
This guy is a bit stupid, right?

Before long, my Genki-Dama crashed into her barrier, causing the great barrier that covered the entire sect to shudder and sag from the impact of my Genki-Dama.

Um… I'm surprised that it resisted it…

I mean… I put enough energy into that Genki-Dama to destroy a planet and possibly the surrounding planets due to the explosion.

I guess a cult doesn't become one of the most powerful organizations on a planet, with nothing to back them up.

Um… let's give them a little more pressure.

Raising my right arm, I pointed it at my Genki-Dama and using my connection to the giant ball of energy and my own energy, to exert force on my Genki-Dama and thus make my gigantic energy bomb crash with even more force. In the already battered barrier.

And to add salt to the injury, I impregnated the piercing concept into my Genki-Dama, which caused the barrier to start to crack a bit, but it would quickly repair itself.

Hmm… It's a very good barrier… Not as incredible as the Great Patriarch's, but it certainly is incredible.

Too bad my mastery of concepts is still quite low, as my clone focused a lot on spatial manipulation. So when my clone started training in concepts, he focused more on being able to use that power whenever he wanted, rather than increasing his power.

Which I myself think is the right thing to do, since I still remember how frustrated I got when I tried to use any of the concepts, but in the end it fails.

Well, back to the topic.

Clearly I am winning this confrontation, since although it is a hundred that the Genki-Dama consumes a lot of energy... That energy is not mine, so it does not count.

And the energy I'm expending on pushing is almost negligible, as the barrier only resists my push. This is why by offering no opposition other than resisting my attack, my power consumption is quite minimal, so my power consumption is quite low.

As for the use of concepts, it is more something mental, so it does not consume energy. But I have to be careful, with mental exhaustion.

Arrggg… How I like to ramble…

What I meant is… I doubt that they will be able to supply power to their barrier long enough for me to run out of power and cancel my attack.

So if things stay that way, I win.

And from what I can see from here... Those bald old men have hit it too.

And do you know the best of everything?

Although its barrier is quite incredible, but it is also quite rigid… Maybe rigid, not the best adjective, as it is quite warped and cracked right now.

What I was referring to, that its barrier prevented anything from passing through it… So they are not able to bind me from the inside, and even something much worse… They cannot run away.

I've checked, the space inside the barrier is pretty stagnant. Because they are unable to use teleportation formations within the sect, it also prevents anyone with spatial abilities from using such abilities.

So they are pretty screwed up.

They can't interrupt my attack.

They can't dodge my attack.

All they can do is wait until my attack breaks through their barrier and destroys their sect and everyone within.

Hahahahaha… (*Evil laugh*)

"Errr… Arthur, you were supposed to show your 'strength', not eradicate the entire sect.

For if you did, the only thing you would achieve would be to take this war to a new level, where all peak cultivators would go in a carnage eradicating all their enemy sects. " The great patriarch told me when he saw that I was being carried away by emotion.


I forgot..." I replied, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

Hum... What do I do now with my Genki-Dama... Since this is not the Dragon Ball universe, where I can send her to the immensities of space and stop thinking about her... Now that I think about it, it might not be a good idea either... God knows how many planets Goku destroyed over the millennia with the Genki-Damas that he sent into space in the anime...

What I was referring to... This universe is inhabited by planes of existence, which means that they are limited in size. So if an attack as powerful as my Genki-Dama hits one of the boundaries… It may not destroy the boundaries of this plane, as it is high-level, but it sure would wreak havoc on the entire plane.

Also, right now we are in the tower of Babylon, so if I'm not careful I could end up destroying the whole tower...

Oh... I have an idea, which may work, so I just won't dissipate the energy and waste it.

Deciding to act a little, I snapped my fingers as my Genki-Dama 'apparently' dispersed in midair.

It was a bit funny to see how the warped and cracked barrier gradually returned to its original shape.

A few minutes after the barrier readjusted, the barrier was 'turned off' and finally the mighty bald men flew off to meet us.

It was quite a motley group of people… Well, they are all bald in monk's garb, but let's just say that each of them has personalized their outfit, giving them some individuality.

Apart from their Buddhist robes with some details of different colors, there are a couple of them that carry what I suppose are prayer beads the size of dragon balls, around their body as if they were belts or straps.

Others carry strange looking swords, I guess they are Buddhist artifacts or something.

They all have a calm and collected appearance, worthy of a monk who does not allow worldly problems to affect them.

Well, all but one.

One of the monks at the back of the group had an angry expression. That expression, coupled with the two peculiar-looking sabers that he carried in each of his hands, makes it look like he wants to cut me in half the moment he sees me.

"May I ask the reason for this attack on our humble sect?" The apparent leader asked with a serene and calm expression. As if this whole thing had nothing to do with him.

"Well, first, nice to meet you all. And second, you do not have to worry, since although it is true that here my young friend Arthur almost destroyed your sect... Certainly that was not his intention. " The great patriarch said with a smile on his face.

Although the leader of the monks kept his facade calm and carefree... The rest of the monks did not have the same integrity, so for a fraction of a second, I could see the surprise on the faces of the vast majority.

His surprise certainly does not surprise me, since as the great patriarch mentioned before, my energy signature had totally changed.

As the objective of this war, all the high officials of the enemy alliance were provided with a trace of my energy signature so that they could identify me if they crossed me.

Although clearly, I was not the one who provided them with this energy signature, but as previous incidents (Curse of Lineage) demonstrated, these old cultivators have their ways... So it is not exactly strange or rare that they managed to get their hands on a sample of my energy firm, large enough to share it among all the organizations that made up its alliance.

That's why they come across the guy they were hunting, in front of them after nearly destroying their sect and probably killing or wounding all of them. Since one does not reach his power and age without various tricks he saves lives.

"Oh... I understand... Is this a show of force?" Asked the Buddhist leader.

Wow… insightful guy.

"That's right, you've hit the nail on the head. As you can see my young friend has reached an incredible level of power and as he has just demonstrated he has enough power in him to destroy your sect without breaking a sweat. He, he, he. " The great patriarch said happily, ending his speech with a somewhat wicked and mocking smile.

The angry guy grunted and looked like he was about to charge forward, but his leader stopped him with a simple cough.

"I see… And although its power is certainly… Immense. I think it takes more than a sneak attack, to prove your point. What do you think?" The leader of the Buddhists asked the great patriarch calmly.

"Clear. Who are you going to sacrifice? " I happily accept and ask the great patriarch…

It's the first time I've seen the great patriarch act like this, he is usually a calm and friendly guy. But now he just looks like a lunatic psychopath, with that Cheshire cat grin on his face.

I guess one is not the spiritual leader of a great demonic clan without good reason… (The current leader would be the patriarch, the great patriarch would be something like the nuclear bomb kept in the basement just in case.)

Hearing his words, The leader of the monks stopped to think, because although the words of the great words might sound crazy and arrogant... It did not mean that they were false, besides that there was more in those words than what could be heard.

The first thing is that the 'duel' would be a battle to the death... At least from our side, so whoever fights with me has to be prepared to die.

Second, he has to think very well about whom he sends to fight me. Since due to my energy system different from his, it is very difficult for him to perceive my estimated strength, in his eyes I look like a monster with incredibly large reserves of energy.

So they have no idea how strong I am, that's why if they send someone weak, it will make it look like they are actually sending a sacrifice to appease me. And if its apparent leader goes out to fight himself and by chance loses, his sect loses its pillar of support.

So it is not an easy decision for him, since no matter what decision he makes, he risks losing the faith of his companions in him or causing the sect to lose a powerful cultivator.

And do you know the best of everything? That he has gotten into all this mess by himself.

If the leader of the monks had kept quiet and shut his mouth, accepting my initial show of strength, he and his sect would have come out of this mess relatively unscathed. Their pride and reputations may have suffered a bit, but they would have come out of this mess with their strength intact.

But now, no matter what he does, he's going to lose a peak cultivator. Which entails losing centuries or even millennia of resources, which it took to nurture a cultivator at this level.

That is why I am sure that under that facade of tranquility, the bald old man is cursing his ancestors in his mind for being a loudmouth.