
Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Lin Li accidentally enters another world while playing with his smurf mage account just after he maxes out all kinds of crafting skills, bringing with him various top-grade materials. Although his character is practically powerless, what he gains in return is unprecedented magical talent! Can he survive by himself after being thrown into another world?

Zhuang Bifan · Fantasy
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1309 Chs

Flame Dragon Lothar

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Old Rogge, do you want me to do something for you when you say that you'll give the branch of Eternity to me?" Nefa landed on a spot opposite Rogge which he personally thought was safe. After all, he was wary of this Dark Mage who had been his neighbor for hundreds of years.

"Right, I need you to collaborate with me for something. Once it's done, I can give you the branch of Eternity." Rogge wasn't bothered by Nefa's rude tone, and directly stated his demand.

"Collaborate? What kind of task can't you accomplish yourself and need my help with?" Nefa looked alarmed. No one was clearer about Rogge's abilities than Nefa, especially after Rogge had transformed into his current state. When Rogge needed to collaborate with others even with such terrifying abilities, it definitely wouldn't be a simple task.

Rogge stared at Nefa, and replied, "It's all because of you."