
Another Cinderella

story of a girl named cinderella but her life is more like a teenager girl leading her to a world with unavoidable fate

Zeyneb · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 007

It was the start of the all the fun and the life that was going to guide her to the new world full of jealousy, competion, and survival of the fittest.


And Cinderella was going to learn about it.

Her normal classes started. The days were usually hectic all set according to schedules. As time passed the class was divided in groups because a teacher can focus more on less students. This system makes students to know more well about each other. But it had a con and that's you don't know about the rest of the class.

In Cinderella's group all of her friends were included and some new people like Kim, Claude, Lucas and Haku. It was a group of seven.

This group was one of the top group. Whole class was jealous of this group. The group not itself know why.

Within the group Cinderella's only focus was Kim. Her enemy. Her motivation. Her pushing force. She might never try that hard if he was not in his group. Well Cinderella usually fights with Kim.

Lucas and Haku were cousins . They were the fun duo of the group. Whenever there was a fight between the two, the fun duo try to cool them down. May be Kim fell for him but Cinderella really roasts him so he never bothered to fall for her.

One day a point was raised in the class that why the muscles weaken?

Cinderella said because the material that makes the muscle gets lost with age.

And then Kim raised and said I want to negate this point and told some biochemical reason and that sentence I want to negate her was an arrow in her chest. After giving his point he further ignited her by saying I think "Mam Cinderella doesn't read books"

and the whole class laughed.

After class she went straight to him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me.

Actually something is wrong with you up here."

Poking her head.

"How dare you?!"

She tried to punch him

He dodged.

" I think you should go to doctor for your anger issues

It's a disease you know."

"Give me the address of the doctor"

"What?? "

"I think you knows him well than me that's why you took medicine PATHETIC Patient!


This was the most entertaining thing for that boy who was watching them from afar the most mysterious guy of the group who started observing Cinderella from the very first day, Claude.

He never talked much. He just smiled back whenever he was asked about himself. When someone tried to roast him he just killed them with a smile. You know some people have whole world in there smile he was one of them.

WHENEVER HE SMILES, his deep brown eyes shine and holds the within them whole universe,telling an untold story.

No doubt Claude's smile was bewitching

with his brown hairs falling on his forehead