

It's a fanfiction and more like an alternate reality in which Klaus has a twin named Ansel who is a hybrid too. I don't own any characters from the vampire diaries or the originals except Ansel is mine only.

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16 Chs


Ansel looks at Rose's corpse and observes that her body was completely burned.

"I can not understand this...this way of dying...creatures in that our mother turned us are nothing but a true curse," Ansel said emotionally.

"Why is that?" Caroline questioned Ansel.

"Can't you see...she attacked me because she thought that I was my brother Niklaus...and just -just died by coming in contact with the sun" Ansel explained.

"It's because you are new to everything," Caroline said.

"What do you mean?" Ansel asked.

"You are feeling that because this is new to you" Caroline answered back.

"This?...everything is new to me...clothes, mirror, shoes, even hairs, and homes and everything is changed except trees...they are still green...it is like my life is shifted to somewhere else in the world, "Ansel said.

" Okay, don't worry...You will learn to live in this time" Caroline says.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ansel says.

"Why you are so nice to me?...and not just me but with everyone" Ansel questioned.

"I don't know...maybe it's just my thing" Caroline says carelessly.

"You could have died today...You should think about yourself sometimes" Ansel said.

"Now you tell me, why you healed me?" Caroline asked.

" Because I knew someone who was kind as you are...and when I met you last night in the woods, I just saw another version of her in you, the only difference is that she was just kind to only some enlisted peoples," Ansel answered.

"What was her name?" Caroline asked again.

"Marie," Ansel said.

"Was she sexy?" Caroline kept asking questions.

"Was she what?" Ansel replied not understanding what Caroline just said.

"Nothing...I mean...was she beautiful?" Caroline asked.

"She was...God's one of own creations"

"Was she some town girl or..." Caroline questioned.

"She was a thief...use to steal from anyone she looks at" Ansel replied shocking Caroline.

"Wow...did you asked about her to Elijah?"


"But why?"

"What can I expect?...she wasn't cursed like us".

Suddenly, Damon arrived at the Salvatore Boarding House and saw a burnt down corpse and by the number of people he left there last time, he knew it's one of them.

" What happened here?" Damon asked getting the attentions of Caroline and Ansel.

"Damon...I can explain" Caroline said.

"Please" Damon replied.

"Rose...you knew she didn't have any daylight ring so when we came here...she was sick...attacked Elena and me and then-" Caroline stopped in the middle of the description knowing that what will be the outcome and she won't be able to stop if Ansel and Damon fought.

"Then what Blondie?" Damon asks.

"Then she attacked me thinking that I am my brother Niklaus so when she got to me I threw

her away but I didn't know she would have died if she gets in the sun" Ansel confessed.

"You are Elijah's brother...he made a deal with us...that you two won't harm us then now you have broken the deal and that's mean I am free to kill you," Damon said and attacked Ansel.

Damon pushed Ansel to the wall and started choking him.

Ansel grabs Damon's arms and broke it, Damon groans and Ansel grabs his neck then and tosses him off.

"I deeply apologize for your friend and I regret it but if you tried that again, I am going to cut off parts of you that you rather keep...and if you still do not believe me then I can do something for you like getting your friend Justice by killing the werewolf who bit her," Ansel said.

I know I was gone for a few days but I still can't tell you guys when will the next chapter come. First I thought that I should just inform you guys that this novel isn't dropped and what can be a better way than posting a chapter.

I haven't written for a few days so my writing can be a little rusty but when I will be free I will rewrite them if you guys want.

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