
Waking Up In Front of the World's Strongest Creature

Opening my eyes, I found myself being held by a large man with wild red hair, red eyes and a fierce expression on his face that looked like a smile. Though it looked more like a snarl from my perspective.

"Ha~!" the man's smile spread further as he let out a joyful noise in a deep voice, "You seem like a strong kid! Hopefully, you'll be a strong opponent in the future!" he gleefully spoke, prodding and poking me with one hand, while the other hand held me rather haphazardly by the neck.

I tried to move. I tried to speak. But all I got for my efforts was a few useless wiggles and some gurgling noises.

I recognize this man. The wild red hair, the arrogant red eyes...the impossible physique...this is Yujiro Hanma, and as if to prove me right, the man chuckled after he'd finished his prodding.

"Now, what to call you..." he seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds before he carried on, "Well, you might as well carry on the family naming tradition...Yukiro Hanma, son of the Ogre, Yujiro Hanma...What a fine name!" he let out a deep laugh which physically shook through me like a shockwave.

Jesus Christ this guy is strong...even his laughter hurts...

"You!" Suddenly, a voice screamed from the doorway, "How dare you come back to this house!" the voice was feminine yet also incredibly pissed off. Yujiro seemed unperturbed by the voice and just kept staring at me. I couldn't look to see who the woman was, but I just kept staring at the arrogant eyes of the world's strongest creature.

I felt the pressure radiating from his very being, and I felt my instincts screaming, screaming that I should bow down or run away from this man. But...something inside of me wouldn't let me.

It was like some kind of weird pride that wouldn't let me bow my head. Not even to this man.

We continued to stare at each other until Yujiro finally let out a laugh before he turned to the woman who'd walked so close that she was right next to us.

She glared up at Yujiro, her grey eyes alight with a fire that was fueled by anger and hatred. Yujiro turned to her, smiling and showing off his pearly whites which seemed more like fangs than normal human teeth, "Yaeko, our son is truly talented! He doesn't even falter under my gaze! I can't wait for him to grow strong so we can fight!"

His words and savage smile were met with one thing:

A slap.

But it seemed to do more damage to this Yaeko woman, who seemed to be my mother, than it did to Yujiro, because his smile didn't falter. In fact, it seemed to spread a little further. Anyway, Yaeko continued glaring before she finally spoke up.

"You raped me! You got me pregnant, and when my husband found out, he left me and my child! Get out of this house! Get out!" she screamed, her voice firm and filled with wrath. It was like watching a tiger roar. When her eyes turned to me, I was prepared for her hatred, for her disgust - I was the child she gained from being raped, after all. Who would love such a child? It happened many times in the normal world. Let alone this fucked up world I was in, which I would assume was the Baki world, where the rapist was Yujiro Hanma and continually made appearances.

It would be like a recurring nightmare filled with trauma.

And yet...this woman's eyes were filled with fondness and affection when she looked at me. All her motherly love was in those grey eyes of hers and I felt...loved. For a past orphan like me...parental love was something I'd always yearned for, and now I had it.

Yaeko, or rather my mom reached out her arms and took me from Yujiro's hands, the man just shrugging at what she'd screamed at him. And why would he? He's raped many women, this wouldn't be a new thing for a shithead like him.

Suddenly I felt a hand caressing my head gently and I instantly felt the anger brewing inside of me calming down. Like a fire that was in a rainstorm; resistance was futile and I was soon calm.

Looking and sounding like a fierce tigress, mom glared at Yujiro before spitting out her next words, "He won't be taking your family name, demon. He will take mine. His name will be Yukiro Nishimiya. Keeping the name you gave him should be enough for you to leave, yes?" her words were laced with venom, yet all she could do was concede to the man in front of her. He wasn't known as the strongest creature for no reason, what could she do to him except concede?

Yujiro thought for a few seconds before shrugging and giving a nonchalant smile, "As long as he gets strong enough, it doesn't matter what his surname is. It can be mine, it can be yours; it doesn't matter," he said before stepping toward us, making my mother flinch, yet he ignored that and kept his eyes on me, "I know you can understand us, Yukiro, your eyes are full of intelligence and you're much too attentive to be another mindless brat. So let me tell you one thing: Get stronger! Stronger than anyone else!" his face was now next to me head and his expression was warped into manic insanity and his red eyes seemed to glow in a crimson light. Right at that moment, he looked exactly like a demon.

Then he disappeared. I could barely even catch the red blur yet even that seemed to be an achievement in its own right. Maybe there was more to me than there seemed?

My thoughts, however, were cut off by my mother collapsing into a messy sitting position before sobbing came from her hair covered face. She hugged me close as she sobbed, her hair covering me the same as it covered her face. She shook and sobbed in intervals and it continued for a while. All I could do was comfort my mother by stroking her hair with my baby hands.

When she realized what I was doing, she brought her face above mine and looked down at me with teary grey eyes. A sad, yet joyful smile broke out on her face, "Such a good boy, comforting your mother even when you're so young..." her voice cracked as she said this and she leaned down to kiss my forehead.

Suddenly, there was a creak from near us and my mother shot up, her posture going tense. Obviously, she was still on high alert after just meeting my father.

But that tense posture went away instantly as she saw who it was.

With great difficulty, I turned my head to look at the doorway. Standing, unsteadily, in the doorway was a young girl who was about 2-years-old. She had the same kind of brownish pink hair that mom had but her eyes were hazel instead of the steely grey the woman who was holding me had. Other than that, I saw that she had hearing aids in both her ears and I came to the conclusion that she had some degree of trouble hearing things. But other than that, she looked like a much younger and smaller version of my mother.

"Shouko-chan, why don't you come over and say hello to your little brother?" she said with a slow voice, obviously allowing for the child to lip read her slow mouthing lips. To help even further, she motioned her over with a 'come here' gesture.

The brunette understood and excitedly waddled over to us, a silly smile on her face as she looked at me. When she was close enough, mom lowered me low enough for Shouko to see me clearly. Her hazel eyes looked at me intently, and I looked back at her innocent eyes. This eye contact carried on for a few more seconds, with mom gently smiling while looking at us.

Finally, Shouko timidly put her hand out, as if to touch my cheek. I let her do what she wanted, and she poked my cheek and giggled at the feeling. I brought up an arm and poked her back, pressing into her cheek and returning her giggle, though the giggle sounded more like gurgling sounds if anything.

Shouko giggled as well and the two of us continued to poke each other cheeks while laughing. I knew I didn't need to act like a mindless baby, yet the least I could do was humor my older sister, right? What kind of little brother would I be if I couldn't even do that?

And just like that, my entry to this world had begun. With a happy(ish) family.

. . .

Five years. Five whole years. That's how long it took before I figured out something crucial:

There are other anime in this world. It isn't just Baki the Grappler. Why did I think this? Because right now, I was watching a small blonde girl beating up three street thugs while two kids watched from the sidelines.

Miu Furinji. Kenichi Shirahama. Ryuto Asamiya.

All characters from another Martial Arts anime called History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. What the hell is going on?

I thought I was in the Baki universe, not some amalgam universe! This shit just got a whole lot harder to deal with. Not only do I have to deal with people like Yujiro, but now I have to worry about the Elder and the others at that goddamn Dojo.

Haah~ What else is there, huh? Come on, God! Try and shock me even more!

Even though I asked for it, the next thing that happened...genuinely made my head buzz...

"Woah! You're so strong!" a girl with raven black hair rushed up to the young blonde girl I recognized as Miu Furinji, "I've never met another girl as strong as me before! Wanna be friends?!" she got up in Miu's face, her unusual eyes boring into the poor Miu who just stammered but got a nod out in the end.

"Y...Y-yes, I-I wouldn't mind being your friend!" she practically shouted, her eyes teary, yet happy and filled with joy but instantly that joy faded as she carried on, "B-but I have to go away with grandfather for a while soon, so I guess we can't be friends..." her teary eyes got even wetter somehow and she looked down at the ground.

Honestly, she looked like a totally normal kid. If only there weren't like half a dozen street thugs laying on the ground around her, groaning in pain from the beating she gave them.

My urge to fight kicked up massively, yet I suppressed it and continued to listen in.

The weird-eyed girl reached into her purse that looked awfully expensive for something a child owned, and she pulled out a flip phone. She opened up the flip phone before rapidly typing something into it. Once she was done, she thrust the phone at the curious Miu who'd come out of her slump upon seeing the phone.

"Here, you take this phone and we can talk and text whenever we want! I know how lonely it gets when I travel with my grandpa, so I'll keep you company!" the weird girl enthusiastically said. She didn't seem to have many friends, and she did give off the 'rich girl' kind of vibe, so I could see why.

Miu tried to deny the gift, yet in the end, she accepted it and after being given a charger to go with it and being given a rundown on how to use it, she put it in one of the pockets on her gi-like top.

"Oh, I almost forgot, we haven't introduced ourselves, have we?!" the weird girl smiled before putting a hand to her chest and smiling cutely. I already knew her name but what she said next only made my head go numb in annoyance at my past self trying to taunt God as I did. "My name is Karla Kure, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"M-my name's Miu Furinji! P-please take care of m-me!" she did a very formal bow, but the subtle shaking of her shoulders betrayed how happy or nervous she was. Probably a mixture of both.

Karla didn't waste any time and simply pulled the blonde girl in for a hug, smiling with a silly expression of joy on her face. This seemed to mean a lot to her as well. When they separated from their hug, however, Karla spoke once more.

"Who are those three peeping toms, Miu-chan?" she turned around and looked at Kenichi and Ryuto--Wait, three?

She ignored Kenichi and Ryuto after they ran off, and her gaze landed on one spot.


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