
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Fateful Black

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and got up from my new bed with Melanie and Miltia still snoozing away from our fun last night. Still feeling a pleasant kind of tiredness, I got up to get started on breakfast and pulled the covers over them before leaving my room. One thing I wasn't expecting to do last night was use Magic to restore my stamina and speed up my ability to reproduce sperm. Thinking about that, I went back to the twins to ensure that I didn't impregnate them by checking with Magic and removing my baby batter from their wombs.

I'm not ready to be a father just yet, and the girls probably don't want to become mothers for now. I do plan on starting a family, but only after everything in Remnant is dealt with, and I don't have to worry about the gods' final judgment ending the world. After preventing any unplanned pregnancies, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. I went with some egg, bacon, and cheese sandwiches and made enough for everyone. Miltia and Melanie won't wake up until the afternoon since they are night owls because they work as guards for Junior's club.

As I ate my part of the breakfast I made, Neopolitan was the first to be up and about in her oversized three-color shirt and her hair in a loose ponytail. She sat at the table and grabbed one of the breakfast sandwiches to eat, and I greeted her.

" Morning, Neo."

The tri-colored girl conjured a sign with her Semblance that asked.

" Had fun last night?"

" Were you peeking?"

I asked back with suspicion because I designed all the rooms to be soundproof in order to give everyone privacy. Neopolitan gave me a sly smile as she created a copy of the twins and me doing the deed on the table. I rolled my eyes at her antics and swatted the illusion, making it break down. I got up from my seat and walked over to the tri-colored girl, then whispered into her in a husky tone.

" Did you enjoy the show, you naughty little pervert?"

Neopolitan just smirked at me, and to my surprise, she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing from my sight with the use of her Semblance. I rubbed where she kissed me and started grinning. Not long after, Emerald showed up to get some breakfast as I put the dishes in the dishwasher.

" Morning, Silva."

The mint-haired girl yawned as she grabbed one of the sandwiches as I greeted her back.

" Morning, Em. How did you sleep?"

" Well enough. Did the twins give you their surprise?"

" You know?"

Emerald smiled as she replied.

" They weren't exactly hiding what they were up to from Neo and me, plus their trip to Huntress Secrets was a dead giveaway."

I guess everyone in the manor knows, then? Whatever, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things—just another day in my second life.


Ozpin was looking over a report in his office at Beacon, and Glynda Goodwitch appeared from the elevator. The wizard greeted his ally as she walked over with a slight smile.

" Oh, good morning Glynda. What brings you here?"

The strict teacher adjusted her glasses and then said coolly.

" The construction on the residence near Forever Fall forest has recently been finished, Ozpin."

Ozpin smiled at the news and said.

" I guess it's finally time to meet, Qrow's new family member."

" Ozpin, do you have any indication as to what sort of person this Silva is, aside from Qrow's reports?"

Glynda asked with concern, considering Silva's origins and relation to Raven. The wizard assured the strict teacher.

" Glynda, I trust Qrow's judgment in this regard. Plus, Raven being his adoptive mother, has me curious as to how much he knows about our cause."

" I understand, Ozpin. I will clear your schedule for tomorrow."

" Thank you, Glynda."


Salem looked at the jellyfish-like Seer as she spoke to Hazel.

" What do you have to report, Hazel?"

" Mistress, unfortunately, Doctor Watts has refused our offer in favor of another."

" Oh? Did you find anything out about this other offer?"

The witch asked in mild curiosity, and the giant shook his head as he answered calmly.

" Apologies, I haven't found anything despite my efforts about where this offer comes from, but I have uncovered some of the doctor's recent actions. He has all but abandoned his Paladin project for Ironwood's challenge for the kingdom's next step in national defense in favor of consolidating his assets for some reason."

" Hmm... If getting Watts is not possible, focus on the other scientists on the list I have given you."

" As you wish."

The conversation ended there, and Salem waved away the Seer to contemplate her plans without distractions. To bring forth her new plan to acquire the Relic, a scientist of Atlas, is an absolute necessity to bypass the security system of the kingdom to reach the Winter Maiden and unlock the Vault underneath Atlas Academy. The witch decided to see if her new pawn was learning what was needed for her future assignments. Salem walked through the halls of her fortress and reached her personal library.

The witch enters her library to see a young woman with neck-length black hair and glowing orange eyes like dying embers. She wore a simple one-piece red dress with glass heels covering her feet. Her name is Cinder, and she has yet to take the last name Fall because she is still in the process of being trained by Salem to fulfill the witch's plans. The fiery woman noticed her mistress approaching her, and she got out of her chair to kneel and greet the witch.

" Master, how may I serve you?"

" Cinder, how are your studies progressing?"

" I have completed the studies of your memoirs and the psychology books."

Salem nodded in approval, then told Cinder.

" Good; I may have a mission for you, later on, to give you experience and put your studies into practice."

" Thank you, master."

The fiery woman looked down, and the witch asked.

" Have you run into any difficulties or don't understand anything?"

" No master, not as of yet."

" Good, continue your studies."

Cinder complied and went back to reading the books she had picked out. Salem left the fiery woman to her devices and entered her lab, where she performed her experiments. Within the lab were two massive tubes filled with a black liquid that something could be seen in them. The witch placed her hand against one of the tubes and commented after her glowing red symbol appeared on the tube. After a few minutes, she comments.

" Barely any progress; looks like one's will influence silver eyes, albeit passively, but that just means I need to break their will."

Salem's red eyes lit up as her Magic caused the black liquid to surge, and the thing within the tube struggled and thrived.