
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Jealous White

Ruby decided to stick with my group as I was in the lead and going through the scenic route to orientation. As I tuned out the chatter, I felt someone burning a hole at the back of my skull and went on guard. I tried to sense Aura from a distance first to see if I was just being paranoid and got a reaction away from the group. Whoever they are, they are definitely following us or me for some reason. I opened a small portal over my left eye and peeked through it after glancing at the sky.

With a birds-eye view, I saw who was following my group from a distance, and I moved the portal to get a closer look. I nearly tripped when I saw something completely out of my expectations, a bloody freaking Astolfo look-a-like from freaking Fate-verse. The semblance is uncanny; short stature, long pink braided hair, matching pink eyes, face, and body that blurred what their gender could be, plus gender-neutral clothes that clothes that could be seen on either girls or feminine boys.

I watched as they stalked the group, and they had a rather murderous look on their face as they glared at me specifically. I frowned and wondered what was going on here; while I was tempted to use Soul Archive on them, I decided to hold off on that for now since I would have an opportunity tonight when everyone was asleep.


They were Astolfo Von Nyx Rosé, a reincarnator that met a ROB and got a system to allow for traveling the multiverse. Currently, they are in what they refer to as a tutorial world to help build up the necessary skills to survive the more dangerous worlds in the multiverse. They chose Astolfo from Fate as their base appearance to increase the strike zone they resided in for various women across the multiverse. After some of their favorite Waifus was Yuri and wanted a chance to catch them all since Charm or Brainwashing skills were a big no-no outside of Hentai worlds, at least that was what ROB said when asked for those kinds of skills.

Plus, it would undoubtedly be fun to tease some poor dumb idiots that were straight into thinking they were female and later reveal that they were actually male. Astolfo thought mischievously before refocusing on the nuisance that was taking their favorite Waifus' attention, namely Ruby Rose, Pyrrha Nikos, and Neopolitan, to be specific. This Silva Branwen was grating their nerves as the towering faunus was not only taking the Waifus on a walk to Beacon's orientation but was so much more powerful as well, despite the fact he didn't have a system.

The pinkette considered forcing their way into the group with the excuse that they were lost but decided to play it safe since they didn't know all the skills the snow leopard man had with a level difference of over +100 levels above their own. For now, they decided to spy on the group to get a read on their relationship with one another. Oddly enough, Cinder's pet, Emerald, was friendly to Ruby as they had an animated discussion about something. They nearly had a heart attack at seeing Cinder with full Maiden powers on the airship to Beacon.

Astolfo was certain that they were in some strange AU version of RWBY, considering everything they had seen so far, which threw all their canon knowledge up in the air. The pinkette sighed and decided to just go with the flow for now. They asked their system.

" System, use the B-rank weapon ticket."

[ Understood host, the weapon being generated. You have gained the B-rank weapon Flame Spear. It has been placed in your inventory.]

Astolfo grinned at gaining their first magic weapon, as anything above C-Rank has magical effects, and looked at their new weapon.

[ Flame Spear

Grade: B+

This weapon will ignite anything its tip touches on fire and cause burns.]

Astolfo was giddy at having their first magic weapon, even if it was low quality compared to Noble Phantasms or Sacred Gears that are available in the Shop Function of their system. Still, they were outrageously expensive and had nowhere near the System Points needed to buy them, and they likely won't gain them in this tutorial world as Grimm only gives meager amounts of Shop Points and Exp so far. The pinkette hoped that the older and tougher Grimm gave more than their younger members.

Astolfo decided to compare their new weapon with the polearm mounted on the back of Silva.

[ Snærkló

Grade: S+

The personal weapon of Silva Branwen. A terrifyingly powerful weapon that combines magic and Remnant's science with several features and enchantments.]

The pinkette's jaw dropped at reading the basic description of the weapon and its grade that is on bar with High-Class Sacred Gears and Anti-Army Noble Phantasms in the Shop. They decided that they were either looting the weapon off of Silva's corpse or getting the snow leopard faunus to make them one, depending on whether or not he got in their way to greatness and having a harem.


I soon led the girls to the auditorium, where orientation was being held, and Yang called out to her sister.

" Hey Ruby, over here!"

" See you later, Silva."

" K, Ruby."

After the little cookie monster went to her sister, the blonde finally noticed me and frowned at my presence. Yang started to drag Ruby after away from me, and I saw Weiss as well standing at attention. Blake was chatting with Ilia not far from me, and Ren and Nora were off to the side. I saw Cinder looking smug and confident near the front. The wild Astolfo was within my line of sight as they minded their own business for now. Soon, Ozpin showed up and started his speech after everyone quieted down.

"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

The old wizard left the stage, and Glynda then told everyone.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

My Scroll dinged me and I got an attachment that gave me a map of Beacon and an explanation of how the lockers work here. I turned to the girls and asked since we had time before sundown.

" Does anyone want to go anywhere in particular?"

Pyrrha suggested with a slight smile.

" How about we just wander around for now?"

" Or maybe find a nice spot for a picnic?"

Emerald offered, and Luna said.

" My lord's food is undoubtedly better than the Academy's cafeteria, so a picnic sounds good."

" I concur with Luna, Master Silva."

Argint agreed, and it was nearing lunch, after all, so I said.

" A picnic it is then but mind if I invite a few more to the party?"

" Certainly, Silva, the more, the merrier."

The polite spartan replied happily.


Silva went and invited Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Ilia, Ren, and Nora to the impromptu picnic. The little cookie monster agreed instantly, and her blonde sister was reluctant but ultimately agreed as she did like the snow leopard faunus's cooking, not that she would admit it. The snow princess didn't want anything to do with him but decided to agreed because Pyrrha would be there. The ninja cat girl and chameleon girl were surprised to see Silva here but agreed to come along nonetheless after some convincing. The quiet guy and thundering girl came along happily.

Needless to say, it was a bit chaotic for Silva, even with Ren's help to cook for everyone after a quick portal back to Forever Fall manor. To him, it was worth it. Ruby and Weiss kept their distance from one another until Yang dragged her sister to the snow princess to reconnect by bringing up the beach party years ago. The three really did not make a connection back then, but it didn't bother Silva as he felt that there was still a decent chance for team RWBY to form, considering that everyone was here regardless of circumstance.

Blake and Ilia were surprisingly talking with Emerald about a common interest in books. Mainly Harry Potter and a few others, which seemed to relax the two former White Fang members. The mint-haired girl kept quiet about Silva's penname as Snow Morningstar, as she knew it was supposed to be a secret as a rule despite showing her signed books. Ren and Nora were chatting with Argint and Pyrrha, respectively. Luna stayed by Silva's side as he worked on the grill he had brought with him.

Astolfo glared at Silva from a distance and made an assumption.

" He's definitely a reincarnator as well."

The pinkette had no evidence or basis despite the truth of the matter. They were not about to let any competition get in their way and made plans to try and level up as much as possible at tomorrow's initiation.