
Anomaly's Reincarnation

[WSA ENTRY] In a universe where death leads to the Sanctuary, governed by the god Vitalis, souls strive to ascend by fulfilling roles and titles. Among them is Cipher, burdened by envy and a sense of insignificance. When he uncovers a hidden truth about the gods, Cipher embarks on a perilous journey to challenge their rule. With the aid of a mysterious system. ======================== Please show me some support, if you liked it! It has a bunch of info dumping in volume one but I hope you like it! ☆= buffer chapter ======================== Volumes: Volume one: Genesis (Completed) Volume two: Village of life (Ongoing) Volume three: Nipuni Volume four: Breath of gods Volume five: The void legion Volume six: UNKNOWN Volume seven: UNKNOWN

Dreadfull_Dusk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The system

The red light flickers, stopping the sword with bolts of energy, as a red penal pops up in front of him and he hesitantly lets down his hands which he was going to use, to block the impact, which would have never worked. 

[System: Grand god of the tenth ring] 

[Message playing: "If you are receiving this, I the tenth master of the tenth ring has been defeated and the god which accompanied me has been sealed. I'm certain they found a way to hide that, perhaps by wiping the world and adding the thing they called the "system" to keep everything in order. But furthermore, you are the next grand god of the tenth ring, the master of all the ten rings of Morgettti. 

This "sanctuary" is not what it seems, well I guess you found that out already, the gods may be after you by now, you will be given a system, one personally created by Altia and I, everything will be put in place for your situation. But, remember, you must never get caught by the gods once you find a way to get out. The system will give you tasks and quests to help you on your journey, whichever you choose, the system is here to help, everything comes with a price.]

The system breaks up and the sword cuts through the red shimmer and plugs at him but in a split second, something opens behind him and he passes through, leaving the Vatilis stunned.

Opening back his eyes, hearing the robotic voice ringing his ears, he blinks, not noticing the small strains of eyelashes in his vision and the scent of blood overriding all his senses. 

[Body building process is complete]

The sound echoed once more, jolting Cipher from his reverie. As he glanced around, a new wave of shock washed over him, his gaze fixating on the unexpected sight before him. Hands and legs sprawled out in front, he couldn't help but feel baffled by the surreal scene unfolding.

With a tilt of his head, blonde locks cascaded over his face, obscuring his vision. Yet, as he peered downward, a startling realization dawned upon him. He was naked, vulnerable in his newfound state of existence. His weak, emaciated form seemed to cling to his bones, a mere shadow of its former self.

"Where am I?" The words escaped his lips, his voice trembling with uncertainty. It was a sound he scarcely recognized, echoing with a fragility that mirrored his current predicament.

A minute ago he was going to be split in half by Vitalis, then he's here, wherever this is. 

[Your currently located in a dungeon]

The system answers, but not a trail of happiness comes right after, but instead anguish. A dungeon, where beast and other things roam, the only thing is, you're not able to leave until you defeat the dungeon bosses. Unlike the rings where you can go and come as you please, so as ruins. Dungeons, you have to stay and finish it. 

"Why here?" He pleads, desperation in his voice remembering the cold encounter with the god, even though he wanted to kill them, this was his first encounter with one, he has never imagined he would feel so belittled by someone, and inadequate and small. 

The scene on repeat plays over and over in his head, the thing with the system and the message he didn't quite absorb. Even so, there is one thing for certain, he wanted that feeling of inadequacy to flip onto them. 

He wanted them to cower and beg for their lives as he took them, he wanted to bring down all the gods…kill them.

Recalling parts of the message, he wonders if it will answer a question for him, though he is not sure, he'll still try. "How do I kill a god?" He asks.

[Price: Your exp gain during your time in the dungeon will be reduce to half]

'A price?' he thought to himself, perplexed but understands that everything comes with a price. "I accept that." He says, accepting that the information is more important than anything else right now. 

[Adding exp shortening]

[The only thing that can end a god is another god. But you must be stronger and much more powerful to achieve such a thing.] 

"I'll do it, I'll kill the gods." He swears, his path forming in the book of destinies, his every word engraving into the book's pages. 

'I need to see that message back.' he thinks to himself. "System please replay that message." he says out loud, all he can do is talk, his lower body unresponsive.

[Replaying message…]

Analyzing to the message the words that sticks out to him is that he's the next mast of the tenth ring, and the fact that they actually wiped the world and added the system, 'that means there wasn't a system before, but why is the god going to such lengths just to be in control of this place.'

Cipher while deep in thought vividly remembers the oppressive air and the world bending power that god possesses, and he plagues never to feel that way again.