
Ant in the prison

Arun_Ram · Book&Literature
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Ant in the prison

Episode 1

Tom got arrested for his crime of supporting terrorist and murdering with them. He was locked in north jail which nobody can escape and till date nobody has escaped. He helped terrorist because they got his family and they told him if you got arrested you shouldn't tell anything about this otherwise we will kill your family and so he didn't even opened up his mouth in trial also. He was given cell number 305 which is in the 3rd floor. Everyday he was thinking about his family and the days passed on. Terrorist took his family because they need help from Tom as he is a genius in everything that's the main reason behind it. They want him hack the satellite of the government and to destroy the places whichever they want and to take control of the whole world. So terrorist group went to find Tom in South who can help them to achieve whatever they want. They found him and they took his family under their custody so that they can negotiate with him. The first assignment was to hack all the cars and control them. He started working on it and atlast he demonstrated how to do that.One car hacking technique is controlling keyless entry remotes. These remotes use wireless and radio signals which make them easy to hack. With the help of devices that transmit electronic signals through walls, hackers can trick a car into believing the key fob is nearby. A second car hacking technique is manipulating an entertainment system. These systems are hacked through their cellular connections. Esurance mentions when hackers are aware of the IP address, they can control anything from the entertainment system to the breaks. He went with first method as everyone has. Then everyone in the city got confused about this action and it became huge traffic all over the south. Then the terrorist explained this is just to test him and long way to go for the journey he mentioned him. Then the second task is to hack government people phone without trace. So that they can read the Information of what they want. And they succeeded what they need then suddenly one police officer came to know about this hacking and he followed them, terrorist group killed him and they asked Tom to accept the murder so that he can go to jail which is in north. In north jail there is a way which takes you to the place of satellite launch program centre. This is the plan of them.

To be continued........