my answer is that you guys should know that every four emperors have the territory in the new world. Right?" said Kenji.

"Captain, you are telling us that we are going to aim the territories of these four emperors?" said Migi surprisingly.

When Kenji heard that he gets a headache with the answer of Migi.

"Migi you should know how to shut your big mouth if you don't want to get into unnecessary trouble," said Babara.

"For this one, I also support Babara because you shouldn't talk like that because the influence of the four emperors is really big and there might be someone in the bar who is connected to them," said Kenji.

Migi who heard that becomes pale and he drinks his drink quietly.

"Let's go back to our topic. Actually, there are some areas which are occupied by some of the pirates, and these areas are not related to four emperors" said Kenji.

When his crew heard that they become amazed at the fact of there are still areas that are not occupied by the four emperors.

"What you guys are amazed at that fact? This sea is really big. Even though the four emperors are like giants, their feet cannot step onto every land and these areas which are not ruled by them will be ruled by some famous pirates. And these pirates are called the great pirates" said Kenji.

"The territories we will conquer when we reached to New world will be their territories," said Kenji.

When the crew heard that they become surprised and at the same time that makes them really fired up.

"Of course, to do that will not be easy after all these great pirates are not some carrots and vegetables from the market. All these pirates are led by billion berries bounties pirates and each group has heavy influences on the New world" said Kenji.

After heard the bounties of these pirates, the crew who is firing up immediately quite down like they are splashed by cold water on the faces.

When Kenji and his crew are drinking in the bar, the den den mushi of Kenji rings and he heard Bob's voice from the other side.

"Bob, how is the situation?" said Kenji.

"Captain, I was able to hear some confusing news that I would like to tell you in person," said Bob.

"Ok, we will meet at the port after 30 minutes," said Kenji.

Then Kenji and his crew spend some time in the bar and they went out to meet Bob at the port.

After a while, all the crew members of the Saiyan pirates have together and Bob tells Kenji what he found.

"Captain, although there is much news about Skypiea, some of them are about what they saw from the sky like ship or shadow, etc. But there is one news that is connected to a man who is Mont Blanc Cricket. This man is trying to prove that his ancestor is Mont Blanc Noland. There is even a story about his ancestor." said Bob.

"Okay, then let's go and meet that Mont Blanc Cricket," said Kenji.

Bob leads the way to the house of Mont Blanc Cricket and after a while. Kenji and his crew saw a castle.

Kenji knew that the appearance of this castle is just fake but his crew who saw that become amazed at that fact.

"Wow, I thought that I will only see a castle in the Drum Kingdom but who would have thought that I would see a castle on Jaya island," said Migi in amazement.

Bob who is more experienced saw thought the fake appearance of the castle and he is sneering at the fact of Migi is impressed with this fake castle.

After a while, Kenji knocked on the "door" of the castle

"Knock Knock Knock"

"Huh who is on the door?" said a man.

"It's me your friend who believes in the story of your ancestor," said Kenji.

The door is opened and Kenji saw a man with a weird hat, topless, and purple long trousers have opened the door.

When Kenji saw him, he is very certain of the fact of this guy is the only one on this island who can make them go to the Skypiea.

"My name is Ito Kenji. I want to go to the Sky island," said Kenji.

Kenji introduces his crew to Cricket "This is Bob, Migi, Hidari, Nami, Nojiko, and Babara".

Mont Blanc Cricket who heard that also becomes surprised that because he thought that there might be no one who believes that there is no Sky island.

Although Mont Blanc Cricket is moved by the fact of Kenji believing in the fact of them wanting to go to Sky island but the way he thought of going to the Sky is really dangerous.

"My name is Mont Blanc Cricket and I am the descendant of Noland. I am really happy with the fact of you wanting to go to Sky island but the way of going to Sky island is really dangerous. First, please come to my house" said Cricket.

Kenji and his crew entered the house of the Cricket and he saw two Apes but these Apes are wearing the clothes of humans and they are also greeting Kenji and others in their own way.

Cricket then introduced the two Apes to Kenji "These two are called "Masira and Shoujou" and these guys might be the only two who believe in the fact that there is a City of gold except you guys".

"I don't believe in that City of gold," said Kenji.

"No, you guys don't believe that there is the City of gold but the City of gold is on the Sky island," said Cricket.

"But you guys believe that there is the Sky island is the same as believing in the fact of there is a City of gold," said Cricket.

"So the plan that you have to think of going to the Sky island. Tell us that plan" said Kenji.

"Actual, the plan of mine is to go the Sky island with the knock upstream. The knock upstream is the stream that happened every five times in a month" said Cricket.

"Every month, there is a thick cloud in the sky and every month a knock upstream will create the stream that will push the water to that cloud. I think that cloud is the cloud of Sky island" said Cricket.

When Kenji and his crew heard that every member of his showed various expressions.

"Cricket, what you said is really interesting and I want to go there," said Migi excitedly.

"You are telling that there will be another dangerous way and what you telling us seems more dangerous than the reverse mountain," said Nami.

"I also agree with the option of Nami," said Nojiko and Babara.

Although Hidari and Bob didn't tell anything they are looking around the room to find something that will be useful.

"The time that you guys come is late for a few days and the Knock upstream that can make you guys go the Sky island is after a few weeks so guys have to wait for a few weeks," said Cricket.

When the Saiyan pirates heard that they decided to wait for the Knock upstream that Cricket has told.

"We will wait for that so please call us when the time comes," said Kenji to Cricket.

Then Kenji told Bob to move the ship to near the house of Cricket.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zwe_Htet_Tuncreators' thoughts