13 Start my dream (Part 1);

During this time the things that became clearer to me is why our family is so small despite how great our history is, summarizing the story as understandable as possible is that our ancestors go back to the royal lineage of Great Sparta in Europe, being one of the smallest but most powerful countries of that time in the year 371 BC, the glorious warrior nation fell in an unjust war that was planned by the new kings in different parts of the world as a move to eradicate the ancient warrior lineages and out of fear of the great powers of the ancient warriors. C the glorious warrior nation fell in an unjust war that was planned by the new kings in the different parts of the world as a movement to eradicate the ancient warrior lineages and out of fear of the great powers they had.

It was planned in different ways, whether it was miseducating children, provocations of war with different nations, or spreading a series of rumors demonizing the powers that these lineages possessed.

Taking this for a more detailed explanation in the future when I meet the survivors of these lineages, during the battle of Leuctra in the city of Thebes, well, our last ancestor managed to run thanks to his loyal soldiers covering him, after that he wandered around different parts of the world fighting in battlefields from Eastern Europe to Asia until he arrived in Japan, however, this was already during the 1200's AD so there were already established powers,

This place being far from the standards of religion as it was in Europe or Legends of rulers by superstitions, we had a good time of tranquility, however as you may have guessed our ancestor was not very quiet, so already at that time the ruler of that time the Hōjō clan that wrote in 1232 the Goseibai Shikimoku, which served as a legal code in the shogunate, employed us as bodyguards and warriors when the following successions were performed.

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