
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Departing Black

I asked myself, why am I here? I am not being physiological here, as I watch Jaune Arc singing for Arc Family karaoke night.

" I dream a beautiful dream~."

I have no clue about the song he is singing, but he is clearly off-key, and I ask myself once more why am I here spending time with the Arc family? I just wanted to relax in Shion for a few days and give Neopolitan and Argint a bed to sleep in for a change. I inwardly sighed as the Arc's karaoke night continued until Jeanette Arc handed me the microphone and said with a smile.

" Your turn, Silva."

" No thanks."

I politely tried to hand back the microphone, but the Arc matriarch just dragged me out of my seat, and Aleanor encouraged me to participate.

" Come on, big guy, show us those pipes of yours."

I looked at Neopolitan and Argint. The tri-colored girl gestured for me to do it, and the vampire bat girl kept a neutral expression. I will just do it and turn in for the night.

( Insert Enemy by Imagine Dragons)

I honestly felt that this song was appropriate after all the racist idiocy I had to deal with for being a faunus. I had to say it felt satisfying seeing the Arc family's stunned faces; I left before they got out of their stupor and went to my room. Neopolitan and Argint soon followed me back to our room, and I sat down on the bed, lost in my thoughts. I started seriously considering just leaving tonight as my patience with the Arcs is running thin after spending a few days with them. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw the tri-color girl trying to get my attention.

" Yes, Neo?"

She texted on her Scroll, and it said.

" Can we leave?"

" Sure, but what brought this on?"

Neopolitan then texted.

" Arcs, annoying."

I nodded in agreement and told her.

" Pack your things. We leave tonight after everyone goes to sleep."

The tri-color girl started packing along with Argint, and I did the same. As we packed, I heard a knock at my door and went to see who it was. I opened the door and found Jaune standing in front of me in his blue bunny onesie. I looked at him with confusion as I asked.

" What do you want?"

He squirmed under my gaze before and said.

" Can you teach me how to be a hero?"

" No."

" But, why?!"

Jaune exclaimed but quickly covered his mouth and asked more quietly after looking around.

" Why not?"

" Because I don't know you and don't have any reason to teach you anything. Why don't you ask your sisters instead? If you get down on your knees and beg, they might be willing to teach you something."

I closed the door on the youngest Arc and went back to packing my things. I briefly wondered if I had caused Jaune to be different in the future by giving him that advice on asking for his sisters' help. Regardless if I see him at Beacon without his Aura unlocked or sneaking in with fake transcripts, I will send him back to his parents because that kind of unpreparedness would not only get him killed but his teammates as well. After Hazel's sister died during a training mission under the supervision of an experienced Huntsman/Huntress, it shows that even when still in training, you can still die.

As time moved forward until midnight, the girls and I left Shion behind to put the Arc family behind us.


Morning greeted Shion and the Arc family as they had breakfast. Garnet commented about last night's karaoke.

" I wasn't expecting Silva to be such a good singer but did anyone recognize that song he sang?"

Violet then said after swallowing her food.

" I think it was something he wrote himself, considering the lyrics, as I can't think of any band that does songs like that, not even faunus or mixed bands."

The youngest female Arc, was the biggest music listener in the family and everyone agreed with her assumption. Jeanette Arc then asked as she adjusted her glasses.

" Speaking of our resident faunus, has anyone seen him or his friends?"

All the Arcs shook their heads in reply as they hadn't seen him since last night. Jaune Arc poked at his food absentmindedly as he thought about what Silva had told him last night, then shook his head as he muttered to himself.

" Ask my sisters. How can they help me be a hero like Dad and grandfather? Their girls!"

The youngest Arc had false bravado and macho idiocy running through his head as he dug into his breakfast. While he ate, he wondered how to get into one of the four Huntsmen Academies in order to fulfill his dream of being a hero. Aleanor then said at the absence of Silva and his friends.

" They might still be sleeping in today since we stayed up longer because of karaoke last night."

Most of the Arc family nodded in agreement, and Jeanette then said to her bespectacled daughter.

" Cally, are you up for spending the day with Silva?"

" Certainly, mother, but I have a query if you don't mind me asking."

" Ask away, Cally."

Calypso cleaned her glasses before asking.

" What makes you so intent on having at least one of us dating him, mother?"

The Arc siblings stopped eating and looked toward their mother as she smiled and said.

" Well, putting his good looks aside and big strong body. From what I could see from my Semblance is that he is very caring and devoted to the people he opens his heart to, and I could see he was more than a little sexually frustrated because he can't tend to himself without help."

" What do you mean, mom?"

Jaune asked his mother with curiosity.

" He can't masturbate, my little rainbow."

Giles Arc did a beautiful spit take with his coffee at hearing that detail from his wife. The Arc siblings were either slack-jawed at this new information or blushing at their mother's bluntness. Aleanor then asked for confirmation.

" Jean, what do you mean he can't masturbate?"

" He does not have hands, and his claws are quite sharp."

The bustier Arc matriarch then understood what she meant, and so did Giles as he winced at imaging having sharp claws pierce his tender bits. He still didn't like the faunus for a number of reasons, but he wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone except for his worse enemies like Grimm or bandit scum. Calypso Arc then said.

" So I can somewhat understand why you want us to bond with him, mother but tell me this. Who do you think would fit him best?"

The bespectacled Arc matriarch sipped her coffee, then answered.

" It depends on who is better able to connect to him through their own efforts, but if I had to give my opinion, I would like Garnet to be the one. She is the eldest and yet hasn't given us any grandbabies."

" Mother!"

Garnet Arc cried out, feeling embarrassed as a blush adorned her cheeks. Another morning continued with the Arc as they were unaware that Silva was long gone.