
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Freeing Orange

My name is Silva Branwen, and I am currently seeing off Winter Schnee as she goes to attend classes. I waited until classes officially started and then opened a portal to Willow Schnee to see if she wanted to continue using my services as a de facto information broker since I have back door programs across the kingdom. My surroundings changed to the Schnee manor's home office, where I saw the Schnee matriarch combing through the paperwork, which was likely for the Schnee Dust Company. She noticed my presence and said.

" Give me a few minutes."

I shrugged as I didn't mind waiting and took a seat in one of the chairs in the office. I took out my Scroll and started digging up any information that Robyn would find useful in her investigation against the Military Police. I pointed out some meetings that the commander over the MPs has with some high-ranking officials in Atlas's government and the extremely wealthy as well to get her started. I also forwarded info on various transactions and their dates to various MPs to her as well, so she knows who's taking bribes and who isn't or hasn't yet. The vigilante thanked me for my efforts, and I then started to surf the CCTS to kill time.

Atlas had nothing too interesting that could keep me entertained, and as I waited for Willow to finish what she was doing, I received a phone call from a number I didn't recognize. If this were back on Earth, I would've assumed it was spam or telemarketers. Still, thankfully, Remnant doesn't have the same problem because all inter-kingdom or international communication is managed by the four kingdoms' governments, and I answered the call.

" Hello?"

" Aw, yes, this wouldn't happen to be the hacker who has his mitts all over Atlas, would it?"

I didn't panic and kept the conversation going as I traced the call.

"Do you have the right number here?"

" Hmm, you didn't confirm nor deny it, but no matter; I have checked my work, so I know that all the back door programs, despite bouncing off various sources, are linked to this Scroll. Now, the reason I have called you is simple. I wish to meet face to face, and not to worry; I have no intention of turning you. Now meet me at... Got it?"

I found out where this guy is calling me from, and I am now trying to identify him—cross-referencing location and lists of employees plus residents. And I narrowed it down to a few people, and I saw a familiar name and knew who was calling me.

" Certainly, we can meet, Doctor. Would tonight be fine with you?"

" Oh? You already found out my identity? But tonight will work, and I look forward to meeting a like-minded individual."

He hung up, and now I have a reason to meet Arthur Watts and use Soul Archive on him to see if he has gotten in contact with Salem yet. In all honesty, Arthur and Hazel are two members of Salem's inner circle that I would like to avoid killing as reasoning with them seems to be the easiest. As for the rest, however, Tyrian dies, as letting a madman like him loose is dangerous and foolish, and as for Cinder, it depends on how far gone she is, but, in the end, she will betray Salem on her own accord if she thinks she can succeed and the Grimm Queen will take it from there.

There is one good reason to spare Cinder, and that she is predictable, very predictable, which makes the threat she represents makes her more manageable. As I let my thoughts wander, I heard Willow say with a sigh of relief.

" Finally done!"

" Are you free to speak now?"

The Schnee matriarch looked at me with a serious expression and answered.

" Yes, and I have decided to continue our partnership... if you answer a few of my questions."

I looked at her with curiosity and gestured for her to go ahead and ask what she wanted.

" First, who are you exactly?"

" That's a bit of a long story, but the short version is that my name is Silva Branwen, and I am a part-time hacker and information broker with the intent of becoming a Huntsman."

Willow processed my answer for a few moments, then asked.

" What do you get out of helping me be free of Jacques and having me take over the SDC?"

" A lot of things really, but most of which I only indirectly benefit from, but the most relevant gains to answer your question is your gratitude and continued business with me as I know Jacques would never work with a faunus unless he had to."

My answer was true, as one of the indirect benefits that I want is Winter and Weiss's happiness as they got a pretty raw deal with their father, and I hope if Weiss still attends Beacon like in the canon, she would be less of a spoiled brat in the beginning and maybe less racist as well. The Schnee matriarch then asked me.

" What is your goal in the future?"

I paused as I considered her question and said.

" Just live my life as best I can, whether it be as a Huntsman or settle down and start a family them family enjoy my twilight years in peace and happiness."

Willow looked surprised at my answer, but what I said was what I really wanted in this second life of mine, as I could leave being a hero or villain to others unless something goes completely sideways and I need to rise to the challenge if there is no one else. The Schnee matriarch kept silent for a few minutes, then said.

" Thank you for answering my questions, and I look forward to your continued services and help in the future."

I got up from my seat and walked over to Willow, and extended my paw to her as I said.

" Thank you for your continued patronage."

She hesitantly took my paw, and we shook on it. Now, to seal the deal. I opened a portal to Raven, and she came through it. Willow asked me with a guarded expression.

" Who is she?"

" Someone here to help."

I answered, and the former bandit asked me as she appraised the Schnee matriarch.

" Is she the one you want me to heal?"

" Yeah, her body was poisoned, and the damage prevents her from using her Aura to its fullest capacity."

Willow asked for an explanation.

" What do you mean by healing me?"

" My... associate here has a rare healing Semblance that will allow you to use your Aura as you used to in the past."

The Schnee matriarch looked hopeful at my answer and asked for confirmation.

" Really?"

" Yes, really, now just relax and let me do my work."

Raven answered her as she got next to Willow and gestured for her to have a seat. The Schnee matriarch complied after a moment of hesitation and sat down in the chair. The former bandit chief placed her hands on the other woman's shoulders and started to use her Maiden power to heal Willow. After a few minutes, Raven stopped and curtly stated.

" Done."

The Schnee matriarch held out her hand, and her blue Aura shined for a moment; then, she conjured a Glyph that summoned a miniaturized Nevermore. Willow reached for her summon and stroked its head for a few moments, and tears started to well up in her eyes as she profusely thanked Raven and me.

" Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

She continued to repeat herself as her tears of joy left her eyes at being made whole again. Raven looked at me, and I got the message. I opened a portal back to her camp, and she left without saying a word. I then told the Schnee matriarch.

" We still have one more piece of business to discuss, Willow."

She wiped the tears from her eyes as she dismissed her summoned Nevermore and asked with a smile.

" Certainly; what do you have in mind?"

" Your divorce."


Jacques Gele stared at the wall of his cell with a blank expression when suddenly a black portal opened up beneath him, and he fell with a surprised yelp. He landed in a dumpster, and the fake Schnee groaned as he got up. Some light returned to his eyes as he came out of the alley and recognized his surroundings. He pinched himself to see if he was dreaming, and the pain told Jacques was awake, and he shouted with glee.


He desperately recalled how to return home. The fake Schnee ran through the streets like a madman and tripped a few times until he finally reached the Schnee manor. I rabidly and repeatedly rang the intercom until someone answered.

" Hello, who is-."


After a moment, the head butler said with undisguised glee.

" Certainly, Mr.Gele."

Jacques didn't pick up on what Klein called him as he was too eager to find comfort in his home again after being locked up for months. As the gates opened, the fake Schnee started to strut up to the manor, and the head butler opened the front doors. Klein's eyes turned red as he smiled and told Jacques.

" The Mistress is awaiting you in the study. Follow me."

" Willow can wait. I need a proper bath and something to eat first; then, I need to get in contact with a few people, and after that-."

Klein grabbed Jacques by the arm and told him with a cold tone.

" That wasn't a request, Jacques."

" Unhand me this instant Klein! Klein, if you can continue to maltreat me, you can pack your things and leave, as I will not be treated like this in my own home!"

The head butler ignored the fake Schnee's threats as he was enjoying every moment of dragging the weakened Jacques to Willow, not that Jacques could resist if he were at full strength because Klein had his Aura unlocked. As the fake Schnee vainly tried to resist the man handling by the head butler and was tossed into the study where Willow was waiting for him. As Jacques got up, his wife told him with an icy tone.

" Jacques, I want a divorce."

" What are you on about Willow?!"

The Schnee matriarch repeated herself in the same icy tone.

" I want a divorce."

The fake Schnee sneered as he mocked her.

" Certainly, where would like to be dropped off at, Mantle or Lower Mistral? I also hear Vacuo is lovely this time of year."

Willow smirked as she handed Jacques a Scroll and told him.

" Things have changed, Jacques Gele; the company is mine, the family name is mine, your hidden assets are mine, and everything else you owned is in my name now. And if you don't believe me check for yourself."

The fake Schnee scoffed and started to call his lawyers to ensure the Schnee matriarch winds up with nothing, then privately arranged an accident for her at a later date. Jacques made the call to his law firm and said.

" Hello, this is Jacques Schnee, and I need to arrange a meeting with Blair."

" Sorry, our contract with you, Mr.Schnee, has been terminated, and Mr.Ray is not taking any calls right now but feel free to try again later or swing by our office."

Jacques's brows furrowed, and he decided to call his lawyer directly, but the lawyer answered.

" Hello, Blair Ray of Frost Law Firm. How may I help you?"

" Blair, what's this about my contract with your law firm being terminated?"

Silence greeted the fake Schnee's demand, and then the lawyer advised.

" Jacques, since you are back, I need to warn you of a few things. First, your wife has taken over everything and has either transferred or terminated your accounts. Secondly, you need to keep your head down for the time being as your wife has been ironing out a divorce case against you to ensure you're left with nothing, so avoid meeting her until you can defend yourself."

Jacques paled at the information and thanked his lawyer, and started to call any and all of his allies for help frantically. He was met with refusals to help and was hung up on when he gave his name. The fake Schnee looked nervously at his soon-to-be ex-wife and tried to placate her.

" Now, Willow, surely we can talk about this like reasonable adults."

" Let me be perfectly clear, Jacques, this divorce will happen, and no matter what you do, you will be on the losing end, so you have two choices. You can either sign this settlement agreement and divorce papers here and now and leave with your dignity plus enough Lein to start fresh somewhere other than Atlas. Or, we can take this to court, where all of your crimes and secrets will be aired out for the whole kingdom to see, and you will be left with nothing but your name. There will be no bargaining or negotiations."

Willow summoned a Nevermore that pinned Jacques to the ground, and she asked in a tone colder than Solitas in winter.

" Are you going to sign Jacques, or are you going to resist in a futile effort in trying to regain power?"

As the Nevermore pressed down on the fake Schnee, he squealed.

" I'll sign! I'll sign!"

" Good, here."

Willow dismissed her summon and handed Jacques a pen to sign the papers. The fake Schnee complied, and after checking the documents, the Schnee matriarch took out a briefcase that was full of money and handed it to Jacques as she ordered.

" Jacques Gele, get out of my home and never bother my family again, or so help me, you will regret ever meeting me."

Willow had conjured several Glyphs around her, which were primed to attack Jacques if he tried anything. Her ex-husband ran with his tail between his legs as he could see that his ex-wife wasn't bluffing. As Jacques left, Willow collapsed into a chair as she felt lighter than ever, as if a weight she had on her was now gone. The Schnee matriarch laughed as she felt freer and happier than she had in years and took out a bottle of vodka to celebrate.

Jacques left with anger in his heart at how he was treated and promised revenge for this indignity. He found a hotel in Atlas to hold him up for the night and counted the Lein he was given along with reading his copy of the divorce and settlement papers. He felt furious at what he read; he essentially winded up right back to where he started before he seduced Willow into marrying him, which wasn't much. As he tried to come up with a way to get back at his ex-wife, he felt a sharp edge against his throat, which made him go stiff as he heard an electronically disguised voice say.

" Hello, Jacques Gele, I work for Willow Schnee, and I have come to deliver a message to you. Cross the Schnee family, and no one will find your body. Do I make myself clear?"

" Y-yes!"

His unseen assailant then warned him as the sharp edge against his throat drew blood.

" I recommend you leave Atlas at your earliest convenience, or else. Got it?"

Jacques shakily nodded, and the blade was removed from his throat, and he started to book a flight to anywhere but here as he covered his bleeding throat. Soon, Jacques Gele will be a long-forgotten name in the kingdom of Atlas.