
Has meditation become fashionable?

Well, it seems it's time I stopped sunbathing.

A few minutes after Cell transformed into his third form, Piccolo's Ki started to decrease rapidly, so it's my time to 'save' him.

Although with my limited omniscience, I am able to see that it is actually just Piccolo wasting his Ki and therefore wasting his reserves.

So without saying anything to anyone and pretending to be worried, I teleported to where Piccolo and Cell were.

As soon as he appeared, Piccolo noticed me and with an exchange of glances, he stopped draining his Ki.

"I see that everything has gone well, what's more... Piccolo seems to be in a better mood." I said to both with a smile.

"* Grunt * It's not thanks to you, but I suppose being able to fight at full power without worrying about the consequences is… Relaxing." Piccolo told me after growling at me.

Oh, it seems that though Piccolo's character has softened quite a bit from merging with Kami-sama, but it seems like he still has that rough edge to him.

"How do you calculate his strength compared to yours?" I asked Cell.

"Um… Without me using any support techniques like haki and the like, I think his power is roughly a fifth of my power, although I have to say that I'm currently transformed into a super saiyan… So his base power is greater than mine. " Cell said, after thinking about it for a while.

Piccolo seemed to be hesitant between being upset or proud… Although most of all, Piccolo was upset to find out that this bastard monster also has the ridiculous transformations of the Saiyans.

"Oh... So, unless Goku and Gohan's base power increases significantly, they won't be able to defeat you even if they both reach super saiyan 2." I said after doing some mental math.

Since I estimate that Goku's power will be a bit higher than Vegeta's when he finishes his training… And since he's concentrating on unlocking the super saiyan 2 transformation, I doubt he's concentrating at much on increasing his base power.

In the anime, Goku relied on Gohan to break the limit of super saiyan transformation, to defeat Cell. A risky bet, but in the end it worked.

But I doubt that will work right now... Although with the hint I gave you, I doubt that Goku wastes his training time, developing the same super saiyan variants as Vegeta. Which I think happened in the anime.


"Cell, if at some point Vegeta, Trunks, Goku or Gohan reach the transformation into super saiyan 2, let yourself win... Although I don't know how long it will take to achieve it." I told Cell who nodded.

For a moment I thought of something and looked at Piccolo… Which made him look at me nervously.

"If by any chance, none of them have reached super saiyan 2, by the time the next fight comes, I think we could give them a hand..." I said while still looking at Piccolo.

"Why are you looking at me like this * Grunt *?" Piccolo growled at me defensively.

"Well..." Then I told the two of my plan, which was pretty easy... In theory.

Basically, Piccolo would 'sacrifice' himself to save Gohan, which would 'motivate' him enough to reach super saiyan 2.

Piccolo was upset and confused, as he did not understand the reason for his 'heroic' sacrifice.

So I have no choice but to explain the fact that Gohan, being a hybrid of saiyan and earthling, has a greater facility to have power increases due to attacks of anger, since he does not have much of the instincts and impulses of a normal saiyan. That is why having a more peaceful mentality and not so oriented towards violence and fighting, coupled with a peacetime oriented education, makes the stimulation of anger give him more power than a normal saiyan.

And since Gohan clearly has a certain appreciation and affection for Piccolo, if Piccolo died in front of him, it is almost certain that Gohan would achieve the transformation of super saiyan 2.

Upon hearing my explanation, Piccolo stopped to think about it for a few minutes...

In the end the Piccolo's expression settled on a mixture of acceptance and reluctance.

On the one hand, he understood that it was good for Gohan, as it would increase his power a lot… But on the other hand, Piccolo didn't like the idea of ​​manipulating Gohan's feelings like that very much, so he was a bit reluctant.

But in the end, Piccolo agreed to do his part if the case arose.

"Well… So now we will go back and tell everyone, that in his infinite arrogance, Cell gave us one more week of time to train. We will also tell them that Cell is thinking of setting up a tournament, and that if we win the tournament, Cell will leave earth alone and go into space." I said after remembering the tournament part...

"Cell, this will be a private tournament... Don't advertise it." I told Cell very seriously, since I did not want the same thing to happen as in the anime, where a lot of mortals died, since they stupidly sent an entire army to try to fight him... Besides, I don't want Mr. Satan benefit from the hard work of the z warriors.

And although they may no longer give Mr. Satan a city, he is still the martial arts world champion, so he won't be short of money or anything.

And on the subject of Gohan and Videl… Destiny isn't that weak, so I'm not worried that they won't end up getting together.

Oh… Speaking of couples…

"Where's C-18?" I asked the two of them, since she is clearly not here and I don't feel her in my grimoire world.

"During the middle of our fight, she yelled at us that she was bored and that she was going shopping." Cell answered me.

"Oh… well, it doesn't matter. As long as no one sees her until we finish all this charade, it doesn't matter if she goes shopping for a bit. " I said after thinking about it for half a second.

"Well Piccolo, it's time to go... Although now that I see you... Even with all those bruises and wounds, you seem too good to finish facing Cell with his new increase in power... Maybe we should cut off your arm or leg? ? " I told Piccolo, who growled at me and gave me a look like… 'Dare'…

"Don't worry, it was just a suggestion… You don't have to take it so seriously… It's not like it was the first time that you lose an arm. " I said quickly to Piccolo in an attempt to calm him down, even though the last part was whispered... Although I think he heard me anyway, as the look he gave me became even more annoying.

In the end, I put my hand on Piccolo's shoulder and teleported us to the lookout.

"Piccolo! Are you alive!" Krillin yelled in joy to see Piccolo come back in one piece… Very bruised, but with all limbs.

"Yes... Apparently, after absorbing C-18 not only increased his power, but also his arrogance..." Piccolo replied.

And so, we explained to everyone how Cell had decided to establish a tournament... In which, if we lost, he would destroy the earth and if we won, he would leave the earth... If we didn't kill him, of course (This is because, technically they could beat Cell if they take him out of the ring, so they don't need to be stronger than Cell to defeat him).

And with the new information, Krillin, Yamcha and Tenshinhan, who had quite a bit of experience fighting in tournaments, began to devise different strategies to win the fight by taking advantage of the tournament rules.

Meanwhile, Vegeta continued his attempt at meditation while in super saiyan mode. Trunks joined his father in meditation and was clearly doing much better than his father on the subject of meditation, although of course they both still have a long way to go.

Piccolo, after eating a senzu bean and recovering from his injuries, also began to meditate, although he did it to train with some kind of image training.

And seeing that half of those present were meditating or planning, I went back to the deck that was next to Bulma's to sunbathe.

Next chapter