
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Familia Black

As my Alarm went off on my Scroll, I got off to hit the snooze button and found myself flanked by Neopolitan and Argint. The tri-colored girl has taken a liking to use my fur-covered arms as pillows when she sleeps. The vampire bat girl always seems to crawl into my bed for whatever reason and likes to nibble at my sides while curling up against me, it doesn't hurt, but it is a bit ticklish. Not that I am complaining; I do like and care about both of them, and they are both cute, but it makes waking up a bit awkward since I don't want to wake them.

Argint is easy. I just need to move away slowly, but Neopolitan is hugging my arm like a body pillow with her back against my side, so that is going to take an effort to pry her off. Thankfully I have a free arm, so I turned off my alarm before dragging myself out of bed. I placed the covers back over the two sleeping beauties and went to see if there was anything good on the inn's menu for breakfast. As I got out of the room, fully dressed, I saw Jaune sneaking outside of his room, which he was sharing with his younger siblings, Violet, Aqua, and Marine.

The more I view his memories, the more inclined I feel not to commit to training him and just turn him over to his parents if I see him at Beacon. He wants to be a hero, and yet he puts no real effort into his goal. Heck, he never thought to look up what was required to be a Huntsman and believes he only has to go to school like his sisters. When I look at him, all I see is a foolish, naive, and thoughtless dreamer with delusions of grandeur that has been sheltered all his life. Plus, even if his dad didn't want to train him, I am pretty at least one of his sisters would if he asked, but if the canon is to believe, he never did and might not ever unless someone to prompt him.

My disdain for him aside, I could somewhat see relatable he was to some fans, but that didn't apply to me as I knew what I wanted and how to achieve it and when to ask for help. I was pretty much going to ignore him while I stayed in Shion for the next couple of days. I walked passed him as I went to get some breakfast for myself and the girls, and to my surprise, he called me out.

" Um, hey."

I looked at him with a bit of curiosity, and I won't deny that I enjoyed watching him squirm under my gaze as I kept silent while waiting for him to voice what he wanted. He finally asked me.

" Do you know why Garnet told me and everyone else to avoid you?"

That was surprising, but I had no clue why, so I shrugged as I didn't particularly care and went about my business. I then heard just as I turned around.

" Morning, my little rainbow."

" Morning, mom."

I snickered at hearing his family nickname in person from one of his mothers as I walked away. If Jaune does somehow manage to get into Beacon despite my efforts, I am so going to hold that family pet name over his head the entire time there. I got a second surprise this morning by being called out by Jaune's mother.

" Young man, a moment if you please."

I turned to face a shoulder-length platinum-blonde woman of average proportions with dark blue eyes, glasses over them, and a fair complexion. She was Jaune's birth mother, along with Calypso, Jade, and Garnet, Jeannette Arc. I looked at her in silence as I waited for her to see what she wanted. Jeanette walked up to me and stared into my eyes before asking.

" Are you single?"

Okay... that threw me for a loop. I looked at the Arc woman in confusion and asked.

" What?"

" You see, I am always worried about my daughter's finding good men/women as some of them almost seem allegoric to commitment of the romantic nature. You seem nice and very well-built. So how about I introduce you to them?"

That was not how I was expecting my morning to go... I repeated my question to Jeanette.

" Again, what?"

" I realize I am being very sudden but would you be willing to humor me?"

Let's see here, being ganged up by a pack of sisters or spending time with Neopolitan and Argint. The choice is obvious to me.

" I politely decline. As while I am sure your daughters are lovely in their own unique ways, I am already committed but thank you nonetheless."

Just as I turned to leave, the Arc woman grabbed my paw and said.

" Oh, come now, polygamy or even polyandry is not that unusual for Huntsmen and Huntress or otherwise warrior castes. I am sure one of my daughters will spark your interest."

" But I am just a humble writer seeking inspiration through traveling with my bodyguards."

I am always so proud of my ability to bullish*t, but Jeanette didn't let go of me as she smiled.

"You're funny too. I am sure my daughters will be interested in knowing you better."

Well, if being polite doesn't work, then I better be blunt then.

" Lady, I have no interest in being gangb*nged by your hormonal and horny brats."

The Arc woman adjusted her glasses and told me as she squeezed my paw tighter.

" My Semblance allows me to see the nature of a person along with bits of their history, and while I am somewhat aware of how difficult your life has been but I can also say this with confidence. Anyone of my girls can make you happy, and I know you would make them happy in return."

I looked at Jaune and asked him.

" She is not going to let me go, is she?"

He shook his head with a helpless smile, and I now had to deal with this situation. I briefly considered just saying I would meet them, then just hightailing it out of Shion as soon as her back was turned but tossed aside that line of thought as I might be making a big deal out of nothing. I sighed as I agreed to this crazy woman's demands.

" Fine, I'll meet them but let me to wake up my friends for breakfast first."

Jeanette, let go of my paw and introduced herself.

" My name is Jeanette Arc, Mister..."

" Silva, just Silva."

" Please do join my family for breakfast with your girlfriends."

I really didn't see my morning going this way, not at all, but when life gives you lemons...


Neopolitan sat at my left and Argint on my right as we ate with the Arc family. Giles Arc glares at me with Jeanette on his left and his other wife, Aleanor, on his right. Aleanor Arc was a well-endowed woman with hip-length honey-blonde hair and bright blue eyes with slightly tanned skin. The bustier Arc woman cracked open a can of beer and asked the other Arc wife.

" So, Jean, what brought on inviting tall, dark, and furry here?"

" He's a catch."

Aleanor whistled at hearing that and grinned as she replied.

" The last time you said that was with our dear Giles here. Are you planning on offloading all our girls on him?"

The bustier Arc woman good naturely slapped her spouse in the back with his gobsmacked expression and laughed. A few of the Arc siblings groaned, and some were blushing at hearing why I was there. Garnet complained while massaging her temples.

" Of course, mom is playing matchmaker again."

Saphron gave her sisters a pitying look as she commented.

" Good thing Terra and I are already committed with the mom's seal of approval."

" Now, Saphron dear, while I do like Terra, I know the two of you plan on starting a family at some point, and we have a handsome sperm donor right here to help you get started."

" Mom!"

Saphron cried out as her other mother gestured toward me, and I asked, feeling more and more dumbfounded by Jeanette's direct and frank attitude.

" Is she always like this?"

" Yes!"

The Arcs all answered in unity, and the woman in question just smiled. Aleanor looked at me with an appraising look and asked me.

" So, big guy, what's your name?"

" Silva, just Silva."

" No family name?"

I kept silent and looked down at my food to encourage them to make their own assumption because identifying myself as a Branwen right now would just bring me unwanted trouble. Soon I was bombarded with questions by the Arc family, along with Neopolitan and Argint. This was the start of my connection with the Arc family.