
Anomaly's Reincarnation

[WSA ENTRY] In a universe where death leads to the Sanctuary, governed by the god Vitalis, souls strive to ascend by fulfilling roles and titles. Among them is Cipher, burdened by envy and a sense of insignificance. When he uncovers a hidden truth about the gods, Cipher embarks on a perilous journey to challenge their rule. With the aid of a mysterious system. ======================== Please show me some support, if you liked it! It has a bunch of info dumping in volume one but I hope you like it! ☆= buffer chapter ======================== Volumes: Volume one: Genesis (Completed) Volume two: Village of life (Ongoing) Volume three: Nipuni Volume four: Breath of gods Volume five: The void legion Volume six: UNKNOWN Volume seven: UNKNOWN

Dreadfull_Dusk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Desolate lands

As there are nine rings, the tenth is said to be the desolate lands, it will fully turn when its ring master is ready, that's what the rumors and conspiracy said to say. But after years of waiting it still never opened, or showed signs of awakening. 

'Did someone accidentally wander in and give signs to get some help?' He ponders to himself, still continuing on his trail. 'But why is the inside of here after god restricts everyone from coming here.'

As the minutes fly by, he reaches a small mountain, he goes over it and sees just below, a cave opening, something unfamiliar, unless it's a ruin, or a dungeon. He moves down, trying to contain his curiosity and uncertainty gnawing at him, stuck on whether he should enter or not. 

But as curiosity takes a hold of him, he enters. 

First it appears as a normal cave, the soft glow of the red light giving it a creep appearance but much less still showing him the way. The sound of water droplets filled the air, the wet slippery stone all over gives off the typical cave presents, but moving more, he follows the light, leading him down a hall and right through a gaping hole, with a slippery slide which humans would slide down but he just floats down. 

Just as he enters, a full white room greets him. The light scenery obstruces his vision, taking a moment to adjust his vision to something he never thought he would have seen before.

Before him, bonded by chains, is a skeleton, with bone-like-spike on their back and a seal placed directly under them. For a moment, it takes a while for him to fully grasp what was transpiring. He gasps, not getting where any of this is going. Was he led here by someone else or this, thing? 

"Is this some type of jock?" He questions himself, looking around but all the white walls are circling him not only that but the fact that the hole he came from, is gone. 

He exhales, turns around and tries to pass through the wall, but nothing, he is stuck inside the room, with no way of getting out. He tries again but fails ultimately, and as he flips back around he sees a person hovering before him. 

Six wings expand on their backs, flapping in different directions, their body covered by a translucent vail, and two halos intertwining floating over their head. 

It wasn't a creature or a beast, but a god. Its ethereal presence incaptivating him in an instance but with that captivating aura, something lingers in his heart, staring at the most powerful beings in history.

"I see, you've found something you shouldn't have." its voice bounces off the walls, it's light and eerie. "But you are an anomaly after all. A fly caught in a web it shouldn't have." 

The distinct appearance of it reminds him of…Vitalis, though only seeing him once.

"Beings like you should not have been here, but in some place more befitting of your status. Creatures who don't appeal to my rules and system." their voice, completely changing to one of coldness and disgust. 

"I don't understand.." He says, disbelief of what's playing out. Then the realization hits. "That must be a god?" He questions, looking at the skeleton of the thing, questioning the moralities of his words, if he should even be asking that, if it's really a god. 

"People, I mean anomaly's like you don't have the right to be questioning me or the world I create , neither the trial and my universe." Suddenly a sword made out of pure light takes shape over his head. "For that, your soul will be sent to eternity. Where an anomaly like you belongs." 

The sword strikes down, each moment feeling like an eternity as it comes down, questions and memories replayed in his head. Was he really wrong for questioning and hating the gods? Is it wrong for wanting something more than just a planet he knew nothing about? 

Then, as it strikes down, something blocks it, the same red light shimmering with radiance and defiance.

[ System activating]