
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

New Fate

Silva found himself falling from the sky and crashing into some ice-cold water. He swam back to the surface and saw an unfamiliar city divided by a river and linked through a red bridge. The snow leopard was familiar enough with Remnant to see that this was no city from his home world. Fury boiled within him as he roared and bellowed.


After getting that out of his system, he swam to the shore because he did not have enough Aura for a portal right now with Door To Darkness. Silva pulled himself out of the water and used the last of his magic to get rid of the water clinging to him. Feeling the chill in the air, the snow leopard thought it prudent to meditate to speed up his Aura recovery. Silva forcibly calmed his nerves and recalled every detail of his fight with the system user to get an idea of where he might be sent.

The snow leopard man had a gnawing feeling of worry that his contingency plans might not have been enough to deal with the pinkette, considering how the whole fight played out. After recovering his Aura, Silva went to look for people to use Soul Archive on them to find out where he was as he drew blanks on any clues as to where that thrice d*mned system user sent him. After rapidly opening portals through the rooftops of a residential area. Soon finding a drunk human in a business suit wandering around by himself, the snow leopard sneaked up on him and used Soul Archive.

"F*cking great."

Silva cursed as he learned he resided in a city known as Fuyuki, an all too familiar name that served as the center of a complicated universe for various events, and the year was 1994. Before jumping to any conclusions, the snow leopard decided to find the Fuyuki police department to gather more information. After a quick series of portals, he found himself downtown and used Soul Archive on every officer he could get his paws on from a distance with his Semblance. Silva started to grow Grimm as he realized that he was in a universe full of complexity, Fate-verse.

The police chief knew of Tokiomi Tohsaka, the current Second Owner of the city, and the snow leopard compiled all the information he knew so far. First, he was smack dab in the middle of the Fourth Holy Grail War with various powerful Heroic Spirits summoned from various points of history and myth to fight one another for the Holy Grail for a single wish. Secondly, his only chance of getting back home is through the Grail as his Semblance is not strong enough to bring him back to Remnant, but it might not recognize him as a Master because he is a foreign entity.

Thirdly, the Grail is corrupted by the evil god of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu, so it needs to be purified first before even considering being used to get the Second Magic Kaleidoscope in hopes of getting back to Remnant. Fourthly, the Servants summoned for this Holy Grail War are troublesome at best or impossible for Silva to beat as he wasn't sure how he stacked up against even Hassan of a Thousand Faces and Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the two arguably weakest Servants in this war or even the Masters for that matter.

Fifthly and arguably the most important point, Magecraft, and Silva's abilities may very well be incompatible due to the fact he is a foreign entity. Silva sighed as he felt the weight of the odds stacked against him but refused to give up. He then muttered to himself.

" I have murder happy Freeter to find as soon as possible."

The snow leopard man had set his eyes on The Demon of Fuyuki, Ryuunosuke Uryuu. Thankfully his trip to the police station pointed him in the direction of the most recent murders, and he already knew of Ryuunosuke's appearance thanks to his past life.


Ryuunosuke was a young Japanese man with orange hair enjoying his boredom working at a convenience store tonight while he kept his eyes open for his target tonight. The young man greeted every customer in a friendly manner and saw a lonely woman looking over the bento lunches. She looked like she was recently crying, which meant she was emotional. The Demon of Fuyuki grinned as he knew a little bit of fake sympathy and empathy goes a long way. The woman walks up to the counter and asks as she places the bento lunch in front of him.

" Can you warm this up, please?"

" Certainly."

Ryuunosuke placed the bento lunch in the microwave and focused on the woman before him.

" Are you alright?"

He was a decent actor, as there was a bit of sincerity in his voice. The woman looked a the young man before her and felt a bit elated about having someone show her even a bit of concern in her lonely life.

" I've... Just had a rough day, that's all."

The Demon of Fuyuki nodded in mock understanding and asked.

" It was an especially bad one, wasn't it?"

" Yeah, my friends, former friends showed their real colors today of all days, on my birthday, no less."

Ryuunosuke winced as he asked.

" How bad was it?"

" Bad."

The woman looked down as she recalled how today quickly became the worse day of her life so far. The Demon of Fuyuki then tempted the young woman.

" I know a great way to cheer up if you are interested."

" How?"

" I know this nice little shop near here that has some sweets that are to die for that make you forget all the bad parts of your day. They stay open pretty late."

The young woman looked interested, as something sweet does sound nice right now, and asked.

" Where?"

" If you are willing to wait ten minutes, my shift will be over, and I can show you. After all, I can't in good conscience leave a woman by herself with the murders happening nowadays."

The young woman recalled the serial killings as of late and felt a bit of fear since she was by herself right now and decided to take up the nice young man's offer and see if he was willing to escort her home later.

" Sure, I'll wait."

The microwave rang, and Ryuunosuke took out the bento lunch and handed it to her. He then told her with a smile.

" There is a park nearby. You can wait for me there."

The woman smiled as she thanked him, as her day brightened up a bit after a horrible birthday. She went to the park and ate her meal as she waited. The young woman soon found her mouth covered with a cloth with a strange scent on it. She struggled for a few moments, then was knocked out. The Demon of Fuyuki smiled gleefully as he ready his large carry bag to transport his latest victim but found his right hand being held by a... Paw? He looked to see a towering figure looming over him, and the figure said.

" So you already have the command seals, good."

" Wha-."

Before Ryuunosuke could finish his sentence, he was knocked out with a quick blow to the head.


Ryuunosuke woke up to being tied to a chair and gagged. Rather than feeling fear, he felt excited at what was happening as he took in his surroundings which were an abandoned building he frequently went to, and saw the towering figure reading a dusty old tome.

" Interesting."

The figure said after closing the old book and getting up to reveal that the figure was Silva Branwen. The Demon of Fuyuki had so many questions, but before he could even try to ask anything through his gag, the snow leopard faunus knocked him out again with another blow to the head. Silva had already looked through Ryuunosuke's memories with Soul Archive and still felt sick to his stomach at the things he saw and felt no guilt at what he was about to do. The spell book from the Uryuu family attic had more information in it than he initially expected, which would help him become a Master of the Holy Grail War.

Silva drew Snærkló and cut off Ryuunosuke's right hand, then beheaded him. The snow leopard faunus picked up the severed hand and extended not only his Magic over the command seals but his divinity over them as well and took ownership and became a Master. Using Transmutation, Silva created a summoning circle and used himself as the medium for the summoning in hopes of getting the Extra Class, Foreigner, to give him an advantage over the other Masters. Flooding the summoning circle with his Magic, the snow leopard man chanted.

"Heed my words, My will creates your body, And your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call And obey my will and reason, Then answer my summoning! I hereby swear, That I shall be all the good in the world, That I shall defeat . . . all evil in the world! Seventh heaven clad, And the great words of power, Come forth from the circle of bindings, Guardian of Scales!"

A light filled the building, and Silva saw his servant, and they said.

"Oh, did such a tiny thing as you...summon me, ruler of ice and snow? Hmm, interesting, an unknown weak Divine Spirit garbed in mortal flesh operating as a Master. Tell me your name."

" Silva Branwen, and you are?"

" I will forgive your rudeness this time, so listen closely. I am of the Caster Class..."