
Another Hanma in a World of Martial Arts Anime

Dying and waking up as a baby is...well, it's pretty startling, honestly. But what if you just so happen to see a massive man with long red hair looking down at you with a wide and savage smile. "Yujiro Hanma's my dad!? Why is my body so heavy?! Wait a minute--Why am I a baby?!" Join the third son of the Hanma family as he realizes there's more to the world than what he was shown. (A/N - The cover picture, nor any of the anime in this fan fiction, belong to me. They belong to their respective owners.)

Mr_Annihilator · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Invitation To A Special Class

The moon...was in a permanent crescent. Isn't that the start of the plot for Assassination Classroom? Doesn't that mean that there are creatures who can move at mach-level speeds on Earth?

Jesus Christ.

I dragged my hand across my face, covering my eyes and rubbing them to try and get the frustration out of my head.

If that was what had happened and it wasn't some kind of freak accident...then I truly had to do some more training for my physical speed. My reaction time should be enough, yet my Mercury Stance needed to be upgraded massively if I wanted to battle beings like Korosensei.

...God I hope he hasn't had an upgrade because of the world he's in now. Though it is weird that I never heard of him. You'd think the world's best assassin would be more well-known, or maybe he was more low-key in this world. Oh well, I need to rack my brain for training methods now. I've done everything my masters have told me, but now I need to push myself in my own way. Only I know my body best, and what's best to push it.

Maybe I could even come up with an Anti-Sensei Stance~?

I should be able to enter a state of hyper-reactivity if I try hard enough...and as I can already dodge and react to sniper bullets, reacting to a yellow octopus shouldn't be too hard after entering a state that enhances my reaction speed beyond that, right?

My nerves are just like my muscles and bones - dense. So dense, that the signals being sent along them have to waste less energy going from nerve cell to nerve cell and can instead use that energy on being quicker. If I somehow find a way to increase the speed of the signals, I should be able to enter that theoretical state of hyper-reactivity.

Looking at the moon one last time, I smiled.

And here I thought I'd only ever have to worry about my father being too strong for me to beat. Now I have to worry about a yellow octopus, the world's best ex-assassin! This world keeps getting better and better!

. . .

"Please, come with us!" a dozen men dressed in black suits, bowed in front of me, their eyes covered by black glasses and their voices deep and serious. One man, at the front, was also bowing, but he also kept his eyes looking up at me.

He was a man in his late twenties, with spiky black hair and eyebrows and piercing dark eyes. He had a tall body and muscular physique, yet it was lean and more like a soldier's, than like a brawny weightlifter. Unlike the others, he wasn't wearing any sunglasses, and he had a much less serious expression on his face. It was a calm and collected expression but underneath it he had the same urgency.

When I didn't answer them, the man at the front stepped forward and stood up straight, "We're from the Ministry of Defense, so will you please come with us? We'll explain why we need you soon, so please," he subtly pleaded, just I just smirked.

"No, you'll explain why you need me before I get in that car. Though, if you really are from the ministry of defense...this has something to do with how the moon had a hole blown in it, right?" I said casually, yet the man in front of me shook in shock, while the men behind him bowed even lower, trying to hide their shocked faces.

The spiky-haired man just looked at me before he carefully spoke to me, "...Even if that is true, we cannot speak about such things in front of people who are not involved," he said tersely, motioning his head toward Mikumo and Chikage who were behind me, watching from the doorway to the manor we lived in.

I simply chuckled before making a 'come on' gesture with my hand, "If you know who I am, then you should know who that woman is. She's Mikumo Kushinada. She probably already knows why you're here," I shrugged, knowing that Mikumo's connections within the government are very deep due to how she'd been making them over the decades she'd been alive, "And, honestly, I already have an idea to why you're here. Why else would you come to recruit a 16-year-old?" I asked before quickly carrying on, "If you're here for what I think you're here for, you should bring that girl with us," I pointed at Chikage, "She's a genius in both martial arts and academics. She'd serve your little class well," I smiled, and the men in front of me shook once more, some of them even looking up at me, wondering how I knew what they wanted.

It was pretty easy to know what they wanted - they wanted to make a classroom of teens who could kill Korosensei. The spiky-haired man in front of me is Tadaomi Karasuma, one of the characters from Assassination Classroom and the Agent in charge of keeping an eye on Korosensei.

Karasuma just looked at me, before looking to Chikage, and then Mikumo. He had a troubled expression on his face before he shook his head, "...If Nishimiya-san recommends it, then we can bring her along," he took one last look at us, before bowing and turning to leave, "We will wait in the car for you guys."

"Before you leave," I said, making him stop, "How did you know where I was? After I left China, I should have been off the grid...yet here you are, having found me," I asked, genuinely confused. I had my suspicions, yet I wanted to know for sure.

An awkward expression came over Karasuma's as he looked back at me over his shoulder, "Your..." he stopped himself before speaking again, "Yujiro Hanma told us where you were. In his words, he said 'The brat will be all you need. Just get him,' then he gave us your location," he spoke with a blank face, yet he seemed slightly apologetic.

I just shrugged in reply before turning around and walking to Chikage and Mikumo.

Of course he was the one who told them. Which begs the question, why doesn't he want to fight and kill Korosensei himself? Or maybe he's doing some training before he goes for him?

...Whatever, I can't predict the action of him. He's simply an Ogre, after all. Beyond us mere mortals~

As I got to them, I looked to Mikumo, "Miku-sensei, it should be fine for me to take Chikage with me, right?" I asked with a smile, before adding, "I'd be sure to look after her, if you're worried about that."

Shaking her head, she blankly replied, "No, in fact, I'm worried that you'd spoil her too much," she said this with indifference...yet why did I hear grumpiness in her voice? Weird. "...It's fine if she goes. It will be a good experience for her to grow. Don't let her waste it," she said before looking to Chikage who had her expressionless face on, like always. But even her eyes were shining at the prospect of leaving the mountain she was always on, "Go and pack your things, Chikage," Mikumo said before gently pushing Chikage into the house.

Then it was just us two. In silence.

...Argh! I hate it!

"Well, I'm gonna go pack up my stuff, Miku-sensei," I said before moving past her. Well, I tried to move past her, but a slender hand grabbed the back of my shirt stopping me, "...Miku-sensei?" I asked, looking over my shoulder to see my sensei not wanting to meet my eyes and instead looking away from me slightly.

"...Be sure to visit every now and again so I can check up on your Kushinada Style's progress. Or when a visit isn't possible, be sure to call me...f-for any questions you may have. You made me get one of those new touchscreen phones, after all..." she said with her usual indifference but after living with her for a year and a half, I knew her nervousness when I saw it.

"Mhm, I'll do just that, sensei," I said, a smile on my face, "And you can come visit me when you want, you know? I've told you the town that I'm from, so it's only a short travel away~" I quipped, laughing, and shockingly, Mikumo laughed a little as well, before letting my shirt go.

I looked at the woman in front of me, before smiling one last time and going to get my stuff packed.

It was time to go home.

. . .

After saying goodbye to Mikumo and giving her a tight hug that made her yelp pretty cutely, Chikage and I got in the SUV brought by Karasuma and the other agents.

"So, how come it took you six months after the moon got blown in half for you to come get us? Wouldn't it have been easier to get us sooner?" I asked Karasuma directly, looking at him with curiosity.

"We needed to track down the most suitable people who were around the age of 15-16. That takes time, Nishimiya-san," he simply said, before continuing onward, "The school we've picked is the Highschool in your area, so we're currently taking you home. The school term starts in a month, so you can have some time with your family," he said, not going anything in his explanation.

"And may I ask why you need a group of teenagers to go to school? And how is this related to the moon being split in half?" I asked, a neutral expression on my face, a polite smile along with with it.

"You don't need to know that just yet. It will be revealed to you on the first day of school," he concisely said, and I smiled in reply before pressing my foot into the floor of the car.

A tearing and crunching sound rang out before the car suddenly stopped, not being able to move.

"Do you want the car to move again? Or should we stay here for a while?" I asked, an 'innocent' smile on my face, "Because we'll be staying here for as long as it takes for me to find out why you need us~!"

Karasuma looked at me with wide eyes, obviously not knowing it was possible for a human to stop a car from moving with only a single foot, while still sitting down. From what I could see, he was an Expert-level fighter on the verge of becoming a Master. A strong person. But still far below me.

Chikage didn't react, used to seeing my overwhelming physical abilities.

"...The person who destroyed part of the moon wants to teach a class of teenagers. We don't know why he wants to, but we just know that he's very adamant about teaching a class no matter what. So we used this as an excuse to gather as many dangerous teenagers as possible into one class in the hopes that you can assassinate him," he said with a fed-up voice, and happy with his explanation, I lifted my foot out of the hole I'd made and the car was once again moving.

I already knew this, but Chikage didn't and I didn't quite like the fact that she'd be going into this without any kind of information. Though I also knew that it wasn't Korosensei who blew up the moon but who'd believe me if I told them?

Whatever. He's already told them he did it, so no reason to ruin his lie.

"You said it was a highschool in my home town, right? Why there? Wouldn't it be better to put it somewhere else? Like a more...deserted place, maybe?" I asked, curious for their reasons.

"There's a massive concentration of young, dangerous people in that area. People with potential and strength. Yujiro Hanma also passes through that town quite a lot...hopefully we can instigate a fight between the two of them," he said in a matter-of-fact way, and I had to agree, that would be a good plan.

But I wonder, if even Yujiro could match mach-level speeds? I know he can react to super sonic speeds, but mach 20? I'm not so sure. Though I also doubt Korosensei could really hurt Yujiro either. He's quick but he's severely lacking in terms of strength. It'd be a stalemate, honestly.

But I'm sure Yujiro could adapt and grow given enough time. Just like I could as well.

My physical training had plateaued a little now that I'd gotten to the pinnacle of Grandmaster...I wonder if Korosensei could push me further? His teaching probably could, at least.

Ah, what am I thinking about?! I finally get to go back home! To meet Shouko-neesan and mom again! This is gonna be fun. Maybe we can go out for ice cream like we did before I left to journey the world?