
Anomaly's Reincarnation

[WSA ENTRY] In a universe where death leads to the Sanctuary, governed by the god Vitalis, souls strive to ascend by fulfilling roles and titles. Among them is Cipher, burdened by envy and a sense of insignificance. When he uncovers a hidden truth about the gods, Cipher embarks on a perilous journey to challenge their rule. With the aid of a mysterious system. ======================== Please show me some support, if you liked it! It has a bunch of info dumping in volume one but I hope you like it! ☆= buffer chapter ======================== Volumes: Volume one: Genesis (Completed) Volume two: Village of life (Ongoing) Volume three: Nipuni Volume four: Breath of gods Volume five: The void legion Volume six: UNKNOWN Volume seven: UNKNOWN

Dreadfull_Dusk · Fantasy
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8 Chs


[Gluttony, one of the seven deadly weapons of Lenardo, the only creator from the genesis era, weapons which has been hidden from the gods eyes, now belongs to Cipher, tenth ringmaster.] 

The goblin pulls back its spear, and thrust it through the air, and stabs the cipher right in his stomach, but as the cipher blinks the goblin was just about to do it which gets Cipher confused. 

He moves away just as it comes for him sticking into the stone behind him. Then as he goes back for another slash with his dagger, its appearance catches him off guard. Now the blade black with red lines running on it and the hilt is a soft smooth black. 

[charging completed: 2% dark energy in using ] 

The blade turns black and easily cuts through the goblins neck carrying a black trail with red swirling within it. Cipher didn't have time to stop and think about the power and dagger he just unlocked he needed to finish this battle quickly. 

He then uses the reminder of the mist to fight. Keeping low, he comes up on one and slices it's neck, the same trail following him, the points popping up, each goblin equaling 20 exp, so it's only 10 he's getting in return. 

Raging on, he prevails, but half way through, he gets tired, his legs throbbing with pain so as his head and blistered hands, that are now red and pulsating with pain as well. 

He couldn't stop though, have to go on, finish what he started and not give up. He's here for a goal and that's what he'll accomplish. Following that, he finishes them all, his body soaked with green blood so as his hair reaches his knees. He is short, nimble and weak, but it didn't hinder him from finishing his battles.

He watches out for all the fallen goblins laying waste on the floor. He blows off the steam of battle and glides his fingers through his hair, 'I should return. But I wonder what goblins taste like?' his belly growls and he picks up one of the bodies and walks back to his small cave he now has to call home. 

Some time passes and he finds it back dropping the goblin on the floor and using the dagger to cut it up and tries it, ultimately finding it taste like the raw mer he had to stay alive on in his past life. Then when his belly is filled he then begins to look at the knife properly taking in the information he gained into consideration. 

"It's mine?" he asks. 

[Yes, the Gluttony dagger is yours accepting the blood of its master, that is now you, once was the first tenth ring masters weapon. Narcen Morgetti.] 

Hearing the name, cipher feels as though he heard it already, how couldn't, it was made into a song about how the ages of genesis ended. "Then the world was pledged to Narcen Morgetti, his people were placed into the rings to ensure the survival of the universe."

[That's right, it was made for the people of the tenth ring to master energy to wield, eating up their dark energy and turning it into power.] 

Cipher liked the fact that the system is answering like a real person, yet even if he was alone it would matter, since he has been alone for years, not having anyone to talk to for a very long time, which did affect him in the beginning but now it doesn't gradually becoming prawn to more quieter placed, but conversing with the system begins a sense of nostalgia. 

[You now have three hordes to defeat in the green goblin section]

It brings him back to reality, making him remember he has much to do, to get out of here and much more to do when he gets out.