
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Sundering Green

Emerald stared at the pitch-black portal Silva made with his Semblance Door To Darkness with a wary expression. Silva sighed and thought to himself, it's going to take a while to fully earn Emerald's trust. He then walked in front of the portal and told the mint-haired girl.

" It is not going to bite you, so come along so that I can start on the cooking."

Emerald looked at Silva, or more specifically his arms and paws, and asked in mild disbelief.

" You can cook?!"

Silva rolled his eyes and retorted.

" Yes, I can cook. It's one of the most useful life skills a person can develop. Plus, I have found that I enjoy cooking for others but that aside are you ready to leave?"

Silva asked this, noticing Emerald only had the clothes on her back with her and nothing else. For Emerald, she didn't really have anything of sentimental value, and she had no issue moving on with her life with just what she had on hand. The thief then replied after taking a breath.

" Yes, as I ever will be, let's go."

Silva nodded at her and went through the portal to the condo where the twins and Neopolitan are staying at currently. Just as Silva walked to the other side of the portal, he got hit with a cream pie in the face. As Silva processed just what in the heck just happened, Emerald came out of the portal and saw what happened to the snow leopard faunus, then commented.

" Ookay, not how I expected things to go..."

Silva removed the pie from his face and wiped the cream from his eyes to see Neopolitan smirking at him as if to say, what are you going to do about it. Silva wasn't angry; no, he felt a cold fury wash over him as he internally debated how to pay the tri-colored girl back for her prank. Silva puts that aside for the moment and heads to the kitchen sink to wash up and throw away what was left of the cream pie. Neopolitan looked surprised at Silva's nonchalant response as he washed his face. After cleaning himself up, Silva used his Aura version of Flash Step to swiftly move behind the tri-color girl and lift her by the scruff of her clothes, and said to his guest.

" Emerald, do make yourself comfortable while I have a chat with Neopolitan here."

Emerald just watched as Silva took away Neopolitan as she tried to break free, and the thief then heard someone ask her.

" So why did Silva bring a street rat like you here?"

Melanie asked Emerald as the brasher twin appraised the mint-haired girl's appearance. Miltia watched TV, only giving to turn to provide Emerald with a polite nod of acknowledgment and then focus on her show. Emerald replied to Melanie while looking guarded at the resident of the condo.

" You would have to ask Silva that, as I am not entirely sure myself."

Melanie shrugged, not really caring about Silva's reasoning, and focused on Emerald.

" Why don't we chat as Silva deals with Neo?"


I, Silva Branwen, have never in either of my lives have been this livid before, and as I took Neopolitan to my room, I decided to use Soul Archive to look at her memories to get a clearer idea of her mindset. As I made a copy of Neopolitan's memories, I saw how she thought of me, a rich sucker for pretty women. As I found out how she reached that conclusion, I knew what I needed to do, teach her a lesson she won't forget anytime soon. When I got to my room, I tossed Neopolitan onto my bed and told her with ice in my voice.

" It seems you have a misconception of me, Neopolitan, that I am a pushover, allow me to correct that."

As the tri-colored girl looked at me quizzically, I took off my shirt to reveal my scars, and before she communicated anything to me, I told her how I got these scars.

" I got this when I was just seven years old; I caught the attention of an adolescent Nevermore and nearly died because I didn't have Aura. This one I got from facing a Beowolf by myself to give someone time to escape."

I then gestured to my latest scar, a large puncture wound that I got during my two years of training.

" This one is from when I pushed myself to my limits and beyond to overcome my weakness. I lived a life where I had the freedom to do what I wanted but at the risk of dying on a regular basis, and I am going to tell you once Neopolitan. Do. Not. Mess. With. Me."

I grabbed Neopolitan's wrists as she looked at me with wide eyes and bent her over my knee. She struggled to break free as she realized what I was about to her. I strike her perfect little butt; if she is going to act like a brat, I will treat her like one. Neopolitan used her Aura to protect herself, but it was futile as I continued to use my Aura to enhance my strength and create shockwaves from my paws. Eventually, I broke through her Aura and started spanking her directly after I felt my anger bleed out; I stopped spanking her.

After I let Neopolitan go, she leaped away from me and glared at me with tears in her eyes. I asked her cooly.

" What's the difference between what I did to you and what you did to me?"

Neopolitan tilted her head and gave me a look that said, what in the heck does that mean. I shrugged and handed her some ointment that I had stashed in my room, then told her.

" Apply this to help with any swelling."

The tri-colored girl just continued to glare at me as I left to get started on cooking something for Emerald. As I entered the living room adjacent to the kitchen, I saw Emerald was keeping her distance from the twins. I am not surprised; one Miltia, while she would be polite, would likely not have any interest in interacting with Emerald. Two, Melanie is well, Melanie; she has little to no tact, nor does she possess any empathy for strangers. I called out to the mint-haired girl.

" Hey, Emerald, follow me to the kitchen!"

Emerald looked at me and left the living room in a hurry; it looked like I couldn't leave her with the twins and go back to Mistral on my own, not that I would in the first place. Emerald took a seat at the island table, and I started whipping her something up, light but filling. I went with a simple shitake mushroom and kelp broth with some noodles. After adding some herbs for a garnish, I handed Emerald her meal. Emerald poked and prodded her food before she decided to take a bite. After she finished her meal, I asked her casually.

" I plan on heading back to Mistral soon to participate in the Regional Cup. Do you want to come along?"

" Sure..."

Emerald curtly replied, then glanced back at the living room where the twins were. Less than an hour has gone by, and Emerald has issues with the twins or, more probably, with Melanie. As I briefly thought about what to do next, I felt a tug at my clothes and turned to see Neopolitan. She handed back the ointment I gave her, then made some stabbing motions and shadow fighting. I quickly guessed what she wanted.

" You want to join the Regional Mistral Cup?"

She made a gesture of ringing a bell to let me know I was correct, then poked my chest and pointed her thump back at herself. I think I got the context of what she was saying.

" I owe you?"

Neopolitan nodded and then pointed to her rear while looking at me with a grievance. Guess she is sore about me spanking her in retaliation for throwing a pie at my face, pun not intended. In all honesty, I was a bit curious at how well Neopolitan would face Pyrrha. Now that is a fight I can get behind. I hope the match-ups allow for that, and I could also fight against Pyrrha as well. Well, at least the tournament won't be boring.