
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Reconnecting Remnant

Silva Zelretch Branwen looked at Cinder Fall, who was now his teammate for the next four years of Beacon, and wondered whether or not to arrange... An unfortunate accident for her, and not have to deal with any BS with her. Ultimately, he decided against it as he recalled that this version of the fiery woman was on her own in gathering the Maiden powers and was aiming to become part of Ozpin's inner circle to enable her to find the other Maidens more easily. The world traveler made his call to his AIs to check on the System User after silently asking for a moment from her.

As soon as he used his Scroll to make the call, Silva got an immediate answer.

" Dad, are you alright?"

" Father, are you well?"

" How may I serve, Creator?"

Lilith, Lucifer, and Electra answered, respectively, and the world traveler demanded with a worry that plagued his mind for years.

" What is the status of the enemy?"

The Artificial Intelligent Assistant replied.

" The enemy has been neutralized, Creator."

Silva let out a sigh of relief as a weight was lifted off his mind and told his AIs.

" For now, head home, and I will tell you what I have been up to later."

" Understood, Father."

"See you later, Dad."

" Commencing return to base."

The world traveler hung up his Scroll and then walked over to his new teammate. He extended his fur-covered hand and introduced himself to the fiery woman.

" I'm Silva Branwen."

Cinder gave Silva a slight smile and returned the greeting.

" Cinder Fall, it looks like we will be getting to know each other for the next four years."

As the fiery woman shook the world traveler's hand, he immediately used Soul Archive to get read on her most recent thoughts. Silva did not see anything surprising as Cinder was trying to figure out the best way to manipulate him into her bidding but did not care as he would always double-check with Soul Archive so he would be less likely to be blindsided by her. The world traveler remembered how to reach the Forest Ruins and told the fiery woman.

" The ruins should be that way."

" Very well then, lead the way."

Cinder gestured for Silva to take point, and he shrugged as he started walking. More than anything, he wanted to see his lovers and hug them, but for now, he had to deal with initiation. As the world traveler walked, he hummed an upbeat tune as he was happy to be back at Remnant without having to worry about the system user going after the people he cared about. The little pink b*stard was even planning to gender-bend Ren for his sick desires. The snow leopard faunus continued to hum even as Grimm appeared.

Beowolfs surrounded the two, but Silva just casually kept on walking forward as he did not view the Creatures of Grimm as any serious threat to him in the slightest. Cinder called in surprise as her teammate seemingly ignored the monsters.

" What are you doing!?"

One of the Beowolfs leaped at the world traveler, but he continued to hum without worry, and in the next instant, he slashed with his claws and destroyed the Grimm with casual ease. The pack of monsters started to swarm at Silva, and as the closest one raised its arm to claw at him, he caught the arm and swung the monster around like a club and hit the rest of the pack. The snow leopard faunus then tossed his temporary club at the largest Beowolf that had yet to become an Alpha, and the monster growled with displeasure as it was struck by its kin.

The largest Beowolf charged at Silva with reckless abandon but was met with a swift end by his claws. Cinder stared in absent-minded shock as her teammate single-handedly disseminated the pack of monsters with ease and did not even get a chance to draw her weapon. She started to plan in earnest on how to get the snow leopard man under her control as she compared his combat prowess to experienced and competent Huntsmen. The fiery woman looked at her teammate as he continued to hum as he led her to the Forest Ruins and wondered how he got that good at fighting.


I still can't believe I am partnered with Cinder, of all people, but as always, I will deal with the hand fate gives me as best I can. Looking at the positive side of things, I can keep a close eye on her and deal with the fiery woman in case she crosses my bottom line or plans to anyways. I glanced at the dark-haired, amber-eyed woman following behind me and felt disappointment. She is undoubtedly beautiful, but I could never trust her unless she undergoes some serious changes. I wonder how everyone else is doing and who did they partner with aside from the obvious.

Ren and Nora are definitely partners, as the thunderous girl would do everything in her power to pair with the quiet guy. I am just not sure about everyone else, as there are no guarantees that Team RWBY will come about, but I am curious to see who Pyrrha pairs up with since I sent Jaune back to his parents. Plus, there are the two other teammates I might wind up pairing with. I just hope I don't get anyone from Team CRDL, as they are all racist a*sholes. Cinder then calls out to me as she walks up next to me with a friendly smile.

" So, tell me about yourself since we are going to be a team for the next four years."

I decided to screw with her a bit.

" I like a lot of things, and I dislike a lot of things. I have quite a few hobbies, and as for future dreams, I would rather keep that to myself."

I stopped myself from laughing as the fiery woman's smile cramped for a moment before replying.

" That's... nice."

An awkward silence descended, and I saw no reason to say anything more as I led the way to the Forest Ruins. Aside from the initial encounter with the Beowolfs, things have been quiet so far, and I started to hum Hero by Jeff Williams and Caleb Hyles, the go-to guys for the RWBY Official Sound Track. My mind went to the reason I decided to attend Beacon, I simply wanted to see what sort of trouble and mischief the characters now people I know would get up to without the Fall of Beacon happening plus just taking the test to directly get my Huntsmen Liscense would be boring.

I am also curious about what it would be like to attend classes to essentially train Monster Hunters despite studying in advance and cheating with Soul Archive. As I continued to walk I saw some familiar faces I was all too happy to see, Luna and Argint. I called out to them.

" Hey, Luna, Argint! Over here!"

They saw me and came over with excitement. The two greeted me with happiness.

" My Lord!"

" Master Silva!"

As I saw them my eyes got blurry and I realized I was crying from relief and happiness from seeing these two again. My vampire bat maid asked me with concern.

" Master, are you alright."

" Don't I'll be fine."

My white wolf culist looked at me with confusion and commented.

" You've changed, my lord."

" Yeah, just a bit."

I quickly dried my eyes and introduced Cinder to them while joking around.

" This is... What's is your name again?"

The fiery woman's eye twitch a bit before introducing herself to the girls.

" Hello, I am Cinder Fall. May I know your names?"

" Argint, no last name. Maid to my Master."

" Luna, hoping to be Branwen."

Luna said as she wrapped my arm around her and continued.

" His humble but most devoted follower."

Cinder looked at me with a gaze full of questions and I shrugged off her gaze without any care for her questions. Now I wonder where the others are at.