
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Dark Green

I, Silva Branwen, am currently packing my things onto the airship I restored. As I organized my things, I thought about the two years I spent on that mountain. I didn't just simply train 24/7 but also did a number of other things as well to prepare for the future. As I put my last bag on the airship, Raven showed up and watched me with her arms crossed. Feeling her gaze, I asked her.

" Yes, Raven?"

Raven kept silent for a few moments, then finally said.

" I still have doubts about you acquiring the Relic of Knowledge and the fact Ozpin didn't make use of it to find a way to deal with Salem."

I sighed and used an excuse I came up with to hide how I knew about Salem and Ozma's shadow war in a way Raven didn't know, namely their past relationship and Ozma's feelings for Salem that still exist.

" Look, I told you I heard this from the God of Darkness himself when I drew his attention for whatever reason, and I see little point in him lying to me when I asked him a number of questions."

Raven looked at me skeptically and made her opinion known.

" I still find it hard to believe that you came in contact with that particular... entity. Regardless of the fact you have three Semblances which is unheard of even in legends of old heroes and villains."

I could understand why Raven was having a hard time taking my word for it after all; the whole thing can be considered quite fantastical even with the existence of Magic—meeting a God that washed his hands of Remnant, earning his favor, and getting a gift from him. I then gave her the part of the argument that made her consider at least humoring me a little.

" Raven, you have doubts, and I understand that, but I do have a way to prove it to you."

Raven rolled her eyes in exasperation and retorted.

" The Relic of Knowledge... and how are you going to get it again because even with your skills, you can't break through Haven Academy by yourself."

I grinned at her and replied.

" Just trust me. I know what I am doing."

Raven waved off my assurances and retorted in disbelief.

" I will believe it when I see it."

I finished packing my things and got ready to leave the tribe for good. The only reason I would come back here is either to put the tribe six feet under or help Yang meet Raven if she is still here. Now for Mistral.


A short flight to Mistral and landing my ship somewhere outside of the city because, well, I technically don't have a pilot's license or ownership papers for an old Atlesian gunship. Learning how to fly in Remnant is actually pretty easy, like for dummies book easy. This doesn't surprise me; with Gravity Dust able to make things float naturally, Remnant's development of aircraft is far less complicated than Earth's. For now, I need to find the mountain that Haven resides on and look around it.

My plan is simplicity itself; thanks to Soul Archive, I recalled how Cinder fell in the Vault and then found herself outside after she defrosted from Raven, freezing her after her loss. This means I can enter the Vault underground without needing to go through Haven Academy or get their headmaster's key to access the elevator. Plus, considering Cinder met someone and robbed and killed them for their life savings to pay Lil' Miss for information, this means she likely was near a residential area.

I scour the mountainside at the lowest level to start looking for thin walls to find an underground lake below the Vault. As I tested walls by hitting them with Aura enhanced strikes with my paws, and I started to miss my old weapon. I got the bright idea to channel Emission through it, and it shattered under the strain of its destructive nature. After another miss, I heard someone call out to me.

" Hey! Dumb animal, this here is a toll area so pay up or-!"

Before the racist idiot finished his sentence, I fired a black beam of light at his face and left a small burn on his face. He and his friends back away from me, and I told him coldly.

" Beat it!"

They did not need to be told twice, and they turned tail and ran but not before calling out.

" We won't forget this; you have no idea who you're messing with!"

I ignored them and focused on making my entrance to the Vault. After spending the whole day on this project, I made no progress, so I called it a night. I opened a portal back to my ship and did some work on the books I was publishing before bed. One was a Remnant version of Harry Potter, while the other was a Cultivation novel that I started without plagiarizing any work from Earth called Heaven Defying Demon Empress. The Harry Potter I wrote had a slightly different main character; Harry had a more mature and guarded personality since he was never allowed to be a kid his age with zero friends until Hogwarts.

Plus, the underlying politics of Faunus and Human Pureblood families and Muggleborns can be seen in small details here and there, especially since I made Hermione a beaver faunus with a beavertail. It is selling pretty well as one of the top three best-selling books; good thing I used a pen name to avoid dealing with any annoying issues. Funny enough, my Cultivation novel is also one of the best-selling novels since it is the first of its kind here in Remnant, being part of the reason. As I worked on the third book of Harry Potter, I got a call from someone I hadn't heard from in a while, Miltia Malachite. I picked up my Scroll to answer.

" Hey Miltia, what's up? I haven't heard from you in a while."

I heard no reply for several moments, and I asked, feeling a bit concerned.

" Miltia, are you alright?"

" Silva, I- we need your help..."

Miltia started to explain what happened; it was the events of the RWBY novel Roman Holiday for the most part, with a few differences. First Roman has been confirmed dead due to the info I provided, but Raven got the pay in my stead, which means that unless something like fate exists, Ruby likely won't be attending Beacon two years early like in the canon. Second, while Lil' Miss failed to take over Vale the alliance with Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy, she did manage to kill Hei Xiong senior leaving his son Junior in charge. Third, it seems that Neopolitan became friends with the twins, which almost made me squeal like an excited school girl at meeting her soon.

But back to the issue at hand, Miltia and Melanie have apparently have been abandoned by their mother at Vale and don't know what to do. After hearing Miltia's story, I then asked as I worked out how I could help them in my head.

" First, do you girls have a decent amount of money on hand?"

" Uh, yes, why do you ask?"

I explained with a smile and told her what to do.

" Okay, set up an account at Vale's bank and give me the account number and routing number, and I will wire you some Lein to keep you afloat. After you get settled, I will go meet up with you, girls, and then we can decide what to do from there. Any questions?"

I could hear the happiness in Miltia's voice as she said.

" Thank you, Silva, from the bottom of my heart and Melanie's as well."

" Not a problem; I can't meet up with you anytime soon since I got a project I can't delay right now."

I will give them cash for now without asking too many questions, as getting the Relic takes priority right now. Still, it will be nice to see the twins again and meet Neopolitan for the first time. I continued writing in my good mood until I felt sleep call for me.