

Celestia let her eyes scan Azriel's office. It was big and filled with books. that she could almost taste the smell of those pages.Her eyes zoned in on the large window where he stood with his hands behind his back. She couldn't tell what he was thinking but he had this gloomy expression. 

Neylar was coiled on the couch beside her with her eyes closed but Celestia could tell she was enjoying her discomfort very much. Azriel turned to her suddenly but kept his distance. "Are you going to tell me or you want me to compel you?" He asked. She looked away with a frown on her face.

"It's a long story. "She muttered making him raise a brow at her. " It's not what you think it is. I'll die alright but I'll be reborn." She said staring straight into his eyes. "You are confusing me at this point. What do you mean you'll die?" He asked suspiciously calm.

"I go through a rebirth every century making me loose my memories. So far this should be my fifth but I've been told I won't make it through my fifth because my core will be shattered at that point. Right now I'm walking on pins. I can't really use my full power if I do I'll shatter my core." Celestia mumbled staring hard at the ground.

"But it can be prevented."Neylar said suddenly raising her head from her sleeping position. Celestia gave her a look to keep mute but the creature ignored her. Neylar hopped from the couch and sauntered around the large office choosing to stand beside Azriel.

Azriel looked at her with keen interest."She must find her other half before that. I do believe that person exists." Neylar added earning a scoff from Celestia. She looked repulsed by the creature's logic.

"Do you perhaps have any recollection of your memories from a decade ago?"Azriel asked her but she shook her head."I wish I could remember but no matter, how hard I try I can't remember." She shook her head.

"I don't know but I think I'm forgetting something or someone very important." She said to herself with a sigh. Neylar and Azriel exchanged knowing looks.

"Is there something you guys are not telling me?" She asked staring between the two but they shook their heads."It's nothing. How long do you have until your rebirth?" Azriel asked taking long strides in her direction. He sat on the couch in front of her and gave her an open stare.

"Three months approximately if I'm to take a guess. I mean it could be less or more, I'm not bothered about it anymore." She shrugged reclining in her seat her eyes glowing lightly at the action.

"I have a proposal for you." Azriel said not tearing his gaze from her. "Enlighten me Azriel." She said looking t him through her long lashes-he seemed too relaxed.

"How about going on a romantic adventure with me?" He said making her sit upright in her seat her leg bumping into his in the process." I didn't quite catch that could you repeat?" She said surprised.

"You heard me right Goddess. I want to pursue you romantically. If it means preventing you from dying." Azriel said finally. She did the unexpected by laughing rather loudly. When she calmed down she spoke in a breath. "Are you intoxicated because its either I'm hearing things or I'm becoming crazy. It is impossible for us to be in that kind of situation."

"Who said so? I'm serious about the offer."He said. "I'll pretend we never had this conversation." She mumbled shaking her in disbelief.

"Actually I like the sound of that Azriel. I approve of this proposal of yours."Neylar said walking to her side. "It's a great idea and I think my master here is enthralled by the idea right? Or would you prefer Tholgos's affection?" Neymar asked nudging her leg. Celestia rolled her eyes at her statement . The thought Tholgos and her in a relationship gave her goosebumps.

"Can you give me time to think about it?" She quarried staring at the white ceiling deep in thought. "What do you even need to think about?" Neymar rolled her eyes with a huff smoke escaping her nostrils in the process.

" But sure take all the time you want I know you would come to Azriel anyways." Neymar said staring at his amused expression. "Does your brother know about it?" Azriel asked her and she shook her head.

"I haven't told him and I don't plan on doing that, it would break him." She said staring at him strangely. The more she looked at him. the more familiar he felt. "I have a question for you." She said to him.

"Why do you let me see your face isn't it not allowed?"She asked with a frown. The only thing Mael told her was only soulmates were allowed to see their faces even though he was still being secretive about the whole issue.

"I thought it's only reserved for soulmates." She added with a chuckle."That's true. I just let you see my face because I feel like it." He said smiling. Neylar gave him an are you serious look from where she stood.

"I'll take that explanation with a pinch of salt." She said rising from her seat. Neylar followed her to the door. "I'll be waiting for your answer Celestia." Azriel said stopping her in her tracks. She turned to him slowly and smiled."Don't worry I'll give you your answer." Azriel nodded watching her escape through the door.

"Interesting." He muttered to himself.


"How did it go?" Stephen asked watching her pace to and fro. She paused and sighed deeply. "Not how I was expecting it." She sat beside the archangel and snatched an apple from the fruit basket and bit into it aggressively.

"Easy there tiger." Stephen said with a light chuckle. Her frown turned into a soft smile as she stared at the dark haired being beside her. She was surprised to find out he was actually the friendliest amongst the other. She had also gotten used to his way of addressing her.

"It's annoying but I can't do anything." She huffed taking another bite off her fruit relishing the sweet taste that hit her taste buds."I don't see the leader's proposal as strange.In fact do you have any idea how long he's been planning to do that." Stephen said in a whisper.

"What do you mean by that Stephen?" She asked with raised brows but he shrugged and chose to remain silent. "You should give our leader a chance too." Stephen said patting her hair.

"But I have feelings for someone else." She said softly."Who is that person?" Stephen asked curious. The name she mentioned had him choking on his drink. "Are you okay?" She asked patting his back. He nodded and laughed loudly.

"Mael right? Interesting." He grinned watching a blush tint her cheeks. Their leader had to compete against himself how amusing he thought."I think you should pursue the one you like." He said nodding more to himself. She gave him a halfhearted look.

"I suddenly remembered I have somewhere to be."Celestia said glancing in the direction of the library. " Don't forget what I said, pursue the one you like but give him a chance." He said with a wave.

'Pursue the one you like.' She thought.






























*********end of chapter**********

Hope you enjoyed this part!

See you soon.


The author.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

zeraluvscreators' thoughts