
Anonymous Tip

What happens when Cassia Vlachos's life change with an anonymous tip. All her friends and teachers turned out to be backstabbing bitches and her parents died because of her. After 5 years of prison, Cassia is back to find that fucker who send the tip. When suddenly the devil himself gives her a chance to find the anonymous tip before everything begins. Can she find the anonymous tipper??? or will her life never change? Remember Not to trust anyone The close ones are your enemies Find the tipper before it even starts

Aria_005 · Teen
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After five years I got to get out of the place called prison. Even for the crime, I didn't do they just had to believe that tip.

I walk out of the gates my soul half dead. The prison was like a hell for me the bullying was bearable but those bitch just had to drag my parents with them when they speak. I lost all hope when my friends, teachers, and my relatives didn't believe me all of them were so fake that I fall for their trap and miserably struggled for my life.

The only hope is now for me is my parents. Back in the days we always got into a fight they told me those friends are no good for me but I was such an idiot for not listening to them.

I watched the busy street. I had no idea that in five years everything would change so quickly. I had to see my parents apologize for my mistakes and for making a miserable life for them, they can shout at me beat me they can do anything they want I just want to see them.

Quickly I walked to reach my home my sweet home. I found myself in a friendly neighborhood where I was born. I rushed towards the house which I was familiar with. I rang the doorbell excitedly no sound of moving was heard. For a while it was complete silence I thought maybe they went outside. I waited for them on the doorstep.

Soon nightfall the cool air rushed towards me making me shiver. No one came. Soon realization hit me they must be no longer staying over here. I walked towards the neighborhood ringing the doorbell. Soon an old lady in the '80s came out and asked

"What is it ??"

" Hi Umm, a couple was living next door to you the Vlachos do you remember them ??" I struggle with myself

"Why yes I do remember them" waves of relief spread into me

" Umm, do you know where they are ??"

"Who are you,??" she asked

"I am a distant nephew" I lied to her I can't tell them I am the daughter of the Vlachos I am so ashamed of myself to bring that word up.

"Dear they committed suicide for not bringing back their daughter from the prison. They spend every bit of money to get her out but nothing helped no one helped them they couldn't hold it anymore" she said weakly

Everything shattered my hope my parents are not alive anymore because of me I was the reason they did this all because of me. A single teardrop left my eye which started to fall more. I couldn't hold it anymore I cried and cried I have no one left with me.

Oh god, what have I done to have a life like this? I don't even want to live anymore I want to die. The pain of losing someone precious to will only be realized when they are gone.

"Tears are words that need to be written"

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