
I'm missing something?

Well, in the end I was lucky.

Because when I explained my reason for traveling to the Pokémon universe, both Pokémon gods decided to help me find my two targets.

At first, I was surprised, since I didn't expect them to help me… Kidnap? Some Pokémon. But on the other hand, every day Pokémon 'trainers' catch Pokémon. So it's no wonder they don't care.

On the other hand, Dialga seems to be a bit happy to get rid of Celebi (Dialga told me the names of the two Pokémon after a description), as it seems to always cause him problems with his time travel.

In Jirachi's case, it was almost the opposite, as they were a bit reluctant to let me take him away. But in the end they decided, that it would be better for Jirachi to 'bond' with an immortal like me, than any mortal on their planet.

When I asked the two Pokémon gods what it was for, they told me that apparently Jirachi sleeps for a thousand years and only stays awake for a week before going back to sleep.

That is why, they think it is better that he stay with me, since then Jirachi would not be saddened after waking up every thousand years and finding his friends already dead. Which apparently has already happened several times.

I felt quite sad when I thought about that… it's like overnight, people I consider friends to suddenly die…

Well, back to the summary.

I had no trouble finding Jirachi, as Palkia teleported us directly into a cave where little Jirachi was.

It was so cute to see Jirachi sleeping ... With its star head and the rest of its body wrapped in the wings / silk strips, it made its body look like a yellow ball ...

When starting the contract with Jirachi, the Pokémon with the head of star accepted it immediately, apparently in his subconscious Jirachi was quite eager for company. And the promise of a family to accompany him for all eternity was too good for Jirachi to reject.

With Celebi we had a little more problems, since as soon as he felt us close… More specifically Dialga, he escaped by traveling through time.

It took us about three days to catch it, though it was mostly because after three days of countless time travel, Celebi was pretty tired. So in the end Celebi was delayed for a moment, giving Dialga a chance to block the flow of time around us, preventing Celebi from escaping again.

And let me tell you one thing… No wonder Celebi ran away so desperately, since when Dialga put his paws on Celebi… Let's just say, Celebi was bullied pretty bad.

Although apparently, this worked to my advantage, since upon learning that I possessed a whole world full of vegetation and forests that are not 'stained' by the hands of man, I agree to come with me ...

Who am I kidding, it is true that everything He was quite tempted by the above, but what convinced him to come with me was knowing that I would put an infinite number of universes between himself and Dialga.

Shortly after 'capturing' my second Pokémon, I left and returned to the Dragon Ball universe.

Although before I left, I did ask if at some point in the future, I could come on vacation with the family.

At first both Pokémon seemed confused, but after learning that my vacation would consist of pretending to live a mortal life, they said there would be no problem as long as I didn't destroy any planet.

I haven't checked the Celebi and Jirachi statuses yet, as my grimoire is still not working and outside the alternate LLS universe, I can't use the grimoire store to buy the information for both.

So I currently have the two Pokémon in my grimoire world, and I have to say that they have adapted quite well.

Everyone in my grimoire world was shocked when Jirachi appeared in my grimoire world for the first time, as like a black hole, Jirachi began to absorb insane amounts of environmental energy from my grimoire world.

Luckily, this event only lasted a few minutes, and after absorbing all that energy Jirachi woke up.

At that moment I don't find out, since he is hunting Celebi at that moment, because I was very surprised when Arachne informed me of what happened.

I guess Jirachi's 'thousand years of sleep' are for absorbing or recovering energy. In the end we theorized that in order to grant wishes, Jirachi needs a lot of energy, which doesn't surprise me.

Dragon balls work more or less the same, it's just that instead of using raw energy, they use karmic energy. In the end, nothing comes for free in this world.

After seven days, we were able to confirm that if Jirachi didn't grant any wishes, he didn't have to go back to sleep. So now he lives quietly, while spending his days around the mansion where we live. Although he spends almost all his time with Elvara and Elanna, since apparently Jirachi likes, the voices of both ... I don't know, each one has their fetishes ...

Celebi, also lives happily, since he happily wanders through all the forests and grasslands of my grimoire world, is more ... Sometimes I even find him playing with himself in some forest ...

Yes, apparently Celebi tends to travel to the past to play with himself, I guess this is one of the reasons why Dialga always I was upset with Celebi, as time travel can wreak havoc ... And someone travel in time to play ...

Anyway, like Jirachi, Celebi really likes to go play with Elvara and Elanna, which I don't strange. Since the mother and daughter duo have a fairly high affinity with nature.

I have not yet begun to study the concepts that those two represent, as I am waiting for them to become guardian beasts. Because by becoming guardian beasts, our bond will strengthen and make it much easier for me to feel their concepts.

So after my two successful trips through the multiverse, I decided to take a break ... Especially, because on the last trip to the Pokémon universe, I almost had a mishap ...

If Palkia and Dialga were stronger, things could have ended quite a bit bad for me ...

And the problem is, I don't even know how to fight them ... Say everything you want, but Dialga is a crafty bastard.

I didn't realize it at the time, but after this whole thing settled, I realized something. The bastard Dialga, he went back in time, so he didn't know how they fight… So I have no idea if I beat them up or if I really narrowly escaped being killed by those two… I literally never happened, by which I don't have any kind of reference on how I compare to those two…

Damn you sneaky bastard


Well it's time…

Sitting on the edge of the lookout, I close my eyes and begin to refine the few parts of my body that haven't yet been refined by divine energy.

Little by little, little patches of my skin began to glow a flaming red, these patches of skin gradually spread over the rest of my body. Little by little these flaming skin patches spread more and more, over time the flaming skin patches started to merge with each other and get bigger, until eventually my whole body became shiny and my hair turned even more crimson than before.

Without realizing it, the sky was filled with golden clouds.

At the same time, Nimbus left my body and went to the golden clouds in the sky and began to absorb them.

Without realizing any of this, my body began to float. Now that my whole body has completed deification, it is the beginning of all my energy turning into divine energy.

Little by little, crimson and golden flames began to cover my body, as if it was purifying it.

As time passed, my body began to become more compact and even seemed to rejuvenate to my appearance from when I was twenty years old.

Also, seven black colored tattoos appeared on various parts of my body, although I myself would not recognize most of them.

The only one of the seven tattoos that I would recognize would be the one that appeared on my forehead, which was the rune of the sin of anger.

So if I was aware of what is happening, I would have guessed, that the other six tattoos were the other runes of the primordial sins.

During the entire process of my ascension, the seven runes did not stop emitting wisps of black smoke, until after three hours one of the seven runes seemed to break and dissolve under the purification of the flames that are part of my divine aura.

And as if they were domino pieces, one after the other runes began to dissolve one after another.

The rune of the sin of wrath, lasted much longer than the others, I suppose that is because it is the one that I have used the most… Well, it is the only one of the runes that I had unlocked.

As I finished purifying my existence of all its 'stains', the flames that covered my body began to grow little by little, and in no time the flames covered a radius of around five meters around me.

Upon reaching that size, the flames which is actually my divine energy, began to thicken instead of growing larger.

After almost an hour more, the process seemed to end, as the golden clouds in the sky began to disperse. Leaving only Nimbus, who now also possessed the same golden color as the clouds that appeared during my ascent to divinity.

Little by little I descended until my feet touched the lookout floor and my divine energy began to recede within my body.

I stayed a few more seconds with my eyes closed, while impressing the changes in my body.

At the end of my inspection, I couldn't help but frown and bring my left hand to my right chest, where my heart is located.

By the time I opened my eyes, confusion could only be found in my now glowing red eyes.