
Another Isekai? And Why Must These Names Be So Long?(One Shot)

Guy dies, gets reincarnated in another world. You know the usual. But this guy claims to be quite... intelligent. But is he? I don't know, you tell me. :)

The_Origin · Fantasy
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1 Chs

I would've preferred Truck-kun tho

Point of View(POV): Edward Hueston


I was looking down at the sea and it was looking beautiful. Although I don't quite like the idea of dying at such a young age, I'm at least happy that I could look at such a beautiful sight during my final moments. The plane was flying at low altitude, just enough to open the front door. Although it's still high enough that if I drop from here, I'd certainly die. Hi, my name is Edward Hueston and I'm a huge long time anime and manga fan. My favourite genres are High Fantasy and Dark Fantasy. Yeah, I'm a huge fantasy nerd. Apart from that, I also play a lot of video games and read a lot of comic books and watch a lot of movies... Yeah, my life until now has been like one in heaven. I am the top scorer of my class so my parents just let me have all the fun I want to. I was born in California and currently, I am a 17 year old who is inside a Hijacked plane that was heading from Japan back to US. You see, my father's company had just recently had a business collaboration with a Japanese company and so my father had to visit Japan for business purposes along with his entire family. As an anime nerd, this was like a dream come true for me. I had a fun time in Japan and like all good things that come to an end, it was time for us to go back home. But just as we were heading back, the plane we were in got hijacked. Long story short, this is how we ended up in this situation. Right now, there is a terrorist pointing his gun behind my head. He has already killed my parents and now it's my turn. The terrorist pointing his gun at me, just received a message on his radio. The message said, "2 minutes are up. Kill him."

This was it huh? Time for me to die? I mean, there is already a bullet inside me, that entered from my back. When they were dragging my mom, like an idiot, I resisted and they shot me in my back. I'm still in my rebellious phase after all. Which reminds me, what a shame it indeed is. I had a full life ahead of me. But regardless, it's all about to end. There is no saving me now. The trigger is about to be pulled and all I can think of is that line from one of my favourite movies, "Perhaps he's wondering why anyone would shoot a man before throwing him off the plane."

Judging by the order in which they are targeting the hostages, I'm guessing that my sister is going to be next. My sister is the one who was sitting next to me. She's 20 and currently she's still in her seat, trembling and shaking with feet on the seat, her hands covering her ears and her eyes closed as tear drips from her face. I don't really want her to die even if I die. I know she is going to have a very harder life ahead after this but still... But what can I do? I'm going to die anyway. Just then, a funny thought crossed my head, "If I am going to die anyway, why not die fighting? At the very least, I might be able to save my sister..."

What is this? A movie? Just how am I supposed to do that? The terrorist started pulling the trigger. It was no longer a choice for me. It was now or never. And I wanted to save my sister. I guess, the decision was made even before I knew it. I started thinking, there are 3 terrorists inside the plane, atleast in my knowledge. There is this one who is behind me. We are at the front gate. The other one who is near the back gate. And the last one is inside the cockpit. The one who is behind me is pressing the trigger with his right index, which means he is right handed. If I throw him off the plane from his right side, he will instinctively try to reach out with his right hand, the same one in which he will be holding his gun. If he does, it will be a jackpot. The bullet is fired, I twist my neck to the right and the bullet passes by, barely grazing my left ear. Before the terrorist can realise what happened, I quickly got up on my knees and elbowed him in his junk with my right elbow. As expected, he was wearing some sort of guard there. It would have been easier if he weren't but I'm not done yet. My right hand was now in just the orientation that I wanted. Before he could realise, I extended my right hand and grabbed his bullet proof jacket on his right side and pulled him off the open gate of the plane. Without the Adrenaline due to the bullet in my back, I wouldn't have been able to do it. As a matter of fact, I might not even be able to think straight without the bullet in me. I guess I owe it to the guy who shot me. Just as I had anticipated the terrorist, while in mid air, let go of the gun's barrel, which he was holding with his left hand and tried to reach out into the plane with his right hand, jackpot. As soon as the gun touched the surface of the ground inside the plane, I pressed it against the ground with my left hand. The terrorist was left hanging as he held the gun. I punched his arm 3 or 4 times and after that, he let go. All the way down to the Pacific Ocean. Ocean or no, As I said before, he won't survive. One down, two more to go. I now also had a gun. When I pulled the first one over, the second one, who was near the back gate, saw him fall and screamed "Karpov!!" He is now heading in my direction. Now I get to look at the gun. It was an AK-47. The usual, as in any movie. Thanks to being a nerd, I'd recently watched an animation video describing the working and design of the AK-47. I knew how it worked, the real question was, how many bullets are in it? For my plan to work out, I'd need at least two bullets. One for the kill shot and one for good luck in case the first one missed, which I knew it would as I am no trained shooter. Fortunately the barrel seemed almost half full. Full enough for me. I was just hoping that he hadn't seen my hand as I pulled the first one over. If he is ready for me, I'm done. But I don't think he is, because he is walking too fast to be on guard. That's another in my favour, but the last thing that scared me would be that the 3rd one coming out of the cockpit. I just hope he doesn't. I knew that my untrained shoulders wouldn't be able to handle the ricochet so I placed my back and the gun's back against the wall. The 2nd one arrived at the front gate not expecting me and just as he did, surprise... bang. The first bullet hit his bullet proof jacket, within expectations and then, in no time, I readjust my aim and headshot. A return gift for shooting me I suppose. Two down. One more to go. Now I need to get ready for the last one. Which I hope he is. As there is no way I can handle another one. The 2nd one's body dropped back against the wall. I was in a lot of pain but I got up anyway. I pulled his body behind the side wall so that when he comes out of the cockpit, he doesn't notice it immediately. Unsure how many bullets remain in my gun, I exchanged guns with him. As that happened, the radio suddenly went active, "Karpov. Smith. Don't kill the hostages needlessly. Karpov? Smith? Come in. Karpov. Smith..."

The last one was coming. I tried to get inside into the Cabin. A Japanese Air Hostess, who was earlier sitting behind and trembling now helped me into the Cabin. I realised that although I did not notice earlier, the passengers all screamed everytime a bullet was shot. My sister seemed clueless of what was going on. Breathlessly, I confirmed with the Air Hostess, "How many terrorists are inside the cockpit?"

She replied, "Just one." As she helped me sit down.

I enquired again, "Are there any others?"

She replied, "No" as she took out the First Aid kit.

I said, "Hold it, or we both die." She looked at me confused.

The radio went active again, "Karpov? Smith?..." followed by silence.

I whispered to the Air Hostess, "What do you think will happen? If he sees you helping me he will kill both of us. I won't be able to react if I'm busy getting First Aid. So hold it for a while."

The radio went active again, "Karpov? Smith? Respond immediately."

The Air Hostess seemed distressed and confused.

I don't know what was going on in my mind that I suddenly said, "You're Hot."

"Huh?" The Air Hostess looked at me confused.

What I said was the truth. I wasn't trying to comfort her or anything but normally I wouldn't speak these things out loud. I realized what happened as the gate of the cockpit opened and the last one came out. Walking slowly. He's on his guard.

I whispered to the Air Hostess, "Sorry, I'm on adrenaline" as I got up and leaned against the wall ready to make the last kill shot. He noticed the open door and started walking slowly towards it. I indicated the passengers sitting at the front to lower their heads as there was a chance that a bullet might hit them. They all did the same.

As he got to the front gate and saw the dead body of his friend, he got emotional and screamed, "Smith!" and sat in front of him. Noticing the hole in his head, he immediately realised what was happening and not having enough time to fully turn around, in the nick of a second, he took out his 9mm pistol, and turned around aiming his gun at me, as I aimed my gun at him and we both shoot. The passengers all scream once again and...

A double headshot. Three down. Game over. There was a 1 percent chance that I might be able to survive this. I guess this was that other 99 percent. But regardless, my sister was safe and I was happy. The last terrorist fell down. I toppled towards my front as I dropped my gun and bumped into the sidewall. Then I fell towards my left and out of the plane. I was falling head first into the Pacific Ocean. As I was falling, I saw the skyline of San Francisco in front of me as the red sun was rising behind the tall buildings. Upside down though it may have been, to me, it had never looked more beautiful. Instinctively, I whispered, "I'm home."

As my consciousness started to fade away I started thinking about the people who lived. Of the grandpa who lost his only son and the child, who is still too young to realise that his father has gone to some place he is never going to return from even if he wanted to, of the girl in her early twenties, who just lost her entire family, including a 17 year old younger brother and both parents, all in a single day. There were 300 passengers on that plane. Of them, including me and both my parents, 8 people and 3 terrorists lost their lives. Whatever their goal was, I hope those guys are happy now. Although, I actually wonder. No one wants or enjoys to kill people right? What was it that forced those people to take those drastic measures?

As I was falling, I realised that I was going to fall into sea water which is salt water. Wounds and salt water aren't a great mix. "Damn. It's going to hurt a lot." I thought to myself as my body splashed on the water.

I had been watching a lot of Isekai anime lately so as the last strands of my consciousness broke, I wondered, "Hey, after all this, what if I got reincarnated into another world?"

This thought was immediately followed by another, "I would've preferred Truck-kun tho. Dying like this is very painful."

After a lot of pain and struggle in vain, my consciousness completely faded away.

I died.

Or as quoted from a certain game, "YOU DIED"

But then suddenly, I woke up again. I rose from apparently some shallow water on all fours swinging my hairs from the front of my face to the back of my head and started gasping heavily. The water was dazzling white which faded away soon and became transparent again, revealing some strange markings carved on the ground. Any anime fan would recognise these markings as "a magic circle."

I got up on my legs but stumbled and fell down behind me, sitting up straight. In front of me was a young girl, who looked about the same age as me.

She said, "Woah! You're so young."

I looked around, I was inside some royal looking room. I was in some shallow pool of water and straight ahead, was the stairs on which the girl, wearing some royal looking cloths, was sitting and looking at me unblinking.

I looked around more and suddenly I realised that I was naked.

Bewildered by her beauty, I asked, "Are you God?"

She laughed.

Then she replied, "No."


POV: The Origin

To Be Continued


*Off Story Information*

Full Title: Another Isekai? And Why Must These Names Be So Long?

Location: The Origin's Drawer/Azumroth's Domain/Isekai Multiverse-01/.

Release Order:-

Preceded By: 00. Raizellia Dragonborn (Name may be changed to "True Demon") (Paused)

Successor: 02. Frosburners (coming soon)

Writing Order:-

Preceded By: 05. Fanmade Attack on Titan Sucks

Successor: <N/A>

Appearence no: *around 13 or 14 maybe, I forgot*

Started Writing: 15th Feb 2021

Genre: Isekai

Written by: The Origin