
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
280 Chs

Dramatic Black

Raven wakes up to find only April in her bed, with Silva nowhere to be found in her tent. She smiled as she recalled the vigorous lovemaking that went on from yesterday to last night. The snow leopard faunus, of course, needed a break or two to recharge, but the former bandit had plenty of vigor-inducing food prepared in advance to help things along. Raven had been planning the threesome for a while since Silva had been stuck in Atlas to avoid getting a bounty on his head.

The former bandit chief stretched before getting out of her bed and going outside her tent without dressing. She soon saw Silva staring into the campfire, and the snow leopard faunus looked toward her and asked.

" So, Raven, what is the real reason for having April join us?"

" I told you yesterday, Silva, I already know about-."

" Raven... you know me, and I know you as well. I know you are planning something else, so just be straight with me and say what you want. I do love you. You know that, right?"

Raven looked at Silva in the eyes for a few moments, then sighed before taking a seat next to him. The former bandit chief then stated.

" It's Yang..."

" What about her?"

The snow leopard faunus asked her with a look of confusion, and his lover expanded her meaning.

" She has this idea in her head that Tai and I can fall in love and become one big happy family. Yang thinks she is being subtle, but it's painfully obvious what she has been trying to do. Inviting me to dinner back at Tai's place, talking about maybe joining in on a family vacation, and other similar things that would force Tai and me to interact with one another."

With a helpless look, Raven explained her thoughts and feelings.

" I trust, did trust Taiyang to watch my back during missions. I would smack him upside the head if he cracked one too many jokes or when Qrow dragged him along in his drunken shenanigans. However, I do not, will not love him in the way Yang hopes because I not only have you by my side, but Taiyang is honestly not my type."

Silva considered her words for a few moments, then asked for confirmation.

" You want me to explain our relationship to Yang?"

" In a matter of speaking..."

Raven avoided eye contact as she answered and then said.

" I made progress in mending my relationship with Yang but introducing you as my lover would set things back unless handled correctly."

The snow leopard faunus picked up the context of what the former bandit chief was suggesting and started in a deadpan tone.

" You want me to be the bad guy so that Yang would direct her anger at me instead of you so that you can continue reconnecting with her."

" Essentially, yes..."

Silva then asked Raven in a still deadpan tone.

" The green card on pursuing other women and April are basically bribes to go along with your idea..."

The former bandit chief nodded, which made the snow leopard faunus sigh and massage his temples after a minute; Silva groaned.

" Fine, but you are still going to owe me one despite last night's fun."

" Thank you."

Raven said with a slight smile at Silva for agreeing to go along with her. The former bandit chief then went over on how she wanted this done with her lover. The snow leopard faunus was not happy at what she was suggesting but had already agreed to take the heat for her.


Yang Xiao Long was excited about spending another weekend with her mother, especially since she was no longer grounded. She waited on her bed in her room at the Rose-Xiao Long residence on Patch Island. The blonde girl made plans on how to get at least her father and mother to meet one another. Raven may have said she didn't love her father, Taiyang, but in Yang's mind, she interpreted that they hadn't fallen in love yet. She knew her father felt something for her mother because she was the result of their relationship.

Yang felt sure that once she showed how good her father was, her mother, Raven, would be more inclined to give him a real chance at being a family. She was not only doing this for herself but for her little sister, Ruby, as well to provide her with a mother figure. Raven could never replace Summer; Yang knows that, but she wants her little sister to at least to have an older female to talk about... things that she really, really does not want to discuss with Ruby or leave her with a stranger. The blonde recalled her father's attempt to explain puberty to her and stuttered at the thought of a repeat performance of that nightmare.

Taiyang decided to pass along explaining puberty to a female teacher at Signal Academy instead after failing. It was awkward as it could possibly be and resulted in Yang being unable to look that female teacher in the face for the rest of the semester out of embarrassment. The blonde did not wish for Ruby to go through that as well, but that was just one reason among many that she had for wanting Raven and Taiyang to get together. As Yang pondered on how to get the two together, Ruby showed up and asked.

" Am I late?!"

The blonde wryly smiled at her sister and answered.

" No, Ruby, the portal has not shown up yet."

" Whew, when I saw that, I slept in for an extra hour. I thought I might have missed you."

Yang poked fun at Ruby for the reason for sleeping in more than usual on the weekend.

" You really love weapon designing, don't you Ruby? I mean, you spent most of the night looking at the latest issue of Weapons Monthly."

" Yang! Don't you understand the importance of a weapon shifting into five very different forms while maintaining structural integrity and efficiently using Dust to make the costs reduce by half when compared to other similar weapons? It's revolutionary! I can't wait to make my own custom weapon!"

Yang shook her head in wry amusement at Ruby's enthusiasm as her little sister gushed over the different weapon ideas she had in mind. Not long after, the weapon fanatic's ranting and raving over mech-shift weapons, a red portal opened, and the girls rushed through in excitement after grabbing their bags. Yang saw her mother and smiled as she greeted her.

" Hey, Mom, ready to start things with a Yang?"

" I see you inherited your father's sense of humor but with puns instead of dad jokes."

Raven dryly stated while Ruby just shook her head at her big sister's attempt at humor. The former bandit chief then looks toward the little cookie monster and offers.

" Ruby, if your sister and father start telling too many jokes, just call me, and I will bring you over to my camp until they tire themselves out from trying to be funny."

" Thank you, Raven!"

Ruby thanked Raven and felt relieved that she had somewhere to go in case her father and Yang started another joke-off in case Uncle Qrow wasn't around to help her make it through or suffer along with her. Yang took offense to what her mother was implying.

" Hey! I'm punny!"

The former bandit chief rolled her eyes but didn't retort. Suddenly a black portal appeared, and a 6'8" tall guy with arms like a snow leopard came through wearing only a pair of dark grey pants and black combat boots. It was Silva; he greeted Raven with a quick peck on the lips and pulled her in close with a hug, then said.

" Hello, my love."

The former bandit chief kissed him back and then greeted him back with a smile.

" Welcome back, Silva."

Yang's jaw went slack at what she was seeing as her mind stopped working from shock, and Ruby, while confused at the sudden turn of events, decided to be friendly, although in her own usual socially awkward ways when it came to strangers.

" Ah, hi there..."

Silva looked at the little cookie monster and returned the greeting.

" Hi."

The snow leopard faunus then redirected to the former bandit chief and said.

" I didn't know you would have guests, love."

" Well, you do come and go as you please, dear."

Yang finally pulled herself together and shouted with growing anger as her mind became clouded.


" Um, no."

Silva said in turn as he casually dismissed the blonde's outburst. Yang blinked in surprise at the response, and her eyes turned red as she charged at him. Raven stepped away from the snow leopard faunus to give him room to maneuver, and as Yang telegraphed a straight punch, Silva caught her arm and bent it behind her back, then pressed against one of her knees to force her down. The blonde struggled to break free but couldn't as she roared out in rage.

" Let me go!"

Silva looked toward Raven and said.

" I think introductions are in order, love."

The former bandit chief started introducing everyone as she went up to Yang and placed her hand on the blonde's head to help calm her down.

" Ruby, Yang, this is Silva. My lover, or in a way, you will better understand my boyfriend. Silva, the blonde you are holding is my daughter Yang and the one with silver eyes is Ruby."

Yang then demanded with an incredulous expression.

" Boyfriend?! What about dad?!"

The former bandit chief sighed and reminded her daughter.

" Yang, I told you I don't love your father and probably never will."

Raven then focused on Silva and asked.

" Dear, can you let her go?"

" Depends. Hey, blondie, are you going to try and attack me if I let you go?"

Yang kept silent, and her mother then gently asked.

" Yang..."

The blonde growled as her eyes went back to their usual lilac color.

" Fine!"

The snow leopard faunus lets go of the blonde, and she glares at him as she demands with restrained anger.

" Who in the heck are you!?"

Silva got up and asked in turn.

" Your name is Yang, right?"

" Answer my question!"

Yang demanded as her eyes went back to turning red. Silva held up his paw and said.

" We met before, you know, six years back, closer to seven now. Do you remember?"

The blonde blinked in confusion, and with her anger not clouding her mind as much as before, she realized who was in front of her.

" Silva?!"

Yang shouted incredulously as her mind started to see the implications of the interactions she just saw and lost her mind.


The snow leopard faunus told the former bandit chief.

" Why don't you take Ruby somewhere else while I talk to Yang here."

Raven nodded and went to Ruby, then said.

" Come along, Ruby. We best leave them alone for a bit."

" Why?"

The little cookie monster asked as she was lost and confused at what the current situation was right now. The former bandit chief got behind the younger girl and pushed her along to give Yang and Silva privacy. After they left the snow leopard, faunus told the blonde.

" If you have questions, now is the time to ask them, Yang."

Yang huffed and puffed as she tried to understand what was happening. After a few moments, she calmed down enough to ask Silva.

" Just who are you?"

" Do you want the long or short version?"

" Tell me everything."

Silva sighed, then said.

"You're going to want to sit down for this."

The blonde took a seat on a log near the dead campfire as the snow leopard faunus told his story without the magic, Maidens, or Relics. Yang asked a few questions here and there, and Silva answered as best he could. Time went on until night eventually came. Yang stared at the raging campfire, lost in her thoughts, and Silva sat across from her as he added more firewood to it. The blonde then stated.

" This is messed up, you that right? Like seriously messed up in the history of mess-ups!"

" I wouldn't go that far, Yang. I have heard worse, far worse."

Yang was about to deny Silva but saw the hollowed look in his eyes that made her acknowledge that he was speaking the truth. Minutes ticked away in awkward silence, and the blonde got up and stated.

" I am going to sleep."

" Sleep well."

Yang ignored Silva as she went to her and Ruby's tent. The snow leopard faunus sighed and muttered to himself.

" You owe me big, Raven."

He had to act like somewhat of an a*shole so that Yang would direct her ire more towards him than Raven so that she could continue trying to connect with her daughter with few issues.