
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Shining Green

I, Silva Branwen, watched as Neopolitan pouted about her loss along with some disgruntled body language. She looked at me and slit her throat with her finger, then made some stabbing gestures, and I got the message.

" Yes, Neopolitan, I know you could've won against Pyrrha if it was a fight to the death, but we are playing by standard tournament rules, so deal."

She glared at me for being unsympathetic to her plight, but the fact of the matter is that she still lost fair and square. I sighed and then offered her.

" Neopolitan, how about I treat you to whatever you like today plus, I know despite your loss, you still enjoyed yourself. There will be other tournaments."

I then bent down to her ear and whispered.

" Legal or otherwise."

The tri-colored girl looked at me with interest in what I was suggesting. Regardless of which kingdom, they all have similar illegal activities, and fight clubs with loose rules are fairly common in Remnant, especially with the existence of a profession like Huntsmen and Huntresses. Neopolitan led me to the fairgrounds and had me treat her to ice cream, and Emerald soon showed up then commented on Neopolitan eating neopolitan ice cream.

" Isn't that cannibalism?"

Neopolitan rolled her eyes and continued eating her ice cream. I asked Emerald how she was doing.

" How are you enjoying Mistral so far, Emerald?"

" It's different compared to Upper Cairn, very different. The way the city is built into the mountains makes for a lot of scenic views, and I both like and dislike it."

I looked at her, feeling curious, and asked.

" What do you mean?"

Emerald answered me after she took a seat.

" Well, aside from the views and beautiful architecture, Mistral clearly shows the divide between classes, the wealth up top near the clouds and everyone else below them."

I retorted sarcastically.

"You're going to love Atlas."

" You've been there before?"

I shrugged and then replied.

" Not yet, but it's on the to-do list despite Atlas being... not faunus friendly."

Emerald looked at me in confusion and asked me, with Neopolitan focusing on me as well.

" Why would you want to go there in the first place then?"

" The main reason is that even with its flaws, Atlas is still the most technologically advanced nation on Remnant, and I want to study there for a bit to expand my skills plus craft my ideal weapon with all the available tech I can get."

Emerald then asked me casually as she peeked at the menu for ice cream and frozen yogurt.

" What sort of weapon are you trying to make?"

" Well, it's a..."

I gestured for her and Neopolitan to lean in so I could whisper to them. When they got close, I messed with them.

" Secret!"

Emerald shot me a look that asked me, really? Neopolitan smirked at my joke. I felt amused at messing with them like this, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

" Mai Bals Itshes!"

Emerald facepalmed at hearing my fake name being called out, and Neopolitan smiled as she conjured a sign that asked.

" It never gets old, does it?"

" Nope. Especially not with idiots like him."

My opponent from earlier slammed his fist against the table and said.

" You cheated!"

Okay, sore loser and then some. I made fun of this weakling with heavy amounts of sarcasm.

" Yes, I cheated. I drugged you, blackmailed the entire audience and host, and made a deal with the TV station televising the whole thing. Oh, and I threatened your father to slip you the drugs plus screwed your mother seven ways to Sunday."

Neopolitan was silently cracking up at my joke, and even Emerald let a chuckle escape from her. The poor fool then asked me, looking confused and wary.

" Wait, really?!"

Neopolitan banged the table as she silently laughed, and Emerald's shoulders shook as she held in her laughter. He then said, looking smug as he took out his scroll.

" I recorded your confession, you dumb animal; now there will be justice."

If there is one thing that never ceases to amaze in any life, it's the sheer stupidity I occasionally ran into. He then ran off to inform the police of my confession, I guess? Well, there is always someone who is... mentally challenged to an honestly frightening degree. Neopolitan stopped laughing and twirled her finger above her head, asking the obvious question, does he have a screw loose?

" I am wondering that myself."

" Wow, just wow, that's... something."

Emerald added her commentary on the village idiot, and we went about our day till nightfall.


Silva opened a portal and through it back to his airship outside Mistral with Emerald and Neopolitan in tow. Raven waited with her arms crossed and told her adoptive son.

" We need to talk."

She then glanced at the tri-colored girl and the thief and added.

" In private."

" Sure, anywhere, in particular, you want to go to?"

Raven walked past him and ordered.

" Follow me."

As she got out of the airship, Silva told the other two.

" Make yourselves comfortable I will be back in a bit."

Neopolitan looked at Emerald as she wagged her eyebrows suggestively, and the mint-haired girl knew what she was suggesting and refused.

" We are not following them."

Neopolitan made a circle as an okay sign with one hand, then extended her index finger on the other one and put it through the circle. A light blush adorned Emerald's cheeks as she denied it.

" There is no way they are having sex; I mean, their mother and son, sort of."

Neopolitan rubbed her index finger and thumb against one another, asking, want to bet on it? Emerald snorted and replied, assured of herself.

" They are not going to screw each other."

Neopolitan gave a mischievous smirk and looked Emerald in the eyes, and mouthed.

" Bet. On. It."

Emerald rolled her eyes at Neopolitan and agreed, if only to make her quiet, well, more quiet than usual.

" Fine, just a peek, nothing more. What do you bet with?"

Neopolitan made an exaggerated gesture to say anything you want. Emerald thought for a moment or two and then smirked at the cute shorty as she placed her bet.

" If I'm right, you have to do what I say for a week."

Neopolitan nodded in agreement, and Emerald asked her.

" And what do you want?"

Neopolitan held her chin with a pondering expression, then suddenly smacked Emerald's butt, which the former thief yelped in surprise and demanded.

" What was that for?!"

The tri-colored girl just smugly pointed at the dark skin girl's freshly struck hide. Emerald blinked once, then twice, and got the message. Neopolitan wanted her for her bet. Emerald scoffed at the seemingly unlikely scenario that Silva and Raven were getting it on and agreed to the wager, assured of her victory.

" Fine, then. Let's see what those two are up to."

The tri-colored girl used her Semblance, Overactive Imagination, to hide them as they tailed after Silva and Raven.


Raven sat up her tent from the Branwen tribe near Silva's airship during her free time as she lacked something to do for a while. Silva felt slightly nostalgic at entering the tent even though it had been less than two months since he left the Branwen tribe, but it felt longer to him since he filled his days with various events. Raven interestingly had two different teapots out and poured them into separate cups, and Silva jokingly asked.

" Are you going to poison me?"

" No."

Raven curtly replied, then gestured for Silva to have a seat, and as he sat down, he asked Raven in mild seriousness.

" So, what is this about, Raven?"

The blacked-haired woman took a sip of her tea and told Silva.

" Drink first; then we'll talk."

Silva picked up the teacup and commented with a bit of skepticism.

" If you are trying to slip me something-."

" Yes and no, on that. Yes, there is something in the tea, but no, it's not harmful; however, it does relate to what I want to talk about."

Despite his suspicions, Silva drank his tea and found it to be an odd herby blend he hadn't tasted before despite being around Raven's addiction to tea. The snow leopard faunus then asked his adoptive mother.

" So now, can you tell me what's-?"

Silva's question died in his throat as Raven lowered her top revealing her lacy black bra. His throat went dry as he really did not expect this to happen, or at least not like this. Silva decided to be direct and ask to avoid any misunderstandings on his part.

" Raven, correct me if I'm wrong but are you suggesting that we-."

" Yes, Silva, I want sex."

Silva looked in mild confusion at Raven and commented.

"You're being direct."

Raven scoffed and replied coldly.

" I am not some confused teenage girl or young adult that wants to experiment. I know what I want and why I want it, plus you always viewed me as a woman, not a mother. I had seen how you looked at me at times when you thought I wasn't looking."

Silva just felt confused and aroused, but he pushed forward as he knew sex could make or break a relationship. Silva mustered every bit of ice in his veins and asked in a frosty tone.

" Raven, I am not a sex toy for your pleasure, and I want to know what brought this on. This is extremely unexpected."

Raven looked at him in exasperation and asked.

" Do you or don't you want this?"

Silva just stared her down coldly as he felt he might be being used and wanted more than a casual relationship with Raven. Two things can happen when you spend a lot of time with someone; you either love them or hate them to varying degrees. Silva does care about Raven despite her mistakes and faults and wants something more. The former bandit chief sighed as she was down to her lingerie and inquired, looking mildly annoyed.

" You aren't going to let this go. Are you?"

Silva kept silent as he waited for an explanation. Raven caved and started explaining herself.

" You know what I went through, what I've done, and even the why of it all! And you know what you did... you gave me hope, something I lost a long time ago after finding out about Salem's immortality. Because of my fear, I left Yang and my brother behind to be always on the move, off the grid, to hide from her. But now, you showed me, SHOWED ME that Salem can be beaten, and a lot of what I was suppressing out of fear is now... well, bubbling up."

Raven looked mentally tired from explaining herself and asked me.

" Can we move on now?"

" One last question."

Raven commented in a deadpan tone at Silva's reply.

"You are far too mature for your age and not in a good way."

Silva ignored it and asked sincerely.

" How do you honestly feel about me?"

Raven looked amused as if she had heard something funny.

" You aren't asking me if I... oh, my word, you are asking me if I love you?!"

When she saw Silva was being serious, she looked shocked and tried to deflect his question.

" Come on now, Silva, why bring this up in this sort of situation?"

Silva just looked at her, expecting an answer, and Raven asked angrily.

" What more do you want?!"

" Everything."

Raven was stunned by Silva's curt answer and gave a wry smile as she asked.

" Greedy, aren't you?"

Silva smirked and asked back.

" Do you find that unattractive?"

Raven laid down on her bed and replied with a wry smile still on her face.

" In this case, no."

Silva got up and sat down next to her. After an awkward moment of silence, Raven asked.

" Do you really want to be with me? I am literally old enough to be your mother."

" Raven, I am greedy and selfish, but I do know what I want, and you are on that list, whether you like it or not."

Raven huffed, then sat up as she asked Silva after going over his words.

" You call yourself greedy and selfish is that admittance that if we get together, you will cheat on me?"

" Only if you aren't okay with me pursuing other women."

Raven dryly chuckled at Silva's bluntness and felt confused as to what to do next. Silva started to strip down as Raven was lost in her thoughts, and he got naked, revealing his hard-on of around seven inches, much to the surprise of the peeping toms, or rather Emerald and Neopolitan. They heard most of the conversation and watched the drama unfold. Neopolitan nudged Emerald with a look that screamed, I told you so. Emerald whispered back quietly.

" Shut up."

Silva got atop Raven and looked her in the eyes and said the cheeseiest line in the book, but one that should always be overused.

" I love you, Raven Branwen nothing is going to change that."

Raven made her choice, worrying about the consequences later.

" Shut up."

Raven kissed Silva, and things started to escalate from there. The black-haired beauty wrapped her legs around the snow leopard faunus's torso and clawed at his back with her nails as they kissed and deeply exchanged saliva and tongues. Silva grabbed Raven's bottom with one paw and one of her breasts in the other. Kneading both at his hardened rod rubbed up against the moistened fabric hiding her secret garden. As the two parted, Raven said, looking full of lust.

" Enough foreplay."

As Raven removed her panties, Emerald was feeling awkward and wanted to leave before she and Neopolitan got caught.

" Okay, you win. Let's get out of here!"

Neopolitan pressed the back of Emerald's knee, making the mint-haired girl kneel against her will. She wrapped her arm around Emerald's torso to help hold her in place, then slipped her hand past Emerald's pants, where her secret garden is, and the mint-haired girl demanded.

" What are you doing?!"

Neopolitan placed her finger against Emerald's lips to hush her, then made a money gesture by rubbing her index finger against her thumb. The mint-haired girl looked at the tri-colored girl incredulously at what she suggested.

" You can be serious about asking for my side of the bet here and now while peeping on Silva!"

Neopolitan smirked and grabbed Emerald's hand and guided it to her moistening nethers. The mint-haired girl refused.

" No, just no, this can go bad in so many ways, and I-."

Neopolitan lowered her camouflage but only revealed Emerald in plain view, which made the former thief panic and forcibly agree with Neopolitan's "request."

" Fine! Fine, you win, hide me for they notice!"

Emerald started to finger Neopolitan's secret garden as the tri-colored girl returned the favor as they watched the live show go on.

Back to Silva and Raven. Silva then entered Raven, and the former bandit chief groaned with some pleasure and pain. The snow leopard faunus started slowly to get a feel for his old experiences in his past life and focus on the goal of making Raven climax before him. Minutes went by as he started to speed up the rhythm of his thrusts to find Raven's sweet spots. The former bandit chief moaned in pleasure at the snow leopard faunus's efforts.

As they got hot and sweaty in the tent, their audience got wrapped up in the show and were vigorously pleasing each other while clenching their teeth to avoid letting their panted breaths out. Soon Raven reached her first climax, and Silva blew his first load atop the black-haired beauty. Emerald and Neopolitan soon climaxed, and the tri-colored girl had enough and let go of the former thief. They both left to avoid being caught and went back to the airship, but Silva and Raven's night was just getting started.