

"I've finally got you." A familiar voice said holding her by the waist. She felt uncomfortable with Tholgos but he didn't care. "I don't want to be anywhere near you, but after this I have no business with you." He smiled at her.

"I had to admit that I was quite envious of you two. You had no idea how people gazed at you and succumbed into gossiping.I'm hurt Cece." He said in a fake hurt tone.

"At least I wasn't dancing with you." She retorted angrily at him. "How do you think your brother would react to your statement?" He pinched her sides earning a gasp from her.

"He would be very pleased." She rolled her eyes in return. She was speaking to him even though she gave him sarcastic remarks he was still pleased.

"Your Angel friend wants to dance with you now." He said to her. She nodded her head happy to leave his presence. She was amazed how they became friends. Thinking about the past made her cringe.

The last encounter was when her twin brother and her painted Tholgos face with marker and she did his hair like a baby. He was fuming and chasing the two around.

Tholgos glanced down to see her laughing probably at something. "What's so funny?" She shook her head and coughed awkwardly. "Nothing."

They changed and she was back in Mael's arms. They danced in silence. "You look pale, I think you should get some rest." He suggested.

He led her to a seat near Hermes and disappeared in the crowd. "I see that you had some fun." Hermes looked at her in delight.

"I saw you laugh with Mael, I wonder what you two discussed."He said the last part low that if not for her sharp hearing she would have missed it.

" I heard that. Tholgos was being his old self. I was this close to snapping his head. "She complained. He hummed in approval. Tholgos was always like that and his wrath made it difficult for people to approach, he was curious how she did that with ease.

From the looks with things, he was attached to her.

" You're an enigma. "He fanned himself. She gave him a questioningly look.

" I think that you should wait for a surprise soon. "He glanced at the open doors. On cue, a tall figure approached them with long strides and carried Celestia swinging her like a five year old.

She squealed in surprise and realized that it was her brother. He had the same features as hers only that his hair was dark blue like nebula. His eyes were usually grey.

"Brother you're here early." She said. "Of course I came because of my little sister!" He hugged her once more playing with her cheeks.

"Look at you, all grown up now." He commented. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "Caelen, that is enough. You've flustered her."

Hermes pulled her from her brother's embrace. Caelen smiled at them. The two had a chat while she stood behind Hermes. Eros joined them later on.

"And sister who is the handsome angel behind you." Caelen winked. She gave him a disgusted look in return. She knew her brother very well to know what that wink meant and she wasn't comfortable with it.

"Brother this is my assistant. Mael that's my elder brother Caelen, and brother this is Mael." Caelen took Mael's hand and gave it a light squweewze.

"Welcome to the family!" He smiled. "He was already a member before you came. "Hermes giggled.

She left the group and went to sit with the girls.

Selina, The Goddess of Winter and Aphrodite The Goddess of Summer where lounging on one of the couches near the large windows. Selina was playing with her snow flakes and Aphrodite was surrounded by her flowers.

They both smiled upon seeing her. "Celestia! It's good to see you!" Aphrodite squeaked. She wore a green gown with black coat and her curly amber hair bounced as she shifted for Celestia to sit closer.

"Yes it's been long, you guys rarley visit me." She said.

"Says the single one here. We're wives now . What about you have you seen someone that interests you." Selina laughed at Aphrodites silly vomment.

"Am sorry but we're all in the single club." Selina said.

"But Caelen is mine." Aphrodite flicked her hair earning a disgusted look from both ladies. "Well, how is your boy doing?"Selina changed the topic.

" I don't have any boy and if you are referring to Mael am sorry he's not mine.. "She said.

" Yet. "Aphrodite continued for her." As if we'll believe that! Girl look at how you were laughing around him like he's your crush. I could see love floating in the air. "Aphrodite chipped in.

They made a great couple but who could blame her. Their statuses wouldn't allow plus Mael hasn't said anything that she's his mate. It would make everything simple.

" Like I said there's nothing amorous between us." Celestia snapped her from her daze. They nodded accepting her confession.

"I think it's time I leave, its getting rowdy." Celestia said pointing at Posiedon.

"That guy is wasted, you can't say same for Zeus." Aphrodite laughed at the duo.

"I'll leave first and I'll be expecting a visit from you two. Maybe a sleepover will do." Celestia pointed at them dramatically. Her place was lonely and her friends will make it more interesting. Perhaps the others could join. She thought.

"We will, I'll see if I can clear my schedule for that." Selina said.

"Me too Celestia, count me in." Aphrodite said.

She left them and walked passing the Hall of Fame. It was dark and deserted. Paintings of Gods and nobles hang on its walls. As she took steps forward, she heard hushed whispers.

Eager to find the person, she moved forward hitting a vase. It broke with a shattering niose. Footsteps drew closer to her direction and she started panicking.

What will happen if she was caught? She thought. A hand pulled her into a narrow area before she was caught.












**********end of chapter ****************

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Stay safe.


The author ❤️