
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Zero Fate

Kiritsugu Emiya was lost in more ways than one after learning the current state of the Holy Grail and the fact that the miracle he was aiming for did not exist. He wanted to believe it was a lie by the Master of Caster, but the tall young man was under a Geas Contract that prevented him from using any sort of deception, so the Magus Killer had to accept the truth. He asked himself if it was even possible to save the world or humanity in the first place.

Currently, Kiritsugu was following Silva along with his wife, Irisveil, and assistant, Maiya, to where his daughter was residing. The Magus Killer noted that the Master of Caster had chosen Fuyuki's new residential area, where the lay lines were concentrated at, which meant that the tall young man could summon the Grail at his residence here if he wanted. He wondered how long the Master was preparing for the Holy Grail War to go so far into the details like this to be apparent.

The three found themselves at a traditional Japanese residence, and Silva opened the gate to let them in to see Illyasviel. The Master of Caster guided them to the guest room where the young girl was sleeping at currently. After opening the door to reveal the sleeping half-homunculus, Irisveil moved past Silva to approach her and gingerly caressed her daughter's face. Illyasviel woke up from being touched and saw her mother.

" Mommy?"

" I'm here, Illya."

Hearing her mother's voice, the half-homunculus fully woke up and hugged her mother while crying out happily.

" Mommy!"

Illyasviel hugged Irisveil, which the homunculus woman returned by tightly embracing her daughter one last time. Silva then added at seeing the happy reunion between the two.

" How about I make a midnight snack since we still have time?"

The half-homunculus girl immediately agreed, and Silva went to the kitchen to make something light to eat.


After I whipped up some simple cheese omelets along with some warm milk, Illyasviel finally went back to bed after talking with her mother for about an hour. I then decided to speak with Kiritsugu as Irisveil tucked her daughter into bed.

" Kiritsugu Emiya, a word."

The Magus Killer followed me to the yard after sending Maiyu away, and I plainly told him precisely what I thought of him.

" You are a complete fool that I can not nor want to understand."

" What brought this on, Master of Caster?"

He looked at me with a neutral expression, and I informed him.

" I am aware of your past actions to a degree, Emiya, and what I have seen disgusts me to no end. You sacrificed your foster mother, Natalia Kaminski, to save hundreds of strangers, even as it tore your heart to pieces. You hold up some Hero of Justice ideology that is as childish as it sounds because you told your childhood crush, Shirley, that's what you want to be as you grow up and stuck to you due to not some sentimentality, but because of the survivor's guilt, you feel from being the only survivor of Alimango Island when your father earned a Sealing Designation for his research into becoming an Undead Apostle.

The reason I bring this up is that I know you well enough that you would sacrifice both your wife and daughter if it would save the many. So you are at a crossroads now, either give up your foolish and impossible ideal and be the father; your Illya deserves, or continue to pursue your ideal into an early grave. I am meddling in your affairs for a simple reason, I have grown fond of your daughter and do not wish for her to suffer for your choices in life."

Unlike this wanna-be Hero of Justice, I would gladly sacrifice the world for the people I care about, and I don't care about the nameless many, only the special few dear to me. Kiristugu looked at me in surprise at how much I knew about him as I awaited his response. He took out a cigarette and started to smoke. Then, after a few moments, the Magus Killer said.

" I keep your words in mind, Master of Caster."

" See that you do, Kiritsugu Emiya."

Even if I am being meddlesome and self-righteous, I wanted to make my point in hopes that the half-homunculus has a father in her life. I left Kiritsugu to check on Irisveil and see if she was ready to help me with the purification ritual. I went to the guest bedroom where Illyasviel was sleeping and saw her mother stroking her hair with a gentle smile as the half-homunculus girl slept. The homunculus woman noticed me and said with a sad smile.

" Thank you for this, Silva Bramwen. I never thought I would get another chance to see my daughter off to bed."

" Are you ready to get started on the ritual?"

" Yes."

Irisveil got up and followed me to the shed, where I made some additions. I had set up a large underground area with Transmutation, so there was plenty of room to work with for Skadi to set up the ritual. The homunculus woman saw all the runes scattered on the floor, pillars, and ceiling with amazement and asked.

" Who exactly do you summon for Caster? Runes on this scale surpass even what I have read about the Age of Gods in Einzbern Family records."

" Caster is not a normal Servant as she comes from what is referred to as a Lost Belt or dead end for a World Line that only stagnates and never progresses."

" How is that possible? I thought the Throne of Heroes only records those worthy of being Heroic Spirits from the past."

I sighed as I gave a simple explanation.

" Time has little relevance to something as immaterial as the Throne of Heroes, and it's even possible to summon those from the future or alternate parallel worlds if you meet the right conditions, but enough about that, better see if Skadi is done."

I soon found Caster carving out some more Runes and asked.

" How long until you are done, Skadi?"

" I just need to finish this last little bit and... Done! Everything is set, Silva; head to the center with the homunculus, and we can get started."

Skadi leads us to the center, where an altar surrounded by runes along with an incubation tube that had a look-a-like of Irisviel in a one-piece swimsuit that, made the homunculus woman ask me in shock.

" What is that, Silva?!"

" Your new body, Irisviel. I do not want Illya to grow up without her mother, plus it serves the practical use of deriving the Grail, the means of interacting with a preexisting personality from you by transferring for mind and soul into your new body that does not have the Wish-Granting attribute, unlike your current one."

" How?"

Irisviel asked with a stunned expression, and I told her.

" I took all the knowledge of the Einzbern family before wiping it out, leaving only you and Illya as its last members. I will provide you with your family's Magecraft secrets so that you can teach your daughter about being a Mage. For now, rest on the altar, and we can get started."

The homunculus woman lay on the altar, and I spread out my Aura and Divinity to ensure Irisviel's soul and mind reached her new body as her old one gave way to the Grail. The Holy Grail appeared, and black mud started to pour out of it, but the ritual was doing its job of dispersing All The World's Evil and pulling out Angra Mainyu from the Grail. Turning the Holy Grail against the evil god was the main point of the ritual, essentially meaning I was making my wish to rid Angra Mainyu for this Holy Grail.

An unearthly screech erupted from the Grail as the evil god was being banished, but the runes supported the removal and ensured that nothing slipped through the cracks. It was hard to tell time down here, but I could only guess hours had gone by until the Holy Grail was purified at last. I let out a sigh of relief and looked toward Skadi to say.

" Thank you, Scáthach-Skaði."

" I expect to be properly rewarded for my efforts."

" Of course, my cute little snow queen."

Caster sputtered at my nickname for her, which made me laugh, and I got Irisviel out of the incubation tube. As the liquids poured out of the tube, I used my Aura to double-check whether the homunculus woman's soul safely transferred over to her new body, and it was a success. I started to share her awake as I called out to her.

" Wake up, Irisviel. It's over."

" Five more minutes, Kiritsugu..."

I held her nose and covered her mouth until she finally woke up. She looked around and asked.

" Is it over?"

" Yeah, Angra Mainyu has been removed from the Grail, and I now have to wait 60 whole years for the next Holy Grail War to get my wish."

" What is your wish, Silva?"

I decided to be honest with her.

" My ultimate goal is to return to my homeland, and I need the Second True Magic to reach it, so I need the Grail to acquire it as I doubt that trolling old man will teach me or help me for free."

" I see... Not only do I owe you but my daughter and Kiritsugu as well."

" Just make an alliance with me when the next Holy Grail War rolls around to help me get my wish, and we can call it even."

Irisveil nodded in agreement and tried to get up but fell into my arms, and I told her.

" Careful, you are new to your body, so it will take some getting use to as you adjust."

I supported the homunculus woman and told Skadi.

" Come on, Skadi, I got several tubs of fancy ice cream with your name on it!"

" Very well then, you miscreant."


After leaving the underground area with Irisveil and Skadi, I saw that it was morning and decided to head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I found Maiyu waiting for me, and she handed me a piece of paper as she said.

" Sir said to give this to you."

I looked at the paper, and it was basically a letter asking me to take in both Illyasviel and Maiyu because I would be a better parent. I looked at the former assistant of the Magus Killer with restrained anger as I asked.

" What specifically did that fool tell you to do aside from giving this letter?"

" To obey the majority of your orders with the exception of trying to find him or harming the young miss."

" I see..."

Irisviel took the letter out of my paws and read it herself, then looked toward me and asked with a confused look.

" What are we going to do?"

" If that fool wants to die in a ditch instead of being a father, let him!"

I venomously reply as I go to the kitchen to make something extra special for Illyasviel while I explain to her why her father left her with me instead of being there for her. Sighed in annoyance, then told the homunculus woman.

" Mind waking up Illya and Sakura for me, Irisveil?"

" Ah, sure!"

I got a long day ahead of me.


Within the church of Fuyuki were Silva Branwen and Father Risei as they went over the final details of the fourth Holy Grail War.

" To think the Holy Grail was corrupted and no one was the wiser."

The priest said with shock as Silva explained how the Grail got corrupted in the first place and that he used his wish to purify it of All The World's Evils. Risei extended his gratitude to the young man before him.

" I thank you for your assistance in this matter, Silva Branwen, but why not bring this to everyone's attention beforehand?"

" I lacked concrete proof, and you should know how Mages are in general."

" True, even Tokiomi would be hesitant to take you at your word, but that aside with the Holy Grail War at an end, your unused Command Seals have no further purpose."

Silva displayed his right hand, and there were only red smudges on the back of his hand, and he explained.

" I had to use them all to get Caster to obey me and have her commit suicide."

" I see... Then I bid you a pleasant day."

The tall young man turned to leave when the priest stopped him.

" There is one other thing to discuss, the murder of my son, Kirei."

Silva turned to see Risei glaring at him with cold fury, and the tall young man said with an icy tone.

" If you want to blame anyone, blame yourself and Tokiomi for trying to skirt around the rules by having your son fake his defeat and Assassin's death. You have every right to hate me and seek out revenge but understand this, Father Risei; I won't take any attempts on my life lying down."

The priest stared down his son's murderer until he relaxed and seemingly gave up on trying to avenge his son.

" I hatched this plan with Tokiomi in order to ensure my son survived the Holy Grail War, but instead, it served to bring about his end. The irony is not lost on me. I will likely not be able to forgive you, Silva Branwen but with Tokiomi and Kirei's death, I have a grieving widow and two young girls to look after, and they are my main concern."

"You're a better man than most, Father Risei. Let's ensure our paths never cross again."

Silva left the church, and once he was far enough, he asked.

" Do you think he bought it, Skadi?"

" Tricking the priest is a simple matter, Silva, with a clever bit of Mystic Codes faking my death and the absence of Command Seals, is easy."

" Well, Skadi, I look forward to a long partnership with you."