
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Divine Black

After what felt like an eternity, I managed to create enough units of Magic in the seven digits, which I estimate is four times Full Maiden Cinder and possibly Raven. This is just a rough guess based on what they have done on the show and how much Magic it takes to conjure a single effective spell from my experiments. I have found that it is easier for me to use lightning magic than other elemental magics through the tests and experiments I conducted. Learning that there is such a thing as an affinity for elemental magics explains a few things I saw in the show.

I looked toward Jinn as I took a rest and thanked her.

" Thank you for your patience, Jinn, and for letting me use the Lamp to stop time."

" There is no need to thank me as you showed me the birth of new knowledge. As thanks, allow me to give you a hint about your concerns about the unstable increase in your Aura. The third hidden component that causes this increase does not derive from yourself but does affect you indirectly in the long run."

" Thanks, Jinn. I may call you again to run more tests incognito."

The genie smiled at me and said before returning to the Lamp.

" It would be my pleasure to see what new knowledge you discover in the future."

As she returned to the Lamp and time returned to normal, I yawned and went back to the Drake to sleep after spending who knows how long in frozen time; I felt the need to see some familiar faces. I walked over to the Drake, but my surroundings suddenly changed into a hazy white space that seemed to continue forever, and I heard a voice I wasn't expecting to hear ever again.

" I must admit I am surprised that you managed to get magic through your own efforts."

I turned to face the God of Darkness and felt a bit of dread at seeing him but kept my face neutral as I asked.

" Am I in trouble?"

" That remains to be seen."

Well, sh*t. I better play it cool.

" How may I assist you, God of Darkness?"

" I have a few questions to ask you."

" I will endeavor to answer to the best of my humble ability."

The God of Darkness walked past me with his arms behind his back, then asked.

" What are you planning on doing with your newfound Magic?"

I didn't need to lie or withhold the truth in this instance, so I told him with complete honesty.

" My goal in acquiring Magic is to combat Salem directly and have her see me as more of an equal in order to reason with her in her doomed quest for death."

" Oh? How do you plan on reasoning with the foolish and arrogant witch?"

" Well, I know her goal is to fracture humanity beyond repair and summon you and your brother with the Relics to enact your final judgment, and she hopes that you two also kill her along with the rest of the world. However, you and your brother would probably erase humanity and the faunus, labeling them failures. You would probably leave Salem alone in a dead or dying world without even Grimm keeping her company. If I am not being too presumptuous in assuming your intent?"

He turned his head toward me as he replied with his back still turned against me.

" No, you are correct in guessing me and my brother's actions if we are summoned to find a divided world and pass our judgment."

It looks like I was right about how those two would react, and with this confirmation, I can add more weight to my argument against Salem. The God of Darkness turned to face me, then asked.

" If you fail to reason with the witch, what do you intend on doing with her?"

" If reasoning with her doesn't work, I will use the Staff of Creation to send her to the moon and leave uniting Remnant to Ozma as I live my life as best as I can with the people I love and care about."

" You have no intention of uniting this fractured world yourself?"

He looked at me, and I told him truthfully.

" If there is someone else that wants to do it, let them so long as they don't cross my bottom line and harm me or my loved ones and family."

" Hmm... What if there were no one to unite the world?"

" I wouldn't do it as I have no patience for politics, and I will not suffer fools with delusions of grandeur. If they come at me or my own with ill intent, I will respond in kind with extreme prejudice. God of Darkness, I am a selfish and self-centered individual that is more than content to let the world burn so long as the people that I care about are safe."

I smiled with a bittersweet feeling in my heart as I told him.

" However, I only speak for myself. If some of the people I care for decide to get involved with the world's affairs, I will help them to the best of my ability."

I know that Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, and a few others would definitely try to make things better for everyone, so I couldn't completely ignore the world if it was set on fire because they would spring into action. The God of Darkness said with an unreadable look, especially since he had little to no facial features.

" I see..."

" I am satisfied with your answers and have nothing more to -."

He stopped speaking when the God of Light appeared and greeted his younger brother warmly.

" Hello, brother."

Whelp, things just went sideways—just my f*cking luck. These two are every bit as quarrelsome as regular brothers, and I am now likely to get caught in the middle. If I knew getting Magic would draw these two here together, I would be less inclined to do it or, at least, do it near Salem in hopes she distracts them from me. More than ever, in this instance, I hated my weakness as I was nowhere near the level to face these two gods. The elder brother looked at me and asked in a surprised tone.

" So you found someone to give the gift of Magic, brother?"

" Not quite, brother, as he figured out how to acquire it through his own efforts."

" Tell me what your name is, young one."

With a sense of unease despite the God of Light's friendliness.

" My name is Silva Branwen, God of Light."

" Tell me, Silva, what do you intend to do now that you have Magic?"

I felt annoyed at having to explain myself, but I had to do it. Before I could say anything, the God of Darkness told his brother.

" I already asked that brother, and he intends on dealing with the witch."

" That is interesting. Anything else aside from that?"

" He is an interesting one, brother."

I am not sure how to feel about being called interesting by an entity that can erase me from existence with ease. The God of Light looked at me more intently and then commented.

" You blessed him before, brother."

" Yes, he showed respect for the meaning of death and felt he deserved a reward."

" Is that all, brother? Usually, after the witch led our previous creations against us, you didn't bother interacting with any of our creations afterward and kept your distance."

" As I said before, brother, he is an interesting one."

As the two gods talked to one another, I worked up the nerve to interrupt them, as I really just wanted to sleep, especially after the nerve-wracking meeting between these two.

" Forgive my interruption, but I was wondering if I could be sent back? If that isn't too much trouble?"

The two gods looked at me and then at each other, and the God of Light said.

" Certainly, Silva, but before I send you back, I would like to extend my blessing to you like my brother."

Knowing the relationship between these two, I looked at the God of Darkness to silently ask for his thoughts on the matter. I got the impression that he was pleased that I referred to him first before asking his brother for anything as he asked.

" Brother, why do you feel the need to give him your blessing when he already has your previous gifts for humanity and the faunus, Aura, and Semblances?"

" Brother, you have never before shown any personal interest in our creations, and I feel it should be rewarded."

" Very well, then."

The God of Darkness nodded toward me, which I took as permission to accept the God of Light's blessing. I decided to go with getting another Semblance since I already got Magic, and having another Semblance is a safe request compared to asking for more Magic. I could've gained some magical knowledge instead. Still, I plan on using Soul Archive on both Ozma and Salem to get their knowledge and, more importantly, experience on the subject, so it seems redundant to ask that of the God of Light. I finally returned to Remnant and crashed into the inflatable mattress to sleep away my stress and mental fatigue.