
Anomaly's Reincarnation

[WSA ENTRY] In a universe where death leads to the Sanctuary, governed by the god Vitalis, souls strive to ascend by fulfilling roles and titles. Among them is Cipher, burdened by envy and a sense of insignificance. When he uncovers a hidden truth about the gods, Cipher embarks on a perilous journey to challenge their rule. With the aid of a mysterious system. ======================== Please show me some support, if you liked it! It has a bunch of info dumping in volume one but I hope you like it! ☆= buffer chapter ======================== Volumes: Volume one: Genesis (Completed) Volume two: Village of life (Ongoing) Volume three: Nipuni Volume four: Breath of gods Volume five: The void legion Volume six: UNKNOWN Volume seven: UNKNOWN

Dreadfull_Dusk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Dungeon Anomaly

Looking from on top of a hole among the rocks in the ceiling, Cipher's face is seriously staring down at the goblins, their short green bodies like ants on the floor. 

Before that though, after a night's rest, he ended up going further into the small cave finding a hidden pathway which led up to the ceiling, ending up where he is now. 

It may have taken him a few hours to reach, but at least he found a good spot to observe them. 

'Goblins, more exactly green goblins, are one of the weakest creatures to fight. Even so, inside the dungeons they are revered for their strategic thinking to take down their opponents together and in said dungeons there are two more types, goblins of strength, strong and oppressive and goblins of magic, they control basic element magic, all together.' 

He continues to analyze them, like he did with all of the people he stayed with throughout the years. 'They have many weaknesses, but the main one is their necks, it deals the most damage on the normal goblins, yet for the red ones, their weakness is in their speed and legs and the mage ones lie in their gems placed right on their chest.' 

His hands tremble, just by the thought of fighting them in his own body but also with that comes the fear of dying. Nevertheless, He smiles, pure joy in getting a chance to fight for the first time. 

He looks down, nodding to himself then, jumps out the hole, holding the daggers firmly in his hands, a scream crackling as he comes down. 

He slams his dagger into one of the goblins' heads, green blood splattering all over his body and eyes, for a moment obstructing his vision. 

"Shit." He says, whipping his eyes and as he opens it back he sees, a make shift spears with stone and wood coming towards him. 

'I guess that won't work' he thinks, retreating from that strategy he played out in his head. 

'Come on cipher, what more do you know about goblins?' he ponders. Abruptly his eyes light up, goblins are very reckless and get distracted and break formation. 

He gazes down, looking at the layout, the ones holding the hammers are in front, the ones with the spear are in the middle and ones with stone swords in the back. 

All he needs is a diveration and form that he can get down and use that smoke to take them out one by one, while also using the rocks to kill off some. 

He peeks his head more out the hole, and views the stone spikes draping from the ceiling and finds many of them loose. He smiles and proceeds to hang from the ceiling using his weak but durable legs to keep him from falling. 

Dangling from the ceiling, he holds his dagger readying to throw it, but before anything he breathes out, controlling his racing heart, then launches it at the accurate spot and creates a chain reaction causing the stones spikes to fall.

He then lets go of his hold on the ceiling and falls, turning himself and landing on the descending rocks an instant shock trailing up his legs as he landed. As he predicted it killed off some and the rest were too confused to know what was happening because of the smoke, he then finds his dagger hidden within one of the rocks but just as he gets back up, a spear swings for his head, he manages to parry it, a spark igniting as they clashes. 

The goblin pushes him back, putting all of its strength into the attack, making his back hit against the rubble. 

Cipher thinks quickly, redirecting the spear over his head and slash's for the goblin's neck, missing it, the goblin only received a mere scratch. No, he didn't miss it; the dagger is just too rusted and dull to cut through its skin. 

As it simmers in, Cipher gets a jabbed in his stomach by the goblin, his body giving up and taking the full impact.

'How..' He coughs up blood on his hands and dagger. 

[Gluttony is awakening] 

[Quest complete: Reward: Fight experience]