
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Sneaking Orange

Sienna Kahn looked up at the sky and saw the arrogance of humans, the floating city of Atlas. Regardless of the reasons why Mantle became Atlas, in the end, the city became a nest of vipers full of bigotry and hubris. The high leader of White Fang sneered as she went to the meeting point where the rest of the organization was gathering. She went through the alleys of Mantle and found the claw marks used as a code sign for the White Fang and entered the sewers.

Sienna scrunched up her nose in disgust at the smell of the sewers. Still, it was a necessary evil because a sudden increase in faunus residing in the slums would draw unnecessary attention. As she followed the claw marks, she soon reached the meeting point, and one of the lookouts greeted her.

" High leader, ma'am!"

The Bengal tiger faunus greeted the lookout with a nod of acknowledgment and linked up with the captains that were already there. Adam Taurus was the first to greet her.

" Welcome, high leader."

" Status report Adam."

The bull faunus nodded and gave his report.

" Aside from a few stragglers, almost everyone has reached the meeting point, and we're also waiting on some supplies to have everything we need to start the operation."

" Good, gather all the captains and lieutenants for a quick briefing."

Adam complied with the order, and soon, all the top officers of White Fang gathered, and Sienna told them.

" With everyone here, we discuss the plan in detail. As you all know, the CCTS tower undergoes yearly maintenance, which will happen soon, and that is when we strike. All teams have their targets. Myself, Adam, and Ilia, along with most of our troops, will be attacking the SDC HQ. Captains A, and B, along with Blake, will cripple Atlas's communication systems to delay the military from reacting to our assault. The rest of you will go after high-profile targets that have treated our kind like animals for far too long."

More than a few members of the White Fang let out some bestial growls that no human could imitate at the thought of dealing with human scum. The high leader of the White Fang continued the briefing.

" Now, the point of this operation is not only to show that we faunus are just going to continue acting passively towards their prejudice and bigotry but also demonstrate a show of strength. We strike Atlas fast and hard, then leave as quickly as we came, so prepare to "borrow" some of the military's airships to escape to the designated exit points in the tundra to leave Solitas. My brothers and sisters, we are on the cusp of a new age where we tell the humans, NO MORE!"

The White Fang cheered as Sienna gave them a stirring speech to finish the briefing.

" No more will we accept the constraints the humans give us! No more will we allow humans to treat us like animals! And no more will we just take what we are given from the humans! We will take what is rightfully ours and not allow humans to continue to treat us as they have with our ancestors and us! BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE WHITE FANG, ARE YOU WITH ME?!"

All of the White Fang roared out their allegiances, and the Bengal tiger faunus ordered.

" I want all of you in position and ready to play your parts. Once global communication is down, we strike without mercy!"

The members of the White Fang started their final preparations because the maintenance of the CCTS was just around the corner. However, a few members of the White Fang felt some hesitation, namely Blake Belladonna. After reaching the kingdom, she learned of the SDC's changes in policy and thought it was wrong to attack the company that was trying to change. She went to meet with Sienna in private as she knew Adam would attack the company regardless because the SDC brand over his left eye is a source of constant rage and hurt for the bull faunus.

Blake met up with Sienna and asked.

" High leader, may I speak to you?"

" You may, Blake."

The ninja cat girl then told the tiger woman what was plaguing her mind.

" High leader, is attacking the Schnee Dust Company a good idea? I mean, they have shown that they are changing. Their faunus employees now have proper benefits and wages, plus they are putting greater focus on safety while mining out Dust."

Sienna sighed as she told Blake.

" Blake, this attack will happen with or without my input because the majority of our members have suffered under the hands of the SDC. The best I can do is to try to restrain their actions as best I can from preventing them from going too far in their desire for revenge. I agree with you to a point, Blake, but just because the company is trying to change does not automatically forgive them for their past actions against our kind."

The ninja cat girl wanted to protest, but no words came out of her mouth as the tiger woman had a point. Sienna then asked Blake.

" Will that be all?"

Blake nodded in reply and left to go to her designated area for the operation with her mind swirling with complicated thoughts and feelings. As Blake walked, Ilia saw her and called out to her.

" Hey, Blake."

" Oh, Ilia, hello."

The chameleon girl noticed her crush's downcast mood and asked.

" Are you alright?"

" I'll be fine, Ilia; thanks for asking."

The ninja cat girl gave her friend a weak smile and assured her, but Ilia asked again out of worry.

" Blake, are you sure? I'm here for you."

Blake couldn't tell Ilia her thoughts any more than she could Adam because they both have a very personal reason to hate the Schnee Dust Company. The ninja cat girl sincerely hoped that current White Fang's actions would help the faunus and make the world a better place.


Weiss Schnee was in her room, looking up at the ceiling, feeling conflicted over the situation with her father. On the one hand, she felt relieved that she did not have to juggle so many classes anymore to appease him and pursue her desire to be a Huntress. On the other hand, however, the snow princess felt lost on the void her father left behind in her life. He was a very controlling element in Weiss's life, and now that he is gone, she felt both free and confused about what to do with her new found freedom.

Weiss sighed as her mind wandered, and she recalled her sister's... friend, whom she had invited to dinner, where her mother announced her divorce. For some reason, there was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that felt like he looked familiar. It was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. The snow princess dug out her Scroll and then used a search engine to use Silva's faunus trait as an identifier for her search and got a hit.

He was the freaking champion of the Mistral Regional Cup! Weiss knew she recognized him for some reason and dug out a video of the finals to double-check her memories. She watched the video and felt sure that Silva was the champion of the MRC. The snow princess felt confused as she knew that he was the same age as her, and yet the snow leopard faunus was Winter's dormmate. Weiss decided to try and dig up as much information as she could about Silva to sate her growing curiosity.