
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Deciding Fate

I had Illyasviel settle down at my residence for now and went to the docks to see if Saber and Lancer would still fight and draw the attention of the rest of the Servants. Overall the next one I am going to deal with is Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, as his Servant is hopelessly outclassed compared to the rest in this Holy Grail War. Diarmuid Ua Duibhne only got lucky at wounding Artoria because she did not know what his Noble Phantasm was. I am betting Kiritsugu will still deal with Kayneth as he did in the canon by kidnapping Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri, his fiance, and forcing him to order Lancer to kill himself.

Night soon greeted Fuyuki, and the second fight of the Holy Grail War was about to start. I did not have to wait long as Saber and Lancer clashed against each other. Seeing them fight, I felt I could face them without tricks as they were not as fast or strong as I am with Aura and Magic enhancement. It did not take me long to find Lancer's Master, and I will keep hidden for now until Berserker shows up. I want to work with Kariya Matou and have him kill Tokiomi because the Mage would not allow Sakura to return to the Tohsaka family; otherwise, once I deal with Zouken.

Rider soon entered the scene on his chariot to try and recruit Saber and Lancer. Then Archer Gilgamesh appeared in all his golden arrogance after Iskandar, then, finally, Berserker. I slipped behind Kayneth and immediately beheaded him, causing Lancer to vanish soon, much to everyone else surprise. I soon spotted Kiritsugu and his assistant Maiya Hisau after a bit of looking and considering I had already seen Waver when his Servant dragged him to the battlefield, so that only leaves Kariya.

After moving around the docks while spreading a bit of Magic detection, I found Berserker's Master and spoke to him while remaining unseen.

" Are you Kariya Matou, the Master of Berserker?"

" Who's there?!"

Kariya looked around on guard with his Crest Worms being agitated as they squirmed beneath his skin. Considering he has literal brain damage and can't perform complex thoughts because of being worm bait, it should not be difficult to convince him if I do so with sincerity.

" I am someone hoping to ally with you to help the little girl under your Father's tender mercies."

" Why do you care?"

He did not lower his guard, and I told him truthfully.

" I may not be a hero, but my heart is not made of stone, but a more realistic reason is that I benefit from your Father from dying, and I can do that more easily if you keep your Servant out of my way."

" Ha, as much as I hate that old vampire, he is not someone that can be killed easily."

" Then allow me to introduce myself. I am the Master of Caster, and my Servant is more than enough not only to end that old monster once and for all but also to heal, at least physically, the little girl. However, the headache comes after she can't return to the Tohsaka family as long as Tokiomi draws breath, as he won't allow her to return. He views his former daughter's joining the Matou family as a good thing despite being somewhat aware of what sort of things would be done to her to allow her to become a desirable womb for the next generation of the Matou family."

Berserker's Master considered what I said, then asked.

" Why do you want the Grail?"

" I want to return to my homeland that is out of reach by ordinary means."

I kept the details to myself as I spoke about my singular desire right now. Kariya then said.

" Even if you had not approached me, I would have dealt with Tokiomi regardless, but I will accept your help for Sakura's sake."

" Very well then. I will attack Zouken tomorrow night as I need to make some preparations to ensure he dies, no matter what."

" Do you promise to protect Sakura in case things do not work out for some reason?"

Considering I am here for a minimum of 10 years, so this is a promise I have no issue keeping.

" I swear on my soul that Sakura will be taken care of one way or another."

Kariya relaxed as he limped away, and I went to talk to Skadi about getting her help.


Gilgamesh couldn't help but smile in amusement at Lancer's bewilderment as he dissipated because he had just lost his Master unexpectedly. His instincts told him that it wasn't a usual mongrel running behind the scenes like a rat but something far more entertaining. Archer could not pick up any other presence outside of Saber, her Master, Rider, his Master, Berserker, his Master, and the two other mongrels sneaking around in the shadows. He was starting to get bored fairly quickly before now since none of the other Masters and their Servants could compare to him.

Gilgamesh had a sneaking suspicion that Caster or their Master was involved in Lancer's recent bowing out. Still, he would keep it to himself since Tokiomi was a terribly dull vassal, and seeing him try and figure out what was going on in this newfound chaos would amuse him for a time. Archer considered putting Berserker, Rider, and Saber in their places at his feet as the mongrels they are but decided just to let them dance for his amusement. He smiled as he saw Berserker take immediate hostility toward Saber and enjoyed the show.


Artoria was confused at Lancer's sudden loss of his Master and no longer being able to participate in the Holy Grail War, but on the plus side, her cursed wound healed. Considering what she knew of her Master, she assumed that it was his doing, as she was sure he would assassinate Lancer's Master if the opportunity presented itself. Saber's attention shifted to Berserker as he roared out and charged at her with wild abandon while wielding a pole now covered in red veins and black mist. She blocked his strike with her hidden sword and felt the mad warrior's strength as she parried instead.

Berserker was clearly a highly skilled warrior to Artoria since he immediately counter-attacked with the other end of the pole, which she evaded with a back step. She then got in range with her sword and swung down, only to be blocked and then pushed back by the mad warrior's strength. Saber grimaced as Berserker attacked her and pushed the swordswoman back with each strike due to the mad warrior's immense strength. Suddenly Berserker vanished as he was called away by deriving him of magical energy to materialize.

Archer snorted and said as he left.

" I tire of this banal development."

That only left Iskandar and Artoria, along with their respective companions. Rider shrugged and announced as he left, as he felt tonight was enough for now.

" Until we meet again, King of Knights."

Iskandar rode off into the sky with Waver in his chariot, and Irisviel von Einzbern sighed with relief as she said.

" Quite an eventful night, wasn't it, Saber?"

Everything came and went like a storm. Artoria was disappointed not to finish her deal with Lancer but moved on as she returned to wearing her modern clothing and put away her battle garments. Saber then asked the homunculus woman.

" What do you think happened to Lancer and his Master?"

" I'm not sure, Saber, but I am sorry you did not get a chance to continue your fight; you looked like you were enjoying yourself."

" I was... But never mind. Where do we head next, Irisviel?"