

Ludociel walked briskly to Eros's office. He remembered that he had to attend a meeting at the Archangel realm.

He knocked twice on the polished wooden door with his master's name engraved on it. He heard Eros's voice from inside permitting him to enter. Once he entered, he stood far from him and glanced at Eros worriedly.

Ever since he returned from the feast , he had been too quiet. His demeanor had changed slightly. Sometimes he would hear him talk to himself. The last encounter was when he cleaned his room ;he found a few broken items.

Ludociel wondered what happened, but he decided to leave the man alone afraid of getting an earful from him.

"Good morning, Eros." He greeted him lightly avoiding eye contact. When he got no response from him, he placed hot chocolate in front of Eros whi stared at it blankly.

"I'll like you to grant me an exeat for three days." Ludociel said.

At the mention of exeat, Eros finally acknowledged his presence. "Where are you going?" He frowned. He didn't want to be left alone, but he had a feeling that he would spend more than three days. He was sure it had something to do with the Archangels.

"That's confidential information." Ludociel replied instantly. Eros sighed. "You may leave." He waved him off. Ludociel stared at him one more time, bowed apologetically and left Eros alone to his thoughts.


Their meeting place was empty but Ludociel didn't expect to find Archangel Stephen already in his seat. He wore a cat like mask and his black hair was combed to perfection. He was the noisest among the nine.

The twin Archangel Lucien and Eyrx arrived. They were recognized for their red hair and having a quick sense of smell.

Arcahangel Triton arrived next and took his seat beside Ludociel. He had a green hair and was the third in command while Ludociel was the second in command. Archangel Valeria arrived with a smile on his face. Hebhad brown curls and took a child like appearance.

The ones who arrived had a lively chat. "You guys are late." A voice said to them. "We know that you're hiding come out Mikasa." Stephen said unbothered.

Mikasa huffed at him and sat beside the twins with a bored look on her face. She never liked attending such meetings, but she had to because Hermes had disappeared leaving her alone.

Her dark eyes scanned the group before her. They seemed happy about the meeting. She had a feeling that something will change very soon. "Where was Mael?" She thought.

She remembered seeing at the feast carrying Celestia like his bride. She wasn't surprised she just thought their leader had gone overboard this time.

Luckily, the rest weren't present they were training the new angel. She turned her head to the side to see Ceil giving her a wink. She wouldn't lie he was a playboy and she felt sorry for his mate already.

"Am back guys and I'm taking a nap." Azarus yawned. He was the lazy one among the group.

"Where's leader?" Stephen asked impatiently. "Shut up for once be patient and quiet." Ludociel chided him.

He had to agree with him. Their leader was never late so, he wondered what he was up to. "I'll agree with Steph, leader is never late." Eryx muttered and Stephen gave Ludociel a meaning look.

"Alright you two no more arguments let's just wait." Triton said in his deep voice. Stephen was about to speak when they felt the presence of their leader.

It was so intimidating that it compelled them to lower their heads when he walked majestically to his seat.

" Masks down everyone. "He commanded them and kept his on." Your Grace it's a pleasure to have you in our presence. "Ludociel spoke and their leader nodded in acknowledgement.

" Your Grace permit me to speak. "Stephen stood up body. The rest watched him unconcerned. When their leader nodded.

" There has been clashes at our borders and the demons are responsible for that. They managed to taint five new angels but we purified them before it was completely spread."He finished.

" I see, I'll send more people to your aid then. "Their leader assured Stephen.

" Your Grace, Purity day is coming should we start with the preparations?"Ludociel said.

As their leader, he had to make sure everyone paid their divine dues and they had to be purified to maintain their purity." It would come on and everyone should be present. "Their leader glared at Azarus.

" I'll see to it everyone comes. "Triton said.

" One more thing, I'll give each of you tasks to complete in three days. "Their leader moved to the to the floating scrolls and picked eight.

" You know what to do, send these to the various realms and make sure to gather all the angels." He distributed them to the group.

" Before that, there will be a change in plans this time. Ludociel send invitations to all the Supreme Deities." He said to him.

At this everyone gasped." You're inviting the Gods and Goddesses? "He asked to be sure he heard the right thing.

He nodded his head leaving no room for arguments." You may all leave now. "He dismissed them. They bowed before dissipating like ashes.

Ludociel watched them leave before he glanced at his leader.

"Mael, I don't know what you are thinking but I'll trust you on this.And I've found the owner of the letter." He leaned and whispered in Mal's ear.

"Are you sure?" Mael fumed. Ludociel sighed. "I'll be off now Your Grace." Ludociel bowed and teleported away.





























**************end of chapter ************

Hope you enjoyed this part! Sorry for the late update, i was busy with personal stuff, like schoolwork :o

I wonder what Mael ia thinking inviting the Supreme Deities. I bet you were surprised he was their leader. XD

Anyways, stay safe.


The author ❤️